18 WILMETTE SORORITY BAZAARS The Delta Zeta sorority of Northwestern university is giving a bazaar for the benefit of its house fund Fridav. December 4, on the main floor o( the Orrington hotel building. The Northwestern chapter of the Delta M u sorority is completing arrangements for the Christmas bazaar to be given at the Evanston Woman's 'club \Vednesday, December 9. The proceeds from the affair will be added to swell the house building fund. The Jnonthl~· meeting of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league will be held at the Winnetka Woman's cluh, Tuesday, December 8. at 2:30 o'clock. On this occasion a very delightful program will be given hy Olive June Lacey, soprano, and William Beller, pianist, using the Steinway Duo-Art. Mr. Beller needs no introduction having been one of the artists at the opening meeting in 1923. The members, we hope, will turn out in large numbers for this meeting which will be followed bv a social hour with refreshments. The Sewing circle of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league met at the home of Mrs. David]. Hallinan, 1050 Spruce street, Winnetka Tuesday, November 24. A large number attended and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent in sewing and a social chat. During the refreshment hour, Mrs. William Brown Hale of the \iVinnetka League of Women Voters spoke in a most forccf ul wa \' on the \Vorld Court. All thorou-ghly enjoyed Mrs. Hallinan's hospitality. Mr. and Mrs. F. Briggs of 102 Fifth street, returned recently from a week's vi5it \..-ith their · daughter, Mrs. J. Matzcr who lives in St. Louis. LIFE December 4, 192.:; HOLD ANNUAL BAZAAR New Trier High School Girls' Club to Stage Sale of Variety of Christmas Gifts at School Tomorrow Tomorrow afternoon and evening the Girls' club of New Trier High school will stage its Christmas bazaar, one of the most important events of the year at the high school. The bazaar will <>pen in · the afternoon and conti,me until late in the evening. Th~ pro~eeds will go to the scholc1r~hip <:lll'l loan fund which the club m.:tintain:;. There will be all kinds of beautiful and useful articles for · sale at t!-ic bazaar, many of which will be suitable for Christmas gifts. Something to delight every member of the family will be for sale ; there will be a doll booth, toy booth, fancywork booth. a Dutch Oven booth and many others. Among the ' many attractive hooths, is the Christmas tree booth. Most of the articles, which \ will include dainty handkerchiefs, dolls, powder boxes 1 garters, dyed scarfs, pen wipers, towels, underwear and many other attrac:tive things, wilt · be placed on a huge Xmas tree. This tree will be trimmed \\tth bells and Christmas ornaments and v.rill be placed in the middle of the hooth. The things which arc too bulky or too l1eavy to be placed on the tree will he piled around it and on the tables in ·d1e booth. During the aftenioon and again in the evening, a one-act play, "Thursday Evening," by Morley, v;ill be presented by members of the New Trier Dramatic club. There v.-ill be dancmgin the evening and during the afternoon and evening tea will he served on . the teachers' halconv of the mess hall. · THERE IS STILL TIME to place. your order for Engraved Greeting· Cards for Christmas Lord's engravers will deliver your cards in plenty of tin1e for Christmas mailing if you pi ace your order this vveek or next. We advise you to n1ake selection today or tomorro\v fron1 our large display of designs and styles. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Redding -ooi 1516 Elmwood · avenue, announce the Mrs. l I. A. Pope of 910 Lake avebirth of a son, John Allington Redding, nue entertained the Reading circle Sunday, November 8. Monday. AT FOUNTAIN SQUARE-EVANSTON l SATISFY FAMILY SALES 1017 Davis Street Univ. 2277 ·c LE The COUPE