Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Nov 1925, p. 36

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36 WILMETTE LIFE November 20, 1925 -~ I n last night t o perfect final arcn.urch as P reacher on the subject, wa~ he t ts for the Annual Canvass rang-~: nH'Il "National Thanksgiving." rlf'X t Hunday. Thanksgiving will be the key note . . I . ·at the service on Sunday morning at Next Thursday being Th~nksg~v~ 1 1 g 1 L'Jans an · bt·ing m_adt: to e ng~~ e ~~ the Baptist church. The choir will 0 Day th ere will be no m_eetrng le j distiugui~hed organu~t ~f n~ ton Mila~..~y 's sing appropriate numbers and the on to give a recital m St. minister will speak on the theme. The Wom e n's Associated Gutlds Oil that n ··1>ut·ttl' < th ew organ Au v, ustint·' s church on .e n but collection of the 'fhanksgiving offer- day. -e annual bazaar of 1 'h1. , purpose is not to rarse money . ings for th~ Foreign Mission societies · · · The dat e for th the congregation and their will be a part of the service. An enthe women of St. Augusti rw's has h e (·n }~~ i<· ~ :~~~ an opportunity to ~ear the or\"elope has been supplied to each famSpecial this week g an pla~· eu by a master. ily in the church in which to make fixed for December 2. this ,offering. 22 Sunday .. · \f r ·tnd Mrs. John \Velton Fisher, SILK CHIFFON HOSI J fifteen teams of two men each tr 0 111 · · ' , · 1 · · } · reThe Sunday school will meet at 9:30, St. August~ne's will conduct thP A!1- ~ Jr .. k2f> (,recll\\' O~H. aytnuc, l~Vc , $1.45 per pair. the Beginners and Primary in Chil- nu-al Canvass for the support of ~t. tu rned from thetr t np to Bermuda. <ll·en's hall, the Juniors and Inter- Augustine's for . 19~6 and for . s .t. 1 O u thl'ir \\'a\· home, they stopped off mediates in the Assembly room and Augu.stin e's contnbutt?n to ~l~e ~,tuts t> ,. > ilia \\here they sa\\" the the Seniors and Adults in the church of Dtocesan World- 'VHh· )f 1ss1onH o r lll l)llt'ladt:IJ . , · .· 1 . f 1126 Central A·e. Wil. -mJ auditorium. There is graded instruc- the same period. 1a me:... 1rnllL'!-> "·lw \\'Crc rest( cnts o t ion for all ages. . I \\.ilm l' tte until ~everal yt:ars ago. At th e account of hi s An: tk ~> X- ' Th e Young People'~:) ~Qciety meeting plorations by be Comn1ander I>on~ld .· ~: 'F.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ given at the ~und,l~ in their 5:30 session will make a de- .MacMillan to \'O tional study of some of the great Evening club next Sunda~· l'\'t' !11llV. ~~ hymns that have been mighty forc~s the Congregational (·hun·h, ~t. Au in th e history of the church. All Young gustine's moving picturt> ma('hiJH·s. :tnd ' booths will be tlSC(, to sh "·:· C ont · I People cordially invited . man.d er· Macl\fillan's moving J iC' tUr t· "· This church co-up6l·ates with the Confirmation c lass ps !'or hoyx :·ltd Sunday Eve ning· club which presents on Sunday e vening Donald B. 1\lac- girls will be held on ~unday a ftt· J' IlOOI! s :\lillan, Arctic e xplorer, whose address at 4:30 in the Church As1-wmhl~ f' (!Olll 11 will be supplemented with moving at th e r ear of tht- Par· ish Hous~· · I I 1 \Vilm ette avPnUt-', and at 7 :an 111 t .h ··, pictures. ~fiR~ Anna Nyberg, violinist, same place for adults. Pan: nts \\ 11 ·1 will play . 1 wish to comt> with th(·ir <"hlldrt ·n :ll 1 4:30 art> quite Wt·konw. Thos(, thtnl.-- . Together with the other chut·che.s, ing of Co nfirmation should ht· ··nt·oJl .