WILMETTE LIFE November 20. 1925 WILMETTE LIFE ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH "\YEEK by LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. 'l't-lt·phone .··................·....·· Wilmette 1920 SUUSCRU·'I'ION PRICE ·.··..·....· · 2.00 A YEAR All communications must 'Jc accompanied by the nam e and address of the writer. Articles for pub'icati1)11 mu st rC'ac:h thC' editor by Wedne!'lday noon to insure appearance 1n current issue. H.esolutions of condolence, cards of thanl{s, ohitunry, notic£>!'; of c·nlertainmrnts or other affairs wh<·r<.· an admittance charge is publish{'d, \\ill IH· chn.rge<l at r eg ular advet·tising- ratPS. En tcrC'd at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, as mail mattE>r of the second class, uncll' l' the act o f !\1arch 3, 1879. Co-operate! Theatre Guild. Mr. Miller, president of the Winnetka board, has by the generous use of his time, ability, and energy, beer: largely responsible for the growth of that vt_llage. The college will probably move to 1ts north shore location on Sheridan road about the first of next February. The officers ~f the school will be obliged to add to thetr already he a ' 'Y load of r~ spon~ibilities. New que~tion s of policy wJll anse .. . T~e rel~ tion of the college to the umverstty wtll ha \'e to he more clearly defined. . The problem of successfully conducting the tinance~ of the ~choo l mnst lw faced and solYed . The colleg'-' i:' t h'-' r~.: fore to he con gra t u latcd on :-'~curing- he ~ cn·irc~ of such prominent and rapabk men . s THIS COLUMN CHANGED BAND To all " ·hom it may (or may not) cotu·<.:r11 : ~· ,dtllllll h;t.., btL'11 ~ : ~!: ·· ;1 O\ er. lurk. ~ tock an d rd. h\· a tH' \\' ronductor. On and aitl'r tiJj , "'-' ,,:ill not l1t' rnpon-.ibh: ior any jokes, Jl· p1111~ or otlH·r ,,· ittici ~ llb \\hich h:t\l' appl' :tr t·: j 11 t h t · p a.., t. \ \' l' han· c 11 an g e d t h l' 11 :t 11 1, , poli('\' and. \\' l' hop<', t lu · appl'aratH't', hu \'. · kt·t·p· di..,p ..... iti 111. ( \ly t..:()odnc~:.! That ,,.; t ~ .1. ,,;t..,n't it~ 1 Tilt · ro l\1 11111 i-. likl'ly to lH' :t It· 1)( I d ~· t " i ; l II .\' l II i Ill! ;lll d t \tTy t It i II g .t 11 d i i \ ( Ill ltl it-.tl'll II!Ol't' ,tlll·l ll it _\() tl (lf\' \\t'kOlllt ' " it tlll·rv'-. til> Lt\\ a:..:;tin ... t t!J;ll . ·' '· I ~ !'- .,. TRAI GHT-FISTED constructive critici~m of municipal officials is good. Its uhject is to 1mprovc existing conditions. It .Tl!( H '( ~J I ,,.'-, a I'L' not epicurean in i~ meant to be helpful. \Vith that object our att itude tlJ\\·:trd fnud. ~ till our in view the constructiYc critic inYestigate:-; curio:-.1tY "a:-. :--UIIlL"'·hat piquecl hy the n:a ~ituation thoroughly and presents the facts ' cent apj)earallt.'l' f a til"'. item m the nci g h to the proper official. Suitable action i~ hllrlwod hill of i~HL'. \\"hen ou r marketthen taken, and the fault is corrected. ' man annoutlt'L'.cl that he \\·as expecting a -.:hipmcnt oi r'-·indrL:r mtat ;rom Alaska we Rut )H,trcly destruct in' criticism accom at once drterminrd to buY a reindeer teak p 1i ~he s I itt 1e that i ~ he 11 ct1 cia 1. It "'t i r s tt p :!nimosities. rt pttblishe:-; thing-s about pub- ' and . . urprise ()ur \\'tic an·cl friend:-.. :ic officials which the\· t hemsc h ·es cannot .