Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Dec 1925, p. 39

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D ecenuJer 4, 1925 WILMETTE by Valentino until she learns he is penniless. After the marriage his employers bride, played by Nita Naldi, makes love to Rudy and tries to induce him to betray hi s frtend, but he rciu~e~. From this point the plot nH: vrs forward to a tremendous climax, with an unusual ending. LIFE SORORITY GIVES DANCE 39 Stage and Screen News and Reviews r VILLAGE THEATRE 1fonday and Tuesday, December i and 8, Bessie Love and Neil Han~ton \\·ill he seen in ")Jew Brooms" at the Village theatre. This is a late picture which recci\'ed Yerv fa\·orahle comment from mo\·ic c~i tics when it w a.., :-,hown in loop thC'atres. There will abo be a ?\fcrmaid comedv "Below Zero" and a Pa the news re-ei. Chaptt..r 3 of the serial "\Vild \Vest" will be s hown at the Tuesday matinee. "1-Lt\·oc" i: the title uf the pictur \\hich will he f-·atured on the bill \Vedlll' "day and T iJ t ;y. s day. J) e c t: m b n CJ and 10. Ct·orL:t· ( )' Drit·n · i.., the star uf thi ~ picture. which i-, a trenll'tHlously dramatic produrti()n. .\dded attract ion-, will he a lie len and \Varren coml'rly, "The 1\·ace maker-,." an<.l a l ' ath~.· r<:nl'w. Rin Tin Tin, the \\·otHkr dc,g of the ;h l'r Cl'l'( ' ll, will be o.,een Fri(fay and ~-at urda.\·, I kceml >L·r 11 and 12, -in his late . . t pirttlrl' "I:l·l rl\\' the f.int·." This i" a -,tCin· of the l!rl'at CJUtdcJor.., in " ltirh th~· art in!..!: f,·i the dog :-tar 1.; allmn·rl ih fulJt. ... t ... cope. There i;; a "tronl': . . upportin .l! ra . . t and the plot i:, ~ood. makin!..! a \ ery enjoyable production. To compll'tl' the hill th<"rc· " \11 llt.' a Jun.·nile comc<h·. '·Ball\' J~luL·," and a Pathe ne\\·:;. .red. ~ HOWARD THEATRE Thn.· · grt·at picture.; featuring three (li the m o t popular star;; on the creen t()d.t,. ,,·ill ht:. een at thl' Howanl theatre duritlL!' the coming ,,·eek. On Sunday. ?\f(Jilday and Tuesday, the main picture \\·i ll hl' "1 fer .'i-,tn From Pari:-." ,,·i th Cothtan(e Talmad:..:e. :.\fj..,.., f'l' l I . . a !ll;t( ge h her thllal attracti\·c, . parklin~ 't·li in thi . . ti!tn and the \\ ht de pict u rc i L'XCe llt·n t h· d< )!le. w ce ot ve (S 0 HOYBURN THEATRE ] ames Oli Yer Curwood's picture "The :\ncient High\\·ay " \\'ill he scr;n at the Hoyln1n1 theatre on ~[onday, Tues · day and \\'edne-,day, Dec ·mher 7. 8 and 9. Thi~ i:-. one of the he :-. t stories t'\· cr \\Tittc.: n hy the gr<:at \\·ritcr and is ],rim i11ll c,f thrill-, and dramatic sitt,;t t; (,n-.. The --tar i:-. the p:)pttlar :.\[r. Jell' k Holt, w IHhL' ,,·or k in "The Pony J·: xl'rt· . . :-." and in many other pictures ha rect·i' <'d so much fa\·orable com111t' llt . llult i . . idealh· ca t in thi film and the " lwlc· pro;luction ,·cry we'll done. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, ,.· ,_ _ . . _ . _._ . _ _ ,_ ··) Reginald Denny will h ::-.hown in his late .