20 WILMETTE LIFE December 11, 192 ~ A. J. Linehan of Chicago Public Utility Official Purchases ,Boll Residence to Be Wilmette Citiz~n Charles A. Harding, general purchasing agent for the Commo.nwealt~ Edison company, will move mto hts new home at 726 \Vashington avenue in the near future, at least in time to eat hi Christmas dinner there, it was announced this week, and thereby hangs a tale. . Mr. Harding purchased the vVashnig-ton avenue home last spring th~ough the Wilmette office of Reinsen and Kroll, real estate dealers, but decided not to move in until he had sold an apartment building at 1851 Farwell avenue, Rogers Park, which ht owned. The building was on the market all through the summer and fall, but none of the Chicago companies which were listing it were able to effect a sale. About a month ago the local Heinsen and Kroll office undertook to sell the pr Jperty, as George Kroll, head of the office, decided that Wilmette wanted Mr. Harding for · a resident as soon as possible. The sale of the building was closed this week, with the result that Mr. Harding will soon live in the village. A. ]. Linehan, of the A. D. Lake company of Chicago, has purchased a 1 ~ "" brick colonial residence at 1709 \Vashington a \·enue. The residence was formerly owned by \\' ilham noll. 11 r. Linehan will move into his nev: home shorth· after the fir~t of the YC!ar. it was ·said. E. C. Philip:-. of th.e j;:. E. Stults Real Estate company:-.. \\"ilmette office acted as broker in the YOUR ROME Metal Weather Stripped with Riggin's All Metal Equipment :f II deal. I Party Brings Cheer to I Great Lakes Veterans t\londay, Decetuber 17, a ntnnhcr oi Kenilworth and \\. i lmettl' \H.Hllen joined \\'ith .Mr:,. Joseph. Joy.c~. 531 Essex road, Kenilworth, 111 gtvtng a delightful afternoo11 party ior the ~li : ahled Yeterans at Great Lake~ ho~pttal. ~1rs. Joyce asks \\"rr.:'.JJ·:T'n·: LIFJ·: to l'Xpress her appreciation to tiHl:-l' \\'h() ~o gcnerou:-.ly as~i~ ted her. and t.ho~e \\'ho contributed to the ~ucces~ ot the party, hut \\'Cre unable to he present. Those who attended the party "a"· how much the expending ui a ~lllall effort means to the sick boy~. Saves Fuel and Adds to · the Cotnfort of Your Hotne Estimates Furnished without cost or obligation to you Riggin Manu aeturing Co. 220 So. State St. Wabash 2020 l,ocal Phone Winnetka 2205 GIVE HOLIDAY DANCES Invitations have been issued for a dance Saturday, January 2, at the Kenilworth Assembly hall, by l\f r. and Mrs. Carl Keith, John Alling Keith, Miss Cornelia Keith, :Miss Margaret Keith and 'Elbridge Keith. A group of girls including Virginia \Yoodland, Barbara Cook. Helen Dupree, Mary Day, Caroline Haugan. Caroline Olson and Virginia Prus~ing have sent out cards for a dane<' at the Evanston Country club Den·mher 22. -0- Mr . Claude Burnham, 536 Ro lyn road, Kenilworth, has gone to St. .1 oseph. ~1 o .. to at tt'tHI the \\Tel ding of Miss Sarah Spencer, daughter of Judge Spencer, who recl'n t ly lived on the north shore. ::\fiss Spencer i~ to marry a French Le~ation officer and ,,.;·. make her home in \\'a~hington. , D. C. The closing party of this ~C<bOn giYcn hy 1\Irs. Ed\\'ina ).fartine \Y cckler's classes und r the auspices of the Parent-Teach<'r association will h<' held December 18. at the Evan;-tun \Voman's club. ~frs. \Yrckler has conducted th<'se classes for the past three years most . ucce s~ fully. The cl;t--~l·~ ~\'ill reopen January 15. -0- -o- I Thc Young Girls' bridge club met \\'ith i\fiss DorothY Bennett at the Belmnn t hote I. Chic a·t!'O. Friday a i trrnoon. ~1 r. and \f rs. Hugh Fore~rnan. SL~ Essex road. K rn it worth. han' ret urncd from th<' Ea"t. Tll<'ir daul!hter. ~ri~" Patty F0resman. i~ remaining a littlr longer tO \· i~it friend~ in Xt'\\ ' York ' Ce\·. I to whet "the hungry edge of appetite" D ELICIOUS THINGS like these are doubly appreciated by the busy holiday shopper. The Plaza Cafeteria is so convenient to Evanston's smart shops that it's a genuine pleasure to anticipate the tasty luncheon awaiting you here whenever you choose to come. We have funds to loan to property owners on the se· curity of North Shore and other real estate. Salads like these (good to look at and good to eat) arc but one of our specialtie~. Soups, entrees, vegetables, viands, deserts and beverages 44 fit for king and queen" are here in delectable profusion! Dine in the new Rook\Vood R.oom today! SMART and GOLEE 1580 Sherman Avenue . ' E vanaton, Ill. Ll BRARY PLAZA CAFETERIA ORRINGTON A VENUE, Just South of Church Street in the Library Plaza Hotel