December 11, 1925 18 WILMETTE LIFE ,. In keeping with a custom ~being given nation-wide approval, many residents of the north shore are planning to again illuminate the evergreens on the front lawn during the coming holi <iay season, it is said. President Coolidge will turn d sw itch on Christ· mas Eve which \·v iii light the great National Christmas tree on the Whit.e House lawn, at which time community Christmas trees throughout the country will ue simultaneously lighted . A short motor trip on Christmas Eve last year revealed how popular this custom has become. But this year will see an even more extensive use of the outdoor Christmas display. It is not altogether nece ssa ry to own an evergreen growing on the front lawn; for several dollars one may be bought at a nearby store and the final re sults will be quite as pleasir'lg as the permanent tree. The problem of decorating is a task "' hich can be solved accord in~ to individual taste and abilit~ The tree can be decorated with ornaments and lights or equally beautiful result s can be obtained by using nothing more than strings of lights with clean snow placed on the boughs. An extension cord running from an electrical outlet in the basement will supply the nece~ sa ry current for the light s. Lawn Christmas Tree See Bright 'P rospects for at Northwestern Now Popular Custom Trackmen First call for track athletes at NorthThrottghout Country \\ cstt:rn has brought out a likely -looking hunch of performers from which Coach Frank Hill will groom his team for the forthcoming indoor season. The return of a number of veterans together with the influx of some promising sop homores makes the track prospects at Northwestern brighter this year than for some tim e past, it is said. However. Coach Hill will sadly miss a number of able performers who were graduated la st spring. Jim Davis in th e two mile is gone. He was a consi!- tcnt winner as ·was Claren ce Cole in the middle di stance. Gordon Canning, hurdler, and Harold Shirk. in the sprinb , will be great ly missed. Bill Campbell, who was a performer in the htgh jump, ha s left sc hool. Orthophonic Victrola c111 If the expcrienCl"- oi other:-. be of bcncfi.t to \ ' Ott. You "ill haYe learned that tl;is ut;dertak ing- establishment supplil.' :-. :t beautiful burial scryice at a prire that does not add any additional sorrow to your burden. You may choose; you can dance to t~e music of Broadway's latest hits, played by Paul Wb1teman or other famous dance orchestras. Unless you have listened to the New Orthophonic Victrola you have never beard dance music, or in. fact any music as it should be, unless you ~ave actually hstened to the artist or the orchestra in person. Christtnas Day and Any Other Day Convenient Terms North Shore Talking Machine Co. 71 2 Church St. Evanston Univ. 4523 55 4 Center St. W1nnetka Winn. 1793 ~1iss Kathryn Badger of Detroit, Mrch., was the week-end gue"t of :Miss Margaret Keith of 310 Oxford road Kenilworth. ' Ward & Buchholz Funeral Directors -o- . \ Villiam ] ackson 'l';t' lor n·t ltrned Tuesday from Loui and TcnlH'" se to he at hollt l' until after 1he l10liday s. Lady Assistant Private Ambulance 912 Chicago Ave. Ph. Univ. 600 'I Ill Jil SANTA'S CHOICE for CHRISTMAS H §llil©~~llllli~ ITJ)~y~ 9 SIX.- FOUR A numbe;: of CHRYSLER CLOSED CARS will be delivered this Christmas. Why not make the whole family happy with one gift? We will attend to all the details of a Christmas morning delivery- and not a word to a soul. Say Merry Christmas with a Chrysler ttnllll<fu~ (Q)Ircdl®If y @\illlf ClHl~ Y§ILE~ W(Q)W~ EVAMSTOMMOTOBSALES W. D. Reagan, Mgr. SALES 1017 Davis Street Univ. 2277 SERVICE 1840 Ridge Avenue Greenleaf 2190 jiellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIll III IIIlllllllt 11111111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ff