· t come<h· Sl!CCC"S "\\'here \\'a-, l ~" The pir.ture i... a hilarious farce ln1ilt around the effort. of the hero tr· karn where he was on Tanuarv 19. l<J23. lie i . . acruscd oi ha,·ing ma~ried a young lady in \\"a . h ingtor:, D. C., on that day, and he ha:, made all his pl;t11 ... to clop<.: ,,·ith thC' dauLrhter nl l>is lnhitH::-:-- cncm\· and want..; to he able to prm·e tha·t the accusation i.; i;·be. To further complicate the plot tllt'rc i" a rold>ery ni a ,:'11.1HHl payrnll and a blackmailing cab driver, played by the old Senndt comedy ia,·orite. Chester Conklin . Th" pictttrl' one long laugh throughout. The l'hristma:-- party committt:e 01 th · Tunior auxilian· ni th(' Inian \\"etfarc ka~tte ml't -\Yedne . . clay aftertwon at the home of :.\[r ·. Alexander X. ~fcCallum oi 1331 Chestnut a\·c nuc. · · ,._.(......(,.._,.( ...-.c.)._.~( ~ (,_. ( .._. C)~ )··· 1 ··· ,....{ SEW FOR CHARITY TODAY The philanthrop.y department of tl-· :\[ark Cresap of Kenilworth, and Mrs.l Woman's club of Wilmette invites \Villiam Mason of Evanston. are pa- women of the village to com~ to the trone~ses for the subsc ription dance clubhouse this morning to sew for The to be ' gi\·en Saturday eve ning, De-l Infant \Velfare society. Luqcheon will cemhcr 5, at ,the Evanston Country be sen·ed at 12 :30 o'clock. c lub, by the alumnae of the Kappa -o:\lpha Theta sorority of Xorthwestern 1fr. and 1frs. H. R. White of 630 uniYersity for the b.e nefit of the house Central a\'enue, have returned from a fund. week's Yisit ·in the East with their daughter, Gladys, with whom they Among the \Yilmctte girls c1ttending :-.pent Thanksgiving. Miss vVhite is a tlie L:ni\·ersity of Illinois, wh9 spent ft eshman at \\' e11e . ley college. Than k::-.gi,·ing ,,·ith their families in -O\\. ilmette were : lkrnadette Pa ttcrson, J. Alired Ruby of 237 Greenleaf aveF!izal>eth and F.h·ina Reichman and nue, has gone to Detroit, ClevelanJ, Elizai>l'th \\.ei>cr. and Xew York on a short business -0trip. -0~r r. and :.\1 r-,. HarrY Field oi 1203 J·.Jm ,,·ood a\·enue. haci as tlwir guest \fr. and :.\fr's. Emil Xord returned to last \\'l'ck. ?\fr. Field's brother, \\". thl'ir home at ~29 Park avenue Tuesheld, of Hamilton, Can. day from Roche ·ter, 11inn. ~Jrs. Paul D. King of Wilmette, Mrs. I i s I 1 -~~ Village Theatre I ' I ' i 'I : I c I . I I 1 _ NEw AMP U s Cont. from 1 :30 to 11 P .. M . ' l 'otlu~- 1 J anti 'l'on1orro\V in .. . _ I f n , - Your Home Theatre J(opJ,t'l, 1 \lanagtnr; Director J1 1 Harold Lloyd :uuntht~· I . ""THE FRESHMAN" ~ I I I i ! l - E,·ening-7:3o-D :uatinee Tues., 2-4 :\ton., 'l'ut>s .· Dec. 7-8 '1 H am1 'lt on Bessie Love an d N e1 In II 1 1 nnd 'l'ueMdny AI Christie's FEATURE COMEDY 1 "NEW BROOMS" .\hw Zt·ru:· I i i I Pnthe 'Xew~ and "Belo'v :\lermnid Comedy 1 .." -ild " 'es t" 'Xo. a. Tues. mat:.! rM.'l I : ""SEVEN DAYS" i The same producer and direetor ! of "Charley's Aunt" I' Harry Langdon Comedy 1 1 · I 1 inee only ~~ On \\'ednc . . day and Dt· 'he " won ae otAHarm R onyD Ctlllht·r 9 and 10.. \dolph ?\lenjC.lll \\'ill Lt· 'tTl.l it~ hi-, l.~tte:~ ~ucy~.·, .... ".\ Kin:.: [ <111 ~Lun ~trtTt. ll11 . . h a Ja-,t-1110\'· :: i!ll!". laugh prn,·o kin!.!' Ct>lllcrly-drama. i _ ContlnuouB = . I tt II 111g ot· .t }ll' ;t( 1n·ntttr{'..., oi a king of Every Day-2:15 to 11:15 ~ a "m;~ll ]·.uropt·an .... tail' \\'h0 came t.o 1 'I= N. W. "L" Station at Howard :\tnenra to llt.