\t lir:--t it \\'a,; rt."'pngn:-tnt e\·en t o think of cfiectively answer. unic ,s they are willing eating any pt·rtion. ho\\eYer ~mall, of that to descend to the kn:- 1 of the dc:-.tntctin· :111im.d :--o clear tll tht' heart ()i uttr old cnt1c. Faultfinding f()r the ~ake 11f fanltf ric 11 cl ~ant a C1:1 u..;. \\ · v :--l'C me d r a 1111 ilinding· promotes had feeling. h;tlistic \\ .h(J ktle\\ " hl'ther we might \Vilm ettc is a quiet hnmc to\\'n. It:-. prollllt he iea:-:.ting· un ..;pmc line:-tl descendant gress is due to the daily hard \\'Ork oi it~ oi Donner or Blitzcn . . those Chri tma~ citizens and of those whom it ha s chu srn l·uur . . er:--. made :-o much nf in that n1ost to manage its public affairs . ~Ii s takcs are luYcd tlf childh\locl': cla:--..;ics. " 'T,Ya:-- the tnade. httt when pointed out arc tl. ually night he f urc Christmas"? t·cmc:d ied. The he a It h y condition and wholcHut " ·hen \\'l' called to mind the fact so mC' g-rowth of \Vifm ettr arc not due to t h a t · ·~I a r" ·" little 1a n1 b" \\'as decided 1y ,,·idespread, ttn~upported. reckless attack.:.; attractin_~ -when ~crve d with mint sauce hut to steady consistent <.'\'ery-day labor. and that kind-eyed h ·e,·es furnished tt~ \\'hat we need in \Vilmctte is n ot opposi\\ ith nice juicy p~>l terhunse. acceptable e\'en tion hut co-operation! t<l th~ 111()~t tender heartl' d of larlie . . we lost much uf our :-entimcntal distaste. Save Life! Tomorn,w \\'l' intend to get that reinde e r 'hak. \Yl' ..;hall a...,k our hott~ekeepcr to ARNINGS and cummancb can du hr(lil it in E . kimo hntter and ~arni:-h it mttch tov;arcls decreasing the num "ith l ce land mos". ber of children injured and killed by auto:-. . Greater strictness on the part of parents, 1:1ore certain punislunent for disobedience. Open House at ]\le·w Trier will shorten the list of the c causaltie'i. I fE open house plan operating at ..:\ C\\' But tnorc, and perhaps tnore than \\·e Trier high school has been producthink, can be done by a catnpaign of educati·n~ r ,f far reaching re ·ults. That parents tion an1ong the children themselves. Pic- ' ha Ye availed them e }yes of this opportunity tures-hlack and white, colored. and, cspetn \'i::--it the cla:. c:-- of their children is c ially. tnoving-with a minimum of rca<linggra ti fyi ng to those who inaugurated the n1atter \viii have tnorc effect than the in plan. ju.nctions of parents and teachers. Sho\Y :\othing is so important nor, in so tnany children a filtn story of a child tnaimed or in~tance~, so difficult, a. the establishment killed by a car, and th · lesson of caution ()f a mutual confidential relation. hip beis tnorc strongly en forced than by a hundred t ween parent and child. It is only too easy commands. Make it plain that the Jisaster ' in the fatn'ly for the way of the child is due to the child's lack of care, and the and the way the parent to diverge. tnajority of children seeing the picture \vill ,'uch a trend begun. it cannot he easily learn the le sson. changed. The Cook County Citizens' Child Safety Confidence is built upon respect and Campaign comn1ittee-the length of the trust and tnutual understanding. This conname may damage the cause-is initiating fidencc i~ strengthened by the parttctpasuch a tnovetnent as outlined above. tion of parents in the school life of the child. Such a community of interest leads inNew Trustees t:Yitahly to understanding. y the addition of Percy B. Eckhart and Chilclrrn cannot in the nature of things John S. l\1 iller to its board of h~\ve a common interest with their parents trustee-s, the National Kindergarten and Eleexcept in those things that loom large in tnentary College has n1aterially trengththe child's life. School is the biggest thing ened its position on the north shore. Mr. in his world. It is the \vise parent \vho Eckhart is not only a lawyer of proved ~hares thCit experience with his child. ability but has also given valuable service Open house day may lack something as a treasurer of the Ravinia Park organizaa form of entertainment, but as a builder tion and president of the North Shore of cmntnnnity interest it has few equals. S ·A ' \\.t· ;t~l't't' it~ll't' THE WILMETTE KNIFE ' ' ith :t rnt;tin rritit· ()i tlw lt·t. tl I W \\It() ;, ... ..,t·rt., th :t t in-.tt ·:td oi lll"r·· rl! it \\ (· r an· ttt·, ·r It-d. T !11 ~ t r it i 1· ' · .t 11 h '> k 11 r · '\ tltrt'l' ptd in·ntvn . . lwuld dn nothing but rid t.: m n·· r\ rJt. . . :tnd h:tra"' jlfHlf. itlll··rt·n '\lt·t··kr . . I t ' · .;j,]t- r ~idtlll.., ,,j till' \ill;t~t· \\'!J,, ;trt· jlt' :t·· ~· ·i11·~ :tl~~·ut tiH·ir c1\\ n l111-.illt '" "hi lt- lHt' .