Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Nov 1925, p. 28

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WILMETTE LIFE 1111111.,............"'.""" ... November 27. 1925 III"'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIII'"II"HIIIIIHIHIIIIHIIniiiiHIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllllltiiiiiHIIMIIIIII'IoUuttlll·' There have been many entertainmen ts for Miss Martha Blair Hamm o f K em"1 wor th an d R us h CJ ar k B u tl er, Jr. of Winnetka, whose marriage took Fete Martha Hamm and Bridal Party Prior 'to wedding MARRIES IN SOUT... Mr. and Mrs. George of St. AJ~ans, w. Va., have issue~ mvttatton s for the marriage of the1r daughter: Dorothy, to James H. Prentiss, Jr., ot Kenilworth Saturday, December 5,_ at· 8 :30 o'clock in the evening, at t~e F.r~ \ Presbyterian church. A receptiOn wtl. ~ follow the ceremony. Wei!"e~ First Church of WILME.......:- ILL a a A1 Tenth Street and Central AYeaae chr·1St, Sc. Ientist I :_;_ I_ i S E R V( C E S Wednesday Testimonial Meeting--R P. M. Sunday School Exercises I · · 5 !4 1 I ti. t t. place Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hannah, \Vood ·· Wednesday, November 18, Mrs. L. stock avenue, Kenilworth, leave for th e M. Butler of the Orrington hotel en- East Friday, Novembe~ 27, to meu tertained the bridesmaids and a group · Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rtdgway at tltt· of other friends at luncheon at the Army-Navy game Saturday. They c·x Drake hotel followed by a matinee pect to be in New York for about performance William That Hodgeevein ten days. -o"The Judge's of Husband." ning, the groom's mother, Mrs. Rush C. Butler, entertained at dinner and dancing for them in the Balloon room of the Congress hotel. Thursday, November 19, two of the ushers were hosts in their honor; Charles Dennehy gave a dinner at his home in Chicago, and afterwards Ira Couch entertained the bridal party at a dance h C ·1 at t e rt Jon. Mis~ Florence Notz, one of the bridesmaids, was hostess at . her home Friday evening, later takmg her guests to a dance at the D~ake hotel. Saturday evening, Miss Ehzabeth Hannah of Kenilworth gave a dinner-dance for the bridal party at the Opera club. The following day, Mrs. Rush Butler entertained at tea. Monday evening the bachelor dinner was held at the University club and Tuesday night, the bridal dinne; was given at the home of the bride's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Hamm of 517 Sheridan road, Kenilworth. -o- A.W. 9 45 A M : ~ r t ht t h~ ! t·· IJ · I ;,.l ?o o ~=: Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207 ~=Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth. _left Wednesday of last week for Ne\1\' \ ork 5 and Boston. They witnessed the Harvard-Yale game and. spet~~ 1 Thanksgiving in Boston wtth thetr daughter, Miss Jan e. -oD Mary Sloan of Buffalo, " ·ho l1a :-. r. Jo1 c· been the guest of Mrs. 1n Carpenter of 422 \Voodstock an·m: ;.· . for t\vo \veeks, left Keni},,·orth Sunda': . ' Subject of the Leuon Sennon1 November 29-"Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Alias Me·merism and Hwpnotism, Denounced." e ,~ .\ " ( ! lll f· I ~u READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P.M. Saturday 9 A M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Worke of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorised Chrlatlan Science Literature may be re&4. bor rowed or purchaaect. t..' II' II· fl! II i i ~E E : ~r ·· Tbe p u bl. · rdiallY m· ·ted to attend th e Cb urch IC IS co 5e · d · ·t the R eauu._ ~:-- Room . rv1cea an VISI 11 , .. ,.. ~"....""""""'""""'"m"""""""""""""'"'"""m""'"'"'""""""""""'"""'""""""""""'m""" ...""'"""""""""""'""',. lr · :ll. II I Visit our store we have the finest display of Jewelry and Silverware in this city It . ! I ~~L;.h""E6.'1E:.h"""'i:::h"1:bl-r::h~~~ I ~ I M rs. Richard Taylor and her infant daughter, Harriett, 328 Oxford road Kenilworth, came home from the Ev~ anston hospital Saturday. -o-Mr. and Mrs. Claude Burnham of Roslyn road, Kenilworth, are spending Thanksgiving with their ons in the East. -o!-1r. and Mrs. George \V . .Keehn of the Orrington hotel, Evanston, left Tuesday to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Keehn of New Rochelle, N. Y. The Keehn s were former Kenilworth residents. -o-Mrs. Loomis Hypes of Glencoe returned to her home Sunday after a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Frank Gerould of Ardmore, Pa. 11rs. Hypes and Mrs. Gerould were formerly Kenilworth girls. -oMr. and Mrs. Roy C. Osgood of 423 Essex road, Kenilworth , and 11r. and 1frs. John ]. Oleson, 240 \Voodstock avenue, left this week for the Bankers' convention in Miami, Fla. They will be away two weeks. -o-Mrs. C. K. Burnell of Newton, Iowa, who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. ] ohn V. Rathbone of 523 Abbotts~ ford road, Kenihvorth, for the pa~t three weeks, is leaving for home Saturday. , Arthur Cumnor road, Kemlworth , who \vas called East CHI account of her daughter's illness, returne? home \Vednesday, November 25, wtt!t her daughter, Phylli , who is much tmproved in health. --oM iss Alice Shipman's Sunday sc hool class wil1 give a candv sale December 5, in the Guild hall o.f the Church of the Holy Comforter at Kenilworth for the benefit of the rectory fund. --<>. The Kerrlworth club will be host to tts members and their guests at a dance this evening. -o-Mrs. Mark Cresap, 239 Essex road, Kenilworth, entertained her bridge club for luncheon Wedntsday. . ~ . 0 We show a lar2'e variety of sterling silver and 50 yeaT guaranteed triple plated. ware at the lowest prices consistent with the finest quality made. I, rJ I ~ I 0 and 14 Kt. solid gold Cameo Rings from A large variety of 10 K and 14 K Gold Emblem Rings from Thii model · Elgin or 'Waltham Watch in solid gold or gold hlled case from $25.00 up We have a full line of .. Hamilton" Watches · ' . !u d: l .lt ·- ··r lll l $10.00 up hJ Jl( \h J,. za. l" ( l f ltt Thi:. model Elgin IJI" Waltham \· V atch iu solid gold or gold tilled ca't' $10.00 up from $25.00 up We handle · · Howard" watches . I' M~s. R~Z36 Ste.~ling Silver or 14K Gold Gent:-. Wnst Watches, g-uarantud from I Latt"st Fashion of Chokers and fanrv Bead Neckla<·es from $2.50 up $10.00 up Small Snappy Diamond Rings in IKK White Gold from$25.00to $75.00' A large variety of Ladies J 4 and J 8 K Gold Wrist Watches, t"ngraved, also set with Diamonds and Sapphires from $15.00 to $250.00 DOMINIC Beautiful line of silver gol~ filled, solid gold pl01tmum front cuff links from $1.50 to $25.00 p AGLIARULO Beautiful Sparkling Blue White Diamonds in I 8 K or platinum Mounts from and JEWELER & OPI'IOIAN U66 WILIIB'ITB A.VBKUB WILMETTE, ILL. $75.00 to $500.00 iii

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