Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Dec 1925, p. 34

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34 WILMETTE LIFE December 4, 1925 Practical Gift For Whole Family Electrical Kitchen Wizard Makes Gift of Year-Round Utility Baptist Church Reheasing for the cantata to be given Wednesday evening, December 23 is now in full swing by the Sunday school of the Baptist church. The mt.·mbvrs of the Junior, Intermediate and Sl'nior departmt.·nts are coming l'ach Suwla:-.· morning· at 9:25 for a brit·f r Jlwasal pr-eceding the regular session of th · school. Fot llettet Home Made Candie· A scor" of Xorth Shor husbands Van DYl-i:l,.s "Othe,. "~i s· :\Ian" will han. · within tlw la~t w t·e k ::;olved the h given' in pietun.. an<l :-;tory to the probl('m of p;ift-g-iYin1..1; by purchasing .Junior, Intt~ rm ·diatf' and .' ,r,ior defor tlw honH' t"kis uniqu el ctrica1 p~u·tnH· nts at ~)>li"i Sunda:-.· mo1·ning- in houst.' nHl id, Kit c henAi<l. tlw A:->st·mhly room. This is part of As a g-ift to wife and family Kitchen- tlH· prog-ram of C'luistmas preparation Aid stat'lds alone both in b auty and for th·! school. utility. Tho ~lot·ning· H<.'rvice is hdd at 11 o'elo('k. :\Ir. J:arn (·:-:; will be at the or· I g-an and th1· <'horal socif'ty un<l ·r tl'e . I <lir('ction (Jf :\Ia<.lame Gild roy Scott, will sing-. :\Ir. StiOer will p1 (·:t<:h, his th ·me bt·ing, "Christ's Sl· ·ond <.'all."' 'l)~eits For Better Home Made Candies :S ~ CHOCOLATES Made in Our Kitebens -of tnilk or dark chocolate coating,,·ith plain and nut filled ~oft c.enters, and an exceptionally large vanety of hard centers. Our Winnetka Store · with the COMMUNITY KITCHEN 584 Lincoln Street Phone Winn. 1740 .i EVANSTON STORE, 1633 ORRINGTON AVE . Thi~ l'h u l'<'h co-opt·ra tPs with t l l t · Sunday Evening club who I>n ·st·nt~ Sunday ev ,ni ng at the Congn·gation ll church, ~Ir. Branch Hicli:l'Y of th, · !-it. Luuis l~ast.· ball club. YOUR HOME Metal Weather Stripped with Riggin's All Metal Equipment I The Dec mh r meding of t!H Church council is to IH· hdd in f'hii<lr n's hall, Tu stlay, l>vc ·IJlb··r "· at . p.m. The 1\Iid-week !ll('ding for 1 ra~· e :, Prais.e antl Fellow!.-'hip, \VI'dnc·Hl:~.y evening at 8 o'clock . Th members of Link "::;," L·.Hl('!', :M rs. Duhbs, are in,·itPd to lult· ·l.t·r·ll at 1 o'clock on Friday, lJL·CL'I11 Lvr 11, at tht: honH· of "\Trs. \\'at t, II :i ~:lllr· · l avenue. :\Irs. \Vatt a 11<1 :\ln.;. .J oh 11~on, hostesses . The Choral society will lllc ·et fur lwarsal on Thursda~- t.·Vl·tiing at \ o'clock. Tlw December mc-d ing· of the omecrs and teachers of th e !-;unday school will b · held on Fri<lay t·vening-, nc:cember 11, at · 8. The Baptist church is locatNl at \Vilmette and Forest avenues, and its }leople t'Xtend the h0artiest welcome to all who may choose it as a place of worship and Christian work. The pastor, Rev. Francis C. Stifler, may be sl'en a.t the study in the church during the morning-s of the weel<, or at other hours by appointment. The church ollicl', in charg-t.· of 1\liss :Mab.dl Rennacker, is OJH·n from 9 to 1 eV<'l'Y day exc<>pt }-;uncia:>. Tlw church telt.·phone is 'Vilmette 2235. Saves Fuel and Adds to the Cotnfo t of Your Home Estimates Furnished without cost or obligation to you I re-1 I Pho · 0 by Stanton 'Vilhite, Winnetka Three tlna.-H a day, 365 days a year, the housewife can save herself hours of labor, serve the family delicious menus and do it in half the usual time. KitchenAid m1xes every kind of dough and batter, cuts shortening into pastry; mashes J)Otatoes to snowwhite ftutnn<tss; mixes and beats mayonnaise, eggs, icing-s; whips cream, meringue; creams huttt'l' and sugar, fudge, every ld11d of candy mixture; grinds coffee; chips ict.·; chops meat, nuts, raisinR; strain~ soup, puree, sauces; slices veg('tables, freezes ice cream, ict.'S, sh('rbds; an<l docs other related things too nunwrous to mention. It does all this by electricity, at a cost of about Olll.. cent per hour for · operating. Users say it is so simple that even littl e brother or sister can make fudge, mayonnaise, ice cream, sherbet-hundreds of dainties that make a hostess popular. Soh·es Servant Problem Riggin Man~lacturing Co. Wabash 2020 220 So. State St. Local Phone Winnetka 2205 ANNOUNCEMENT KitchenAid also seems to be solving the servant pr·oblem in North Shore homes. Owners say it makes the maid a much bett('r cook and enables h er to serve a gr·eat variety of delicious foods that would be almost impossible to J)reoare without KitchenAi<l. TakeH Up Little Space is no\Y obtainable for North Shore users fron1 our ne\v n1oclcrn q uarter -tn ill ion gallon storage plant in EVANSTON. Deliveries n1ade pron1ptly \vith finest tank trucks n1oney can buy. All out fuel oils a t e thoroughly f i 1 t e t e d and strained-no dirt to clog your burner. Out oils ate low cold test and will not congeal in cold weather. Lynch-Cln.risey Fuel Oils are clean oils · F UEL · OIL 'I Almost every kitchen has a corner now unoccupi ed that could hold this electrical housemaid, for even when mounted on the roomy cabinet it is only 24 inches square. 'Vithout the cabinet KitchenAid occupies a space only 13 inches wide. Athls Beauty to Kitchen 'I Besides ueingvery practical, KitchenAid is also finish d beautifully in French g-ray enanwl. KitchenAid adds a spic and span, systematic appearanc to the kitchen, and is always ready to work at a moment's notice. Sold on t ' on,·enlent Budget Plan ·= I I ~ "MORE HEAT KitchenAid can be bought out of income instead of capital, and the KitchenAid Sales Agency at 6 N. Michigan Bl\'cl., Chicag·o, invites purchases on this uudgct plan. By mailing- the coupon below you can gf>t full information about KitchenAid immediately. nly prompt action will enal.ll · you to get it in time for the Holidays. PER DOLLAR" ., = Twenty-two years experience in the fuel oil business in Chicago and now a large North Shore Storage Plant makes _it possible for every North Shore home to obtain prompt deliveries of exactly the correct grade of oil for any make oil burner. ; j ~= -------------------------0 Plea!5e send full particulars about Ki tchenAid. 0 Please send a r presentative explain KitchenAid. (Check one of these. NaJile Tht" Kitcht"nAld !iiiales Agency, 6 N. Michigan Dh·d., State 1471 Chlca&'o. Dept. N6 LYNCH--CLARISEY COMPANY From the North Shore, Phone Our From Chicago, Phone Out .\ g to EVANSTON STATION GREENLEAF 1206 MAIN OFFICE LAFAYETTE 32oo ......··..· ·..·····....·..· ·· Addre·· ......................... . I ill IIIII

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