Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Dec 1925, p. 41

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D ecember 4, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 41 Cadman Devotees to Psi U's Observe Their Ninety-Second Birthday Hear Noted Artist Members of the Psi Upsilon fraterin Concert Dec. 11 nity celebrated the ninety-second an· ,; Charles Wakefield Cadman, the famous composer, will give a concert of his own compositidns in the ball roo m of the Orrington hotel, Evan ~ ton. 1· riday evening, December 11 at 8 :15 o'clock. The concert is givet~ a:.; a benefit for the sc holar ship fund of the Sigma chapter of the ~~ u Phi F.psilon sorority. "It seems to be the i ate of nearlv every compo er," reads a com m ent th e forthcoming concert, " to be known one or two of hi~ 'little thing-s'ongs or piano piece::.-e, en though he may have produced !:><: riou s works in the large r form s which hav e won recognition by cnttcs and :-;e riott s · minded musicians. Thi s is true of ~[r. Cadman, wh o ha s written serious chamber music and the ~co res of several operas, together with many orchestral compo~ition". .. Y d the publi c at large knows him ot;ly as a compo-.er of "From the Land of the Sky Blue \Yater" and "At Dawning." so ng~ made famous by !\o.rd ica . Bonci. ~lcCormack, Gluck, Aida. Ui pham and a score of other great art i-.t s." ~I r . Cadman \nil he assi!:'>ted in thi5 concert hy Constance Eberhart, so· prano, ~~a dame Olk Roelk. cellist, and ~ramie l'cdargren Jernberg, violinist. Thi:-. i:-. the only public appearance of ).f r. Cadman in (·hicago and vicinity thi:-. :-.eason. niversary of the founding of the order Tuesday evening with a rally and ban quet in the Hotel La Salle. \Varren C. Agry of \\. inn ct ka was chairman of the dinner committee, Ernest J. StcYens, manager of the Hotel La Salle, and abo a P~i C. m e mber, acted as ho st , 11 ax ::\lason. ' president of the L'ni,·ersity of Chicago, and a member oi the fraternity, wa-; guc:-. t of honor and chid speaker. Psi Cpsilon. reported as the olde!'>t ui American Greek letter fraternities. was founded at Cnion college, ~chenectady, !\. Y ., ::\o\·e mher 24, 1833. It now ha s twenty - s ix active chapter .· in thi s country - and in -anada. Th e alumni member sh ip exceeds 14.000 m en. 0;1 oy ~1 r:-.. C. C. H opkins, pre:-.i<lent of th · (h soli club. will entert,ain the hoarrl members at lun c heon. foll o wing- tlw bu si ne ss meet in g . THE MONETA The sfze of thiS brick house is 26 feet X 33 feet. --oF. E. ~r. Cole, 315 Essex road, Ken ilworth, left Tue sday to spe nd a fortntght in Florida. Has large living room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor, three bedrooms and bath on second. It requires 51U thousand bricks to build. The cost of this brick delivered in Chicago dis· trict is only $612.00. A brick house is always better. No repair bills-no painting-easy to heat-high resale value and is endurln, ~ fire-safe. Let us help you. CHARLESTON LESSONS Viola M. Specht School of Dancing F or appo intm ent call W ilmet te 5 , HAHF;' OLD ORIC:IXAL PHI~T!::) Aquatints, -:\[('zzotints, Fashion and Fluv.·er prints. .\nti(JUl' Furniture, P+..·wt e z·, Lustre, Old Glass, Lamps, Hottl l:'s, large c·ollection of ol(l maps. 1\lRS. MARY A="=" DICKE ~(J8 \Val:>hington Evanston, Ill. · I Bridge Today Benefits Great Lakes Veterans Mrs. E. ]. 1IcArdle is chairman of the commi:tee for friendly co-operation with ex-service men of the \Voman 's Catholic Cluh of \Vilmette, that i:- gi\ ing a bridge party Friday aitemoon, December 4, in the auditorium of the St. Francis X<wier ~chool to rai-;e funds to pay ior boxes which are given to the ex-sen·ice men at Great Lakes on the occa ion of the annual Christmas party giYen b~· the committee. the date oi which will he annllttnced later. Send for Builde~ Lib~ - "Brick, How to Build ud ~" ~ c:-"The Home You Cu Al!ord,"lOc-"Your Nenl-loma. · JOe 51/2% Money Havt· 1111 p1 . funds to loan on choice "'·ed :'\orth Shor .. Suhurhan r·('sidt· n C'e prot,erty at C7,. ln11'11'~1 ~··t- ns on rPn··'"·nl~ BRIC 133 Wat W asbinpn Street OME CHICAGO, ILUNOia -~ "·h CHICAGO BRICK EXCHANGB E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 W . C. T . U. MEETING Tht· \\'oman's Christian Temperance rnion will meet with ).Irs. \Villiam H Xohle of 1010 Oak :-;tre<:t. \Yinnd ka. ~londay, December 7. at 2 o'clock. Christmas plans for the \\·oman's Shelter, the Hethesday Day nurserY and kindred organization s will be con · ~ide red at this meeting. For Years of Christtnas Joy! A Piano or Radio selection from our stock, will give you years of pleasure for the entire family. We handle only well known and nationally adver- .____...........,; tised Musical instruments. Call and ask for demonstration. I It STAR HOLDS ELECTION \ \·ifmette chapter, Order of Eastern ~tar, will hold its annual election of otliccr:; ~[onday e\·ening. December 7. The election will he held in the lodge rooms in the Brown building. Luggage and accesaories of leather alwaya have been most acceptable as gifta. ,·. . . .· . . .. $25.00 and up '. The New PIANOS HacWortf Buh& G erts W. L. Bash De Kallt StrohiMr Homer DE LUXE Models, now on displa)'-. HORNER PIANO CO. EstablisiHd 1 907 ~ N£W YORK · ESf. I8W Otlc:AGO 15 21 Sherman Ave. at Grove St. "HOilNBil'S CORNEl." Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday EYtniap Grttnltaf 464 RADIOS Zeaith RadioIa Howard Colonial Sonora Croale,. Eatah. 1151 ('

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