· :trt· Jd~ · in-:..:. tltt·lr tr;tclv llttllll oJt. . . ,.,J. T IJ; 11 · .., J \1 .... l \\ It .t t \ \"l' \\ ; Ill I Ill h I I( I \ \ \\ t ( 111Hkr-.t.tlld i ;tt all. and \\t' h.t\t' .t jd.tlllll t··l i It l' -.. i l \l.l t i ( II} \\ !1 i \. ~~ \\ t' \\ I I \1 1.] 1 i k (' l ( I "\ T ( !'It ' l Let\ ;tl,.,jj,l! all tilt: \·tditt' it·rn · \\ith tht· t '· t ; 1111 o i t h r n· lilt· 111!1\ · r... . '\ I~ · , " d l ; t c t 1ll l' r 1 ·I: ; t ... · :. "l'n;c ant--. to :111 ... ,, t r tt·ktdltllll' " a11cl han<! uu· iurmati ,) ll ;tt tltc poli'CL' --tatio n. T!tl'r t i~ nu thl' itt ha\ itt:..: llloturc:l·k policc' l l . II cJ l"l' t h t' I; l \\ ... U i t h l' .., t at L' 1h l' l'l' j ll () d l' II ' · -peed li mit, \\ v arc tuld, t.·a rlt dr~ l'1' hl'ill!~ all· ,, 1 tc1 judge ior hinhdi \\·hat i:- a ~ait· and n·:,..,ot\ .t " \ll'l'd at ,,·hich to dri\' l', takill . L!, into l'<Jthtdl'r :t !I Ira n i c it ll d u t h t' r r I I))( I i t 1· ) 1h . s() It- t . . , h :l \ l' II (l II tor rOl>!--. Tilt'.\ can't tell ,,·hdhL·r or 11n_t ;_t 11. h :--}1\Tdillg hl'l':lll"l' tlH'y Clll't It'll \\hat hh jtlrJ tltvllt dil· atL· . . a ... a ~ail· and rl'a onal·k "Jll'l'd. Some -.li~ltt di!Ytrultit.·. . might ari ... t ·, \\t. . acltt l · 1\ ·r~oll \\'Ito h ;t ·v t.·'-t't't'ditt ~·l.' high JHl\'.'c ' ·l'dtt l ·· (';tr:-. could tra\l'l 11ltHh ta-.tt'r tltau tht.· tlitt· t It t.· poI i c v 1 k \' a r t 111 v 11 t . \ \ · It 1· n 1 h l' .., ~: p n ... 1 , 1h . '~ th t.· i:t~t rar~ happl·ncd to collide " tth th e crttli cr fdL ·r rl' . . id'-'nt-,-tlll· lattt·r n1iultt rume t·ut CJI ntutll t!.t.· \\(11-.l' i<·r \\t·ar . IIL·r l· l it" tlw d1t'1i cttl' -- t h L p l' r . . llll ' ' Ito c u II i d l' d \\ i t h t h l' l r it i c. ~ ·tlf I \' ' 1 1 T \\Pttld n;1ttt1alh· tilt' :-t t·ttc l~t· w bl:ttltl·. llltLdlt \\d.., L ' ' t·t\ll' 1 1·~· 1 1 of ;tl·k ttJ tl'a\t 'L-JJ l'l\l l' t he critic could learn hi:-. identity. \\'ithout an. police iorre on till' ..,trLTh it \\uuld ht· dtttirult' a p Jl r l' h l' n cl him a11 d 111 a k l ' J1i 111 l' ~~ y tIt e <1am a~ · to the critic or hh iutH·ral v'\jlvthn. But · It problem cvuld ~un·ly IH: ..,uhnl . . uml·hu\\·. Another dirticult,· \\'hich might ari!'>l' " ·mtld i~ ill<: L'llfon: L'I11l'llt ol regulation-, rl'~arding thruu ..! :--trcl't-; . \\'i tltout polict.:llll'll to check tlH·nl up. t n drin-r~ would hced the !'>lop :...ign..,. ~oml' collt:--it~t ' tnight result from this 5ituation. Oubidc of thl..! :,t. :.I ig h t mat tc r:, tIter\..' would I 1c no t rou h lc '-' :-. ~ L'l" that a fe\V children might he killed t:\'cr: ::-o or It ' I and a iew adult damaged 110w and thcn. I )n\\: with the rop!'>! ii i1i.., \'ell" I B HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN? Keith Preston in hi:- column in the Chicago Da il. \'L'\\'-., , ~peak:> ~f \\'ilmettl' a~ "that cnterpri.,in !itt II.! :-.uburh of E' an!'>tou." Lord lltgll E:s:ecutiCJnl' r prcpart' thy ax! J...:cith \\'as comm<.'nting upon til l ultn of a re\\'ard to anyont.: who killed a l>andt ' operating in t hl' ,. i llagc. Thi~ i:. to not i i y hi II that hc i~ included \\'itb the other bandih. A .,uJ, uri> oi J·:,·an!'>lon ior!'>oOtlt! A good ti\·<.' cent cigar "ill h<.: a\\·arded anyc.. . .~ \\'Ito can gue~:- ~he idl'ntity ui the co11ductor of tht l·ulttmn from this, the latl' st picturc of THE SLAVE. 1