Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Nov 1925, p. 32

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32 WILMETTE LIFE November 26. 1925 day. In the booth ot the Cozy Co1n 1 ·r Circle, there \yill be for sale, silk · 1 l t derwear, handkerchiefs and Chris t: 1· .~ ~ cards; in the East End booth, : " d sale; in the Washington avenu( · 1· :· ele booth, Fish Pond and Utility 'l':lhle; in the Central avenue bor>th . ··:! kinds of fancy work, and thiB 1 "1 1 J,. will s(·rv' a buffet lunf'heon at ll ··"w in thf' North Encl booth, lin~>n w ill , .: sold, and this Circle will sen· ·. . ,1 · · Turl<f·Y dinner at 6:3lJ o'clock; an d 11 th·· I\"(·i~hborhood booth you will ""'~ bag-s <trlll haskPts. Ko,·e~ St. Andrew's Day. There will be Holy Communion in St. Augustine's at 8 The bazaar. On Thursday, December a.m. 3, the bazaar opens. The hours are from 2 p. m. on through the evening. Yesterday, Thanksgiving Day, there A turkey dinner, from soup to nuts, were two services at St. Augustine's. ~ill be served. Dinner will be served Holy Communion at 8 a. m. and Mornat 6:30 p. m. Make reservations to ing Prayet · at 10 a. m. Mrs. E. M. Stafford, 936 Sheridan road. No reservations will be acXext Wednesday, December 2, is the cepted after Wednesday, December 2. day of the annual bazaar in · the ParNo cancellations after reservations ish House. 1140 'Vilmette avenue, from are closed. 10:30 a. m. to 10 p. m. The women of the congregation have been preEpworth League. All young people paring for this for many months and are invited to come to league. We all sorts . of articles made by them, assure you a hearty welcome. Sub- especially suitable for girls and the ject: "My Debt to My Church." like, will be on sale. Leader: E. M. Statrord. Wednesday evening, December 2..._ Intermediate League. . All young there will be served in the Club House, people of intermediate ages are cor- a Parish dinner. This is intended to dially welcomed to join this group. be a family dinner especially for the adult members of the parish. Dinner Subject: "Why I love the Church." will be served at 6 o'clock and again at 7 o'clock. As the accommodations Girl Scouts. It the weather is favorable, all Girl Scouts are invited to are limited resen·ations will have to meet at the church, Saturday morning bt" made beforehand with ::\Irs. J. C. a\·enue, phone at 11 a. m., prepared for a hike. The Comfort, .. 1!? Prairie i30. Girl Scouts Troups 1, . 2, 3 and 4 hold ""'ilm tt their meeting at the Church Tuesday afternoon at 4 p. m. Program is as Arrangements have llen made with follows : Assembly; Instruction pe- Herbert E . Hyde. the celebrated orriods; re-assembly which includes an- g-anist, to give a recital on the new nouncements, Girl Scout Smg, games organ in St. Augustine's church and Good Night Circle. All girls inter- 'Vednt·sday f\·t-"ning, Dec e mber 9, at ~ ested are invited to join one of these p. m. troops. Tho~e ·1 ~: ~i! (,u~ of bt·ing confirmed, Boy Scouts. Troops three and six. either boy~ or ~· irl:-: or adults, should The program is as follows: Assembly, notify the r~:ct o r just as soon as posrecr(ation, instruction, inspirational sible. H.t. HeY. C P. Anderson, D. D., talk and dismissal. · The~e troops meet Dishop of "hicag-o. will Yisit St. Auat the church, Monday, 7 p. m. gustint··s for Confirmation Sunday morning. Dt·cember 20. Junior Boy Scouts. This troop holds its meeting Thursday at 7 p. m. Harold McCarty in charge. Methodist Church sisted by Mrs. T. E. Thompson, Mrs. R. E. P. Klinf', and Miss Florence nutz in ~ · ntertaining the North End Circl(! at her home at 520 Lake avenue on Monday, .Novemb r 30. Lunch- . eon will be· served at 12:30 o'clock. At 1 o'clock on Monday, the Washington av(·nue Circle will mf'et at the home of l\Trs. \V. C. Thay r, Jr., at 610 <'· ·n tral a \'(·n U(·, for a buffet luncheon. Mrs. Ralph T. Huff and Mrs. Leslie 'V. ~lillar will be the assisting hostesses. On Tuesda~· th e CrcscPnt Circle will nw e t with l\In;. Tuthill, 7441 North Paulina stn·t't., Rogers Park (Tel. No. H. P. 1 81) for a 1 o'clock luncheon. l\Irs. Becker, ~Irs. ·M ohr, Mrs. McCabe and ::\frs. Hamill w iII assist Mrs. Tuthill. The member~ of the Circle will gather at the home of Mrs. 1\fulvcy at ·oo Oakwood avenue at 11:00 a. m. where there will be autos to take them to Rogers Park. The Bluebirds will ll1 < 'l' t at 3 :30 un Tuesday. = 51 Ra) dollar has 1 folk. mon~ :.\1 rs. Carrie E. Carley of 242 \ \ '( .. 1 court i~ leaving Saturday to pa !'l' : ~., winter ·cason in San Antonio, Te x to n hare a' a '·f.{c '· oi a hi:-\\' ir;g v. m. chri . ; te' t ... ~qua l Tuesday evening- hurch School Xight at 6:30 o'clock. Dinn ·r will be sPrv· ·d promptly. (~i ve ~-cJur reservation to yout· depat"tnH~ nt superintendt>nt. nt~·d ...