8 WILMETTE LIFE December 4, 192S a::: I>cce Northwestern Men'· Glee Club Comes Fire originating in a gas plate in to Methodist Church in Concert De- the laundry of the Peter A. Frimand ceaiber IS t (lc 1 stree residence at 318 F ourt 1 stroyed clothing valued at $1,000 last BY OBSERVER Friday. . The fire started when :\f r:-. . You are going to have a chance to Frimand was in another part of thL· 1 1 pra~tic~l near the "Wildcats" sing, and when house and · she returned to th h a~ t·- 1 you hear them at the Wilmette Parish ment to find the cloth ing ha !lging in l\1 ethodist church Friday December 18, you'll hear some real music the laundry in flam es. The blaze ,,· a ~ I that will give you a thrill of delight extinguished by the fire departm.ent without serious damage to the budd that you'll never want to forget. ing. Through the efforts of the Epworth league of the church arrangements NEW RESIDENTS h:n-e been made to have the NorthThe Charles A. Hardin g family ha · we tern university Men's glee club, occupied its new hom e in \V ilm ettc . comprising 50 of the sweetest-toned Mr. Harding, who i ~ purchasing agent "wildcats" that ever were loose on a college campus, gives you a real treat. for the Commonwealth T;:di~on com And if you are wise you will not miss pany, recently purchased th e George E. Palmer residence at 72() \Va shing this concert. ton avenue. They'll Make You Riae \Vhen you hear them sing: C. C. RENNECKAR "Rise Northwestern! Auto Repairing We'll always stand by you. Opposite St. Joseph School Guaranteed Work Go, Northwestern, Reasonable Ratt5 We will ever cheer and sing for you to Rosa Skelton Win, Northwestern. 4 1 o Prairie A vt. Wilmette 3 55 5 Our hearts will ever yearn For the purple banner waving high For Northwestern." You'll almost rise out of your seats to stand by those "wildcats," and when they trill "Go You Northwestern" you'll remember that the Big Ten awoke to the fact that the boys from Evanston certainly could chase the pigskin. And they can sing as well as they can play football. So, here's to Wilmette-all Wilmette. Rise and go to the Methodist church at Lake and Wilmette avenues All Orders Packed in Ice and Delivered to Your Door on Friday ever,1ng, December 18, at 8 o'clock. Tickets may be secured from Mrs. W. C. Reinhold, telephone All puddings. fancy forms and moulds made to order. Special rates for churcbu oand clubs. Wilmette 646, or at the door. "WILDCATS" TO SING Gas Plate Burner Starts Blaze in Frimand Home Th e ' i\·ic Christmas Gifts 1-Iere you will find gifts for chi): dren and grownups-gifts that fit you r pocketbook, be it big or little. . New Christmas · merchandise - n \V Christmas decorations - new Christmn_ , ideas. This is the store where things ar \.: going on. I, ' the ' tll d I () Jl '.'- ~~ ~ J)t:C<:I Fran k :·ortr<l , ·t ill' r ~ r i;;ck., 'J' he llll'lllh ion til· arl' tl dun·d. .\1 r:--. · ~t r .... .t tt( ' lllJ RIDGE AVENUE PHARMAc~·.t,. 'J' h e olay Ollg I · an d . . hl'i \ [ r~. · art. · 1 I I Ridge and Lake Aves. Phone Wil. 31 () .; th :\~I ] ~. . () I Lt · Mrs. Bernitt's Famotts Ice Cream Once Tried-Always. Used OUR SUNDAY SPECIALS Prompt Delivery Assured I.'., " I The ( ' ,lll' ,·I I.' it !Oil ltt.' I I t.. - t! II I'( When you're lost for ideas for that party, when you don't kno,,· what to serve, call the Famous Ice Cream Woman for sugges tions. Also call for . ' Mr. and lf rs. L. L. Lodwick are expecting to come from their home 111 Centerville, Iowa, to spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Lodwick's father .and mother, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Nicholes of 816 Forest avenue. MRS. BERNITT'S ICE CREAM KITCHEN Phone Winnetka 2512 992 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods University 2052 1330 Sherman Ave., Evanston Headquarters lor Toys Electric Trains Wagons, Sleds Tool Sets Pocket Kniv£s Doll Trunks and Furniture Irish Mails and Autos Tricycles and Skooters Skates, also sharpening Carving Sets Aluminum Ware Pyrex Glass Ware Scissors and Knives HEADQUARTERS FOR LIONEL TRAINS AND ACCESSORIES .AND MANY, MANY OTHER APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. SEE OUR WINDOWS-OPEN EVENINGS WOLFF·GRIFFIS, Inc. For Hardwearing General Hardware Tinsmithing Guttering, Spouting Hardware New, Roo6ng Furnaces also Prevent fire by having a The New Store at 1185-Si \Vii tnettc A v. Opposite Village Hall Phone 158 · CLEANING, REPAIRING AND INSTALLING complete set of Fireplace Grates, Fire seta and Saeena Why Not a Scooter or Coaster Wagon for the Boy?