22 WILMETTE LIFE December 11, 1925 Celebrated Artists I Wellesley Club Announces Give Big Program of ' Annual Christmas Meeting The meeting eagerly anticipated .each Wilmette Club Year holiday tide by members of the North Dudley Crafts \\ atson and Henry Shore Wellesley circle takes place l'.Jtrmont Eames, hoth artists of great Monday afternoon, Dcc~mber 1-l, a! distinction, will render the 'p ro o-ram at the home of Mrs. Innn Rc\\·, 21t . the \Voman' s club of \Yilmette on the Dempster street, Evanston. In an atmo:-;phcrc permeated \\'Ith after·n oon of \Y.ednrsday, December 16. : and Dudley Crafts \\'a tson will lecture cheer from a blazing log fin. on }.1oori :-; h culture in Spain. and the th e spirit of gracious . llospitahty, .a pictures he will usc in illustration of program of carols and Chri~tma:-- lllll'-Ir this talk arc Yery beautiful. As they will be given, \vhich <,,·ill he follo\\'ed are s hown on the screen, Henrv Pur- hy an iniormal recq>tion. mont Eames, the noted piani~t and CLUB PLANS BENEFIT composer, \\·ill intrepret on the piano The Columbus Foundation club " ·ill the atmo::-ohcrc oi th e pictureo.;. giYc a card party i11 tlw l>allro(lm (,f Thi s pnv::-ram " :l he une c the out- I the Ed~T\\· atn Beach h"t<:l. ~atnrda~- . . tanding CH·nts of the L.:.:b sea:--on, / Fchntai:Y 13. at 2 P . ~~ . The proceeds \rill and is unique in that it offers the ap .. , gt' to\\·;ncl the hnilding iund ior the S~ at~l pcal of two fine artisb wor!~in g to - ~ otic church of thl: Cniycrsity of Tllmn1 s. get her on one general theme. f t i:-- the hope oi H.cY. ] ohn A . ()'Brien. Ph . D. rllaplain. that gr(l1111d !\Irs. Louis I . 1OtH:s . 325 Richmond I i(lr tIlL· Ill'\\ rllurrh \\ill ht· broken road. Krnih,·orth: entcr.tainccl Thur_ - in Fchntar_ , .: :\!r-,._ )()hn .1: ! ':.t:right i- 1 1 day at luncheon and hndgc. genera l rhamnan ()t the p,u1~. ~ ORO-lOGUES , ......,. __......__~) 4. )~· kt · ~ ·· ~ ""· ·~ ~1:-· Smyth Upholstered Covered in d~mask-extra large cushion. 1':1.1 $109.00 ~~-- t. ..... --·- ·· <_:J ~ . The Lamp is of wrought tron · Antique Chased Steel finish with shade of parchment and has a quaint charm all its own. ~~ ·~ .;' -"' I I I $25.00 THE FINEST GIFT OF ALL ! An Electrical Housemaid That Chops, Cuts, Beats, Stirs, Mixes, Grinds, Slices, for One Cent an Hour Italian Pottery Table Lamp with Parchment shade. $21.50 End TablE" constructed of genuine WaIn u t; top 16x12 inches, 27 inches high. C o m p a r tment below. T HINK of the Yuletide happiness you can bring into your home with this kitchen wizard, c1Jied "the grearesr labor - .wing dnicc known to woman." Everi.J day in the week. 36 5 days in the year. thi'i remarkable m.:tchine . KitchenAid . will do the hardest work in preparing deliciom . appetizing foods that make the whole family beam with contentment. Temptingly varied menus. dishes that would be almost impo~sible to prepare without KirchenAid. the housewife can prepare with half the effort in just half the time. And all bv electricity. at a cost of a! out one cent an hour. KitchenAid will mash potatoes to snow-white fluffiness in three minutes, whip cream in tu...'o minutes. have cookie dough ready for the oven in four minutes, freeze icc cream in fifteen minutes! And users say ir is so simple that even lirtle brother or sister can make fudge. sherbets, mayonnaise hundreds of dainties that make a hostess popular. You can buy KitchenAid out of income, on our convenient budget plan . Mail the coupon now for our instructive book. $45.00 Do y c u know · the interesting · Ming Yellow c·,:nese Tables? We have 35 dif- · ferent styles of Gate Legs-one illustrated, top, Mail the coupon today. It will bring you complete information ton1orrou ! 1 Ji.it(·ht·n \ icl ~alt·s \~t·tu·~, n X . :\I i<-IJ i g: t 11 I :1 ,. d I h ·pt. X 7 l'hil':tgt·, Ill I'll. :-;talt· 1171 ]'It 26x24 inches a:-,· St·Jtd lilt'. With Ill! t :ttld <.'CJSt, :t """·'· t>f your hook full ' $32.00 Open every M o n d a y , Wednesday and Saturday Evening until 10 o'clock. p:t rri,·ulars .tiH·Ut j II I Ill· .J j .t 1 I'],\ . Xallt· · . · · ··· 0 1-:itl'ht n.\id ········ 0 ······· , :\d!l!·,·ss ... ........ . . .......... . -----------------------