·gotlatl' a loan for h 1s = l't)Untry. The plot is excrptional and I , = tht.· acting i-., l·t·tt(·r, ii po._..,iJ>Ie. ThC'rC ~un., 'rou. :uul 'l'ut.·s., Dec. 6-7j, a "trnn:..: · supportint{ ct,t including : nl' ...... il' LoH' and !11<111\' other.: I Constance Talmadge Tl~ur-;da,·. 00 . Newell & Retch in II 1 ~ 1 ~ ,,- 1 '1'1 .. Dec t.·t ·· uar .... , · n 10 1 u- "HAVOC" 11 ~=: ~- u'l'he ~~·nr~:.1.~:h~~~o ;.~:~~ ~~~!~2~w C:.~~i Pt.·nt.·emnkt'rH," reel Ill I I' 1 il ~ I \\' t.'tiiH'NdU y K . S. T. BENEFIT Jackie Coogan in llt·lt>n und " ·nrren <-omedy. I , . I . i - i I Fri., !i'ut., Dec. 11, 12 ~ Rin Tin Tin the Wonder Dog ""THE RAG MAN" Our Gang Comedy Friduy 1 ln untl Suturtlay ·' H.urll)lph \'alt-ntino, · tlw d:;rling· of the suh-dl'h and her oldn -.i,tt.:r, will h _ ::-.t'l'll Frida,- and ~.tt urda,· in hi ne,,· pirturt· "l'ohra." ,,·hirh l1;1;;; hel'll i= f 1 _ I 1 : I "HER I · hi:..·hh· arcbiml'd \\hern·er it has bl't.'n .._I,(J\\ 11. Thi-; j ... another unu~ual pic. : turl' " ith a unique plot an<l . a slight rleparttlrt· fr(IJ11 the CO!Wentional end- I ing. Th.l· acting.i" ~oo<l and. the photot.'r:qdJ,. ~-o hcautttul. Ruch· 1-. a:; hand- : ~nllll' .a hl'artl>reakn as ·e,·l·r. httt he I it.trod~Jn·-; _a new note which has ..:-nt t'rl'd 111to t L'W part-; he ha-; played he- i ! i i i ~ I I SISTER i PARIS" FR0 M 1 I in "\\.t.·d. nntl 'l'hurs., 9 _ 10 Adolph Menjou in 1 ~ ~"-~-~~~-~~·-~·~-~~-~~~-~-~~-~·~-~-~~--~~~··;·;1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE H N EVA.,STON OYBUR n NEW Starting Monday Mon., Tues. and Wed. James Oliver Curwood's .\.l!ilo Puthe :\'('\\'!'! nntl "Baby ~ Ulut.·!l4," 2 ret·l JuYt'nilc comedy. Snt. :uatlneea.~-2 : nd 4 p. m. .~ "BELOW THE LINE" ""HAVOC" with Madge Bellamy and George O 'Brien I I 1 ~.'(!;~;·,ra.~."ou will want to <t'r him iu ~ "A KING Q N I 1 I I RUDOLPH VALENTINO In "ANCIENT HIGHWAY" with THE tlw NEW EVANSTON "('nhra." much talkvd ni pictun· _ "·hich is Hudolph \"'alentino's latest I Yehicle will come to the Nrw E\'anston next week beginning ~fonday. Decem~ -_ . · ~ Fri. nntl ~nt., 11-l:.! her 7. The picture i;;; hailed as h1c:; _ great<'st prod11ction. and it merits the ~~ ~ I: ~ _ <k..,cription on a numhrr of points. The Rudolph Valentino _ plot i. good and a strong cast make~ in he most of it. \"'alcntino is giYcn :1 chance to do more real acting th:1n i_ Q he ha" hren allowed to do c:;ince he made :Monsieur Beaucai.re. He takes the part of a poor ~t~han gentleman =· who comes to the Umted States. and All Xorth Shore ·rrnln· Stop at is befriended by a "-:ealthy A~enca.n. :: Howard His benefactor marnes a soctety gtrl i " ·ho has previously been attracted ·:·-u.-u_u_u_,~-~~-~~-~-·-··!· I I MAIN STREET" ~-_,~ His Greatest Production "COBRA" 0-Henry Comedy ·Jack Holt Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Reginald Denny I "C B R A, 1 I 1 f 1 l j i I l1 "The Failure" 1st Run News Weekly "Where Was I" Comedy Hodge Podge News I Daily Shows at 2, 4, 1 and 9--Saturday Continuous 2 to

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