Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Nov 1925, p. 36

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36 WILMETTE LIFE VOTERS' LEAGUE WANTS U. S. IN WORLD COURT Wilmette Women Join With Associat~s in Illinois in Backing Peace Project 'The annual con,·ention of the Lea~ue of \\·omen \·oter. · By OBSERVER It is very interesting indeed to find such enthusiasm in the awakening of the lay members among women in the matter of civic welfare. There was ample proof oJ this at th~ ~fth annual convention of the Ilhnots League of Women Voters held at the Congress hotel Novemb~r 10 11 ~nd 12. ~rom our ~wn young, but raptdly growmg Wilmette league there were 20 women who attended, several whom attended every session !he at~1azing amount of work accom pltshed m the past year is encouragIng, to say the least, as a glance at tht' following list will attest: · . Sum Up Accomplishments Stxty-nine citizenship schools. A campaign of "Everv \\'oman at the Polls" and publication of candidates' records. lenging the policeman to retract his storv of thf> rescu<>, '('Onunen t~>1l in The conference on the economic as- g-lo"\\:ing t£>rms upon the policeman's pect of ~oreign affairs and the teach- hran."I'Y. Th~ artie](', it is Pl't·sumNl, mg- of htstory. was t.horoughly authf'ntieatt·ll. Thf' author. fnt· rt>asons thus far not d\·ar·The wort~ court campaign. The-. studtes of the child welfare h · as!4ignt>(l, has ~wf'n fit not to quote his own or·i~dnal story an1l PClicommtttee on the Sheppard-Towner from tnrial comment rf·gat·(ling tht· n·scu~. a.ct and th.e "need for such an educ:-t- His account dof's not so much ns nwntJOnal proJect in Illinois." tion thf· nanws of or in any ·nantH'r 'fhe child welfare committee's cam ·· lwa t' n ft'I'PilCf' to two vou ng nH·n who patgn for. the. child labor amendment. h e now daims WPrt· thP aetu:tl r··~ . !1.1~ legtslattve campaign for the el- <'Ut·r:-; . \\-t· q unt1·: tgl!)tlt.ty of women for jury ser\'ice in ".-\t :1hnttt (i o'clock la:-.t ~unday F-n?Illmots. · 11Illl!'. t I! e \\ · ilm e t t I' Po Iire :--tat ion n· · Stud~· of social hygiene conditio1is ccin·d a phone call irom tlw h lllt' oi ll1 twelve communities of this state. The survey of working conditions of I. :\ . B t.'l' nt· t t. 1H.~ ~I! er ida n r (lad. 1( L'll il\,·orth. :-tating that a cannt.' \\a-., on·r -1 women \Yage earners in Tllinoi . . The Illinoi s league's twent\·-eight t u r ne d . , em 11.· d i :-; t a 11 r e o tT . , h tl r t' a 11 d i publications. tl .at 3 IH' ys \\'ere dinging to it. callin~ i "Get out tlw vote" h sti ll the battle fnr help . Oflicer George ~rh.tt·fn inlcry and 111 order to do this effecti\'eh- tnediately respon<kd to tlw ca ll. .\n o ld every \\'oman must he educated to h<:r o.;;til hP.tt. \\ hir!J \\·a-., grnundt·. l :ti~h , )1 1 respon . ihility in ci,·ic affair:>. and in till' hearh \\"as lattiH.' lwd. IH·ttrd . . "t'l"t' order to adequately perform h<'r dmv hrt>Kt.'lt iro111 a rait to tht' a . . p;t<ldk . . 1 to her children in this emancipatt·(I and ~rhal'in. 1lH!,etlter \\ith \Jr . J~ ,· J t-' age, she must he a)i,·e to thi:-. all in, - nl'tt. p:tddkd (}\It t() the r ,uw e. T\\ <> portant f(uestion of go,·ernment. Our !ate president. ~frs. _Taml'..; \\'. ~fnr SINGER SEWING MACHINE S nson, admonished the conyention that ' I 'EH 'I~ they n~ust carry their e_ntlltlsia:-m I> trk l to thetr local lt.·aguc:-> tor cothtructin· work. I 'I H-"il "i ( ·taurc·h ~t rt·c·t, E\ un..,ton The league ha..; t'IH!orsed the \\.or!d 'l't·l. I nh·. H:t-t "ilnu·ttt· a:!H Court and en·ry wonJen I" intl'n·-.,ted flJH·ll Tut · ~ .· 'l'hur ·~ . · ~~at. E\ ; tl t lllt!~ m the fight for it... pa ... ,age ~~~ D~.· - 1 I 1 lllL' hoy:- \\'l.'re ::-an~d. but . t.hc third, cember. ~[rs. Mbrrison. it may he 01 l\.tcll :tnl Hrouk:-., (J(.J'} \ \ nght\rood added. is to come to us ~n \\'i.llllctl~ ct\ L 'Jlllt. \\·ilu attcltlptt.