· ·l In selecting . Christmas Gifts it is gratifying to find articl_ this church will participate in the in th(' elass<'s nn nPxt Sun{la:-- . Village Thanksgiving service at · 1hf' novel and distinctive. Present displays of NEW GIF I Methodist c hurch Wednesda~· ~ve tting . A lll h-' ting· of tht· !llt·ll of lh· · l';trtsh I November 25 . Baptist Church I 1 We Have Everything for afterno~1. ~ov~tmbt·r I I Wardrob :; "Th way ( , 111 ccl 1 Lowt off t 1,~ te~t \ whir h gam e v UNIQUE STYLE SUO~ "In coac h one " LO\\ r · - the ' can ll\ the 1· or dr 1' ca .; i< " 'r ( CHARLES E. GRAVES & c· toL ~c a Nett' Gift Jewelry Moderate Price tio n · !o m St"t' , il1l'l, t of ~,: :\ i The young p eo pl e uf the <:burch ar.d their friends will attend in a body the F'rayer me e ting of th e Nf)rth District City B. Y. P. U. at Moody .auditorium, Chicago av e nue and La ~aile street, leaving· the church hy .'l uto at 5:45 Thursday morning. ~unrise · &erViceof JEWELRY at the Remodeled Graves Store are reple c with newest designs at MODERATE PRICES. Being of the traditional Graves quality, such gifts are high h regarded by recipients . ip .tl up r, Th iord ir ... or t This evening· at 7:30 a Thanksgiving party will be given for th e members of the Junior and lntermedia:e deJ)artm e n t~ of the Su·nda~· school. The Link luncheons will b e hel<l l.fJday as follows: Link "N," lea<lnr ~trs. Schmidt, at the hom e of !\frs. Heaton, 162 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth; Link "D," leader, Mrs. Tm:ner, at the home of Mrs. Rrasht>ars, 1239 Ashland avenue. The Baptist chureh is lueated nt Wilmette and Forest avenues, anti its people extend the heartiPst welc0'.1e to all who may cho·ose it as a })lace of worship and C hristian work . The pastor, Rev. Francis C. Stifler, may b e seen at the study in th e church dur·ing the mornings of the week, or at o tht' r hourR by appointment. Th e church office, in charge of Miss. Mab e lle Hl'nnacker, is open from 9 to 1 every tlay t>xcept Sunday. Th f:" ehureh tt~ l f'phnne is "\Vilmett<' 2235. Jfiqn!fied e1egMCe 'Ve will turnleh a service or d ign lfted elegance and simply charge you for the actual values received. We are well acquainted with the undertaking bu~tneaa, anrl can assure you that none can serve you better. Our prices are r·ight. Purchases made now held for Christmas delivery if desired Order now your engraved personal Christmas cards. hcl\\ ' whc . ir1tn i O J. \ll ( ~I l' il l ( CHARLES E. GRAVES & CO. Jewelers & Silversmiths hil l! Arra ~~ ' ~{I' WARD &: BUCHHOLZ Funeral Directore Madison & Wabash Established 1857 Lady Assistant Private Ambulance th l \\ l ' lt t l'h v-; · 912 Chicago Ave. Ph. l Tniv. 600 l' . K , lock .. Pl t" Xext ~unday, November 22, will be the Sunday next before Advent. Th e r f' will be Holy Communion at 8 a. m., Chur·ch Schools at 9:45. and ::\forningPrayer at 11. Next. Thursday, Nov. %th, being Thanksgiving Day, th e re will uc Holy ..,ommunion at St. Aug·ustine':-:; at · a. m., and !\[orning Pr·a~·er with a<ltln·ss at 10 a. m. The enitt'd Thank.sg·iving- Ht·J"\'i<-t· of th e differt:>nt eong-reg-ations in tlw m e tt t:> Church ('Ouneil will l.w held · next 'Vedn.,.sday t·veni ng- in the: MPthodist hu1·c h at IS p. m . with th t> Rev. !-i. A. Lloyd of tht> C'ongn.·gational St. Augustine's IMAGINE Driving 300 miles a day, averaging 45 miles per hour over all sorts of roads in perfect comfort and safety. And 20 miles to the gallon. "'il- ADIO The Horner Piano Co., is the only authorized ZENITH Agency in Evanston. A complete line of high grade Radio Sets and accessories. D G THAT'S CHRYSLER PERFORMANCE EVANSTON MOTOR SALES W. D. SALES 1017 Davis St. Reagan, Mgr. I Horner Piano Co. Established 1907 1521 Sherman A-.e. at GroYe St. "HORNER'S CORNER" Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Ennings Grttnluf PHONE University 2277 SERVICE 1840 Ridge Ave. Ei 1 464

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