-19261 p. m. Roosen: lt Troop No. 2 1 at headquarters. Dr. Charles B j l!lah:··. Scoutmaster. 7 : I;; :30 1'· m. Thf' 'Volt Cubs mec· t under the direction of Harold Spinney. \\"(·<lne~day-3 i 1 The ~fidweek Service ot Praver and Praise. 'Vedn esday evening· at 8 o'clock. The minister will conduct the service. ~orthwestern :\len's Glee Club Counell will be held in the Methodist Church, the evening of December 1 . under the auspices of the Epworth League. Plea~e save this date. Tickets may be obtamed from any membt>r of the league. N ext Sunday morning Dr. Gilbert StansPll will preach. I "<Jur ('ommon Hon<l " i tht · suldt'<:t a bri..C s . . rmon l>y Dr. Lloyd at the H1gh School department of tht> Run- Sunda~· morning ~en· ice at 11 o'clock. d~y sch.ool. The devotional exercises lJurin~: tht· sen·ict' , the Deacons will Will be 1~ charge of the X. T. C. class lw installed. 111·w nwmbt·rs recein' <i The topJ.~ wil~ be "Thankfulness fur into (jur Church F'l'llowship, anrl the Our God. Th1s department had three sacrament of th1· Lord's ~UPJI"I' will perfect classes last Sunday. Lt·t us lw t"dt·hrated. try and have them all perf1·ct next Sunday. It may sound impossibh:, I.Jut Th,· \'\'ilmdtt· "-:u!lda.\ E\·ening dt:b let's see if it is. · nH·..-ts at this ehurch. Judge Bl?n Lindsay of tht· Jun·nil<' C'ourt of Den1 ~-i~:· will SJ>t·ak, and ' :\Ir. Joe·! La:· will Next Sunday, November 29, will be g Advent Sunday, the ?eginning of the I ~It·s . \\'. I>. Lawn·nce will be aschurch year. There will be Holy Communion at 8 o'clock in the morning, I F===:::;:=============~ c.hl!rch Schools and Bibfe classes at HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS 9.4 :>, and Holy Commun10n with adTERlUS dress at 11 o'clock. In the afternoon I at 4:30 there wlil be a Confirmation I class for the boys and girls, and in the evening a Confirmation class for the ~16-SIS ('hurch Street, Evan11ton adults. 'l'el. t:nh·. 654 Wilmette 528 Open Tues., Thurs. & Sat. Evenings Next Monday, NoYember 30th, will be · 1 .The .F1rst Div1s1on of th Ladies' Aid Will meet Tu sclay, D ·C(·mbt·r 1, 1:30 p. m., at the church to st"w for the bazaar. . · . Church nig-ht "Ge-t togf'tlwr·· \Vedllt:sday <'Vening at ~ o'elock . This is an opportunity for th(> mPml!ers of the church to make tiH· ir (·ontribution toward "the g-oud of t h1· c·h urc h." )flnillltt'rH: SteJ·hen A. Lloyd and Sugg(·stions and constructive criticiRm \\·. E. )fcCornaack al'(~ always welcomP for W(· all want Tlw ~., a Scouts meet at 7 :lj o'clock this church to Sf'rve tlH· community Frirla.y t-vening. Ewart Cook, Skipper. in the largest and most effccti v ' way. Tht> pastor will lf·ad the df'votional 1 :-;atur<1ay. 7 p. m. Junior <:hoir re- st·n·fc,· , and Mr·. :\l<:C:ormack and Miss lh·arsal. \\'. E. ~rcCormack. director. ('aldw1·ll will conduct the musi<:al gran1. Th· · < 'hurch school m ·ds at ~~ :311 o'clock Sunday n1orning·. All record~ ThunH1ay, 3:30 ; m. Th e Lewn. I 1 for att . . ndancP were urokc·n last Sun- C'a!llptin· <;iris IIlt-·(· t. ~fisH Frances da.'.-. l>on't bt· content with the 100 H(,wanl, Guardian. P··n···nr etas::-;. ::\fake it 110 percent by l t11·inging that llt·W nlt-"rnbt·r. Tht· \\'olllan·~ <;uilcl will hold thc·ir ' 1 Annual Bazaar at th·· church on F'riT h f· .Junior t·o 11 g-n· ~at ion w iII ass e rr1, hi·· for l{t·nt-·ral WPrship at 1 () 311 a . m . 1 wh··n ~lr. ~fc<'onna<"k will ~ Jt ·ak (·Jl "The ~~a~t .... r· Touch." 1 Marmon Improvement ~ Double Fire Ignition Chassis Lubrication 3 Way Oil Purifier ro n r a L; t' i- a ' !Ji t ·. "!! , \'il l:!~ :\O \' t will ; in...' ( thl' 'I Ii .I I '!.11\' \\ t I Congregational Church I·t· :· Jo: : lte ·· Marmon North Shore Sales and Service 1008 Davis St. Greenleaf 1038 . f.t 1!. :\ \ ' t a·:d . pro- ,. l.i: '. f:l l :!JJ!I \ '.'!.'I' f I EVANSTON Open until 9:30 P. M. Fr :. ~-~ ~ II'~ I J I II I~ 2~ !J, h tl. I Ii 1r·! . . :r·. of "For Fuel· Use Oil" · For conventence, St. Augustine's Episcopal I .. j' I Patterson Bros. heat valve, clean-liness, economy, no fuel compares with oil. UNDERTAKER We have served tlze peopre of Wil·mette ana the .North Shore for NINETEEN }'ears. Space will not permit the names of tlzose in \VIL11ETTE who would be glad to personally recommend us. We .were the FIRST on the North Shore to install a Limousine hearse. We specialize on service. .... 1124 Central !,venue, Wilmette Tel. Wilmette 654 Truck Tank Delivery BraUD Bros. Oil Co. "For Fuel-Use Oil" Wilmette and Wittnetka WILMETTE 290 '///////////,//// '/, ///// '///////AI'/////////////////////////////////1'. WINNETKA 1565

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