·d to :--\\1111 a-.,lwrc Decem her II to talk on th1s ~ulnn:t PI \\ cnt do\\'ll. 11 i:::. body ha:- not bcl'll the \Y urld Court. rnu\ ~. ·r t.' ll. 'Jiw:--c san·d arc J.at.lll':> To ste the tq>e of \\·ond:·J" :. ul \\' (J - ' ~I JIJ(Iqtt t· , -t3,' JJL'ldcn an·~lyl', lluca man. poised, e(Iucated, brill.ian~. Jt!ll go. and Ed\\ard }{e(ll'r, 23JJ. Larrab~c of faith thq.t right must pre\'atl. cquq ·p - :-ti:L' ·t. l "ilicago. Before start·m~ out Ill cd \Yith the energy and ability to mukc the ail boat, George. Schader had a good fight and to note. that the . . c I phoned the \\' ilmcttl' Fu·e Dl'partlllt:llt, \\·omen are Young women, IS the mo :-. t , a:--klng that thl'y ~end a pul1notor tu encouraging- and hopeful sign poc;;~ihic· . , tilt.· lkuuett hullle, 1n ca:-.e It \\·a:- need cd when the boy · \\Trl' b.rc;mght .a:--hore, 1 .\I <Htlll 1\.allllc s \\·a:- \\·a1t 111g \\'lth the pulmotor when the buys \\'_l't"l.' l>roug!Jt I a:--hore. hut iortuuatcly 1t wa:-. not needed. "The boys aitl'r heing warmed at J:<.:ditor's Note: Recently, 'Vilm ette Announcements, an advt-r·tising· pam- the home of l\fr. Bennett stated that phlet published by n. B. l!'dt-11. con- they had started out to steal shot-g~ns I taint.'<.! an at·ticle attrtcking th e n~rac from some of the boathouses. !\ot ity of a \Vilmette poli<'eman who participated in the rt-scue of t\\'O boys finding the guns, the.v finally appro- ! from dt·owning ,in the lak e off the priated the canoe anu \\'Cre paddltng Kenilworth shore. 1'his statement to Chicago when young Brooks atembodied quotations eulle<l from the tempted to walk from tll~C e nd. of t hl' accouut of the rt-scu e as found in tht> canoe to the other and tipped 1t o,·cr. issu e of \\·ilmettf' Life of October 16, "Officer Schaefer. and the \\'ilmette 1 1!)2:), attaching to it the implication that the facts harl bcPn grossl~· dis- police department, deserve a great deal torted. Wilmette Life. in the intt'rest of credit for the efficient and prompt 1 of common sense anrl fair play, is manner m which the rescue \\·a s enpleased to submit for the consideration Although the Ke11il\\' orth of it::: rearlers an articlt> which ap- ~· incered. peared in the issue of 'VilmettE> An- police had been called, they did not nouncements the following day, in arrive on the scene until Schaefer had which the author, who is now chal- completed the rescue." I I Announcino· 0 1 PRE BOLJDAY . cLEAR AU I n cE · I :I I 1 I 1 Why Quote Us? I Fall and w from n t r r 1 DRESSES notab le makers, exclusively rep r<'. sented by us, now redu c ~:,~ to close out quickly . Think of your prese nt 1 needs and take advanta ge of this early clearanct. A very unus\lal oppo n u nity to pick up our sma rt est high -grade DRESSE ~ and SUITS . now as low as pri ced $15.00 HART SCH~-\FFNE H l\L.~RX AND Patterson Bros. I }\efrigerarion CQmplete Electric COAT For northern .1nd sout h ern \\'ca r. priced low $48.00 up Three speci.1l groups , $'l5.Q_ o: .l! [Itt KELVIN-Ef luxurious CoJts on s.1lc I Tony Sarg' s Marionettes -PRESENTING- Kelvinator Electric: Refriaeratioa built right into a refriaferator. Only an electric connection ia needed te keep it cold. Relieves you of all trouble of ~ for ice, ai..-es you a colder refriae.,. ator and furnishes all of the m&a.f' advantaaea of Kelriaatioa. CaU ; $19.75 I "Pied Piper of Hamelin" Evanston W oma.n 's Club and) l REfRIGERATING (9 ~011 BuRNER I andseeitorphoDeforbdonn·~ $29.75 $39.75 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 4:00 o'clock-8:15 o'clock Tickets on Sale at Snider 'Cazel Drug Co. "Treasure Island" will be given at Skokie School Winnetka, Wednesday, December 2. 4 and 8 p.m. Direction, Rachel Busey Kinso~ving. 508 Davis St., Evanston Univusity 2. 1 31 =ziiiit lteiYiaator .,... ...... .......... ...... ............ I, r6o6 Chicago Ave. ·~ A Downtown EtJanston 1 Store for Women !i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i

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