11, 1921 : December 11, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 11 ti a page of aluminum ware to suggest practical ·giving _ ERl~·s a gift idea that's hard to beat! Cuuld anything be tnore useful and thoroughly practical than these splendid gifts of lasting- altnninun1? rrh~y'll n1ake house\rork easier and plcasanter and your thoug-htfulness \Yill be genuinely appr ~ciatcd. Gi,-e son1cthing- of altuninun1! H.' H 6 I ,u()k at this fine alun1inutn gTidclle,,-on't that be just the thing- for tnaking; 1i g·h t . ll u iT y ll a p jack.· on the ·e crisp ".in t c r nl(Jrnings? ()r a p~rcolator. Coffee is at it.., best \Yh~n "perked" in one of these. ~\ncl there ar~ scores of oth~r things that ,,-ill go right into scr\·icc at unce in preparing- the Christtnas dinner -the ruas ing- pan for the turkey. boilers for the pudcl i ng-. aucc pans and ste\\·ing· pans. Pans in hand sets of three sizes . .-\lun~inun1 \\·ear 1~ c\·crlasting--it's g- cl for n1orc than a lifetin1c ot con.~ tant scr,·ice. \\"c g-uarantee l', ·cry p 1 e c <. ' ' · l' s c 11. I [e a" y g aug-c 111 ate ria 1 an cl the best ui ,,·urktnanship 111ake this altnninun1 \\·car supretne! \\ . e \ ·e a ,,·otHlerfully cotnplete sho,,·ing, arranged specialh· for Your Christtnas ~ election. Here· s the tip for Dad ancl.thc rc~t of the fatnily. ~o\\· ·s the titnc to choose! JOHN MILLEN 1219-1221 WILM.E TIE AVENUE· Telephones Wilmette 3060-3061