10 WILMETTE LIFE · December 11, 192. 1 IGirls' Christmas Bazaar William A. Burgess Brings $1,300 for Fund While Taking a Walk The Christmas bazaa.r sta~cd by the I Suffers Fatal Stroke Girls' club of New Tn<>r Htgh school , \\'illiam A. Burgess, 1708 Highland last Saturday deared $1.300, it wa an- I a\ UlUe, was seized with a heart nounced this week. :Members of the stroke while walking on Central ave-~' ciub were enthl:lsiastic oyer the su~j nue at Wilmette avenue last Satur- cess of the affatr. The proceeds wtl dav afternoon and died a short time go to a fund which provides schola.r1 ~. t.er in the St!ider-Cazel's drug store, 1 ships and loans money. to nee~y puptl~ where he had been taken. Ernest so that they may contmue thctr sci:oo Cazel noticed Mr. Burgess stagger and work and also contribute t.:> v~nous nearly fall to the sidewalk. He rushed charities. The bazaar was held m the to his assistance and helped him into mess hall of the high school. There the store. Dr. W. W. Hawkins and \ ve re numerous booth s at which all Dr. ~L R. Barker were summoned. k:nds of articles were sold. a play was ~f r. Burgess died about 45 minutes presented in the afternoon and eveafter the attack. ning, tea was served, and there was Mr. Burgess was 60 years old and dancing in the evening. The bazaar died on his birthday. He had been a is said to ha,·c been one of the mo st resident of the village for the past successful staged on the north shore ·11 three years. Funeral services were this year. held Thursday afternoon from the Book. Certificates (Ask About Them) Christmas Greeting Cards, Gifts, Books, Stationery, Novelties, Dennison's Supplies Wrapping Paper, Seals, etc. The best buy for children " \\ ·h <' 11 You and l \ \' c r e \ ·c r y Y () un g·' · by .A. :\ . Milne. lS1omeA, the ~e~. Huhbertl Carlffiet<?n·. of .Mis~ Veneta Langdon, \\ ho i~ at -1 t. ugustme s c urc 1, o ctatmg. Burial was at Memorial Park ceme- t<.'nding Lake Fore st academy, rl' - 1 turned to \Vilmettc !t.fonday to cclctery, where the Evanston lodge I. 0. hrate her birthday Uonday eYening ~tt 0. F., of which Mr. Burgess was a the home of her parents, Mr. and member, conducted services. Mrs. B . A. Langdon, of 715 Laurel :Mr. Burgess is surv iv ed by his avenue. \vidow, two sons, \Villiam E. and - 0 George T. Burgess: a daughter, M r~. !\ext \\Tl'k ~1i ~s (~ertrttde [ngn~oll H. G. Salter, two brothers and one sister. He ""'as well kno\\'n in \Vil - i~ returning from Sweet Brier and mettc and Evanston and wa~ a member ~Ii ss Betty H.in: from Smith college of the Evanston lodge of the Knights to spe nd ·t he Christmas holida ys at their home, 518 l'l'ntral an'llll\.'. of Pythias and of the Odd Fcllm~;s . - 0-- \\·e ha\·e thi:-- huok llC\\. mu~tr addition. 111 uriginal I)(J<>k f"rtn and 111 tht" BALLARD'S BOOK STORE II 55 Wilmette Ave. RENTAL LIBRARY Phone 2566 Branch Libraries 419 4th St. ( with The Powder Puff ) Ridge and Lake Ave. (With Ridge Ave. Pharmacy ) ~tr~. T. \\·. ~fcElro\· and \fr :-.. Edward i~uhlman of Centerville. lnw,t, ha\·c heen on a short shopping tour in Chicago, and stopped over for a fl'\\' <! <· y s' ,. is it at the home of :Mr s. M r E 1roy's sister, Mrs. N. P . Colwell of 520 Crl'gor.\· a\·cnuc. 0- "Irs. Foster Bran~on, Hl7 Central an:nuc, was hostess at a large lnnrlH'Oil a.nd bridge party Frida~· of this \\'l'ek . (.Ja~- . I Hunter of Blaine. \Vasl1., \\110 ha~ been visiting her daughter . ~fr:-. . IIoyt T'in g ()f 711 Fore st a\·t·nue for the pa!-t three ' month-., dt'Jictrted \\ ' l'dllt'"da~ t·n·ning. - o. ~1 :...... l ,trtl\ In Cr01nan11. " ho l1a been i11 at l.ll'l' hnnH·. 1311> l'ht.·-.tlllll an·nllt', ..,inrt.· a tun!-il l>pt·r;ttion 111 11!<.-rgune alH>IIt !\\() \\l'<.' J,; ... ;1 \..!.0. rv turnl'd t() l~orkiord t't>lkl!t' \\.t dtH· Mr~ . C. 1 ~. B. "fg~~~~ Phones \Viln1ette 2600-2601 Motors Service, Inc. I Everything for the Automobile Both from conviction and policy we have joined "The Society for the Prevention of Useless Giving" We have hundreds of articles, all useful and welcome to the motorist, that will make wonderful gifts and fit any. purse. J. C. Slown A. B. VanDeusen