18 WILMETTE LIFE November 20, 1925 I Seasonal next meeting of the Clucago : . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' \Voman's Ideal club will occur :\Ion"Thank. ~iYing-," the nc\\' Public day, f\o\·enJbcr 23, at the Black-.,t()fll' 1 Scn·ice company poster placed on the hotel. \Yith a 12:30 o'clock lun cheon 1 II Woman's Ideal ~lub Changes Meeting Day ~fhe RUB·Y S MUSCLE DE\'ELOPINb FOOTWEAR. FOR. Note App C/14 ThC' ar t he \\'int Tlll·-.,day Rapid Transit company platform s of Chicago and cin poster boards t Iroughout the 221 communitie s served by the Public Service company of Northern Illinois, has met with much favorable public comment. Many letters of com- occupying th -.: int~rim between the morning and afternoon sess ion s. ·Mrs. John]. Gillardon is chairman of the 11 o'clock meeting \\·hen 11 r . . , Anna Peterson will gin· demonstra - ~ tions on "Confections." Mrs. Frank M. Fulton. thl' cluh"s I president, will presidl' over the a ftcr- ~ noon meeting at 2, with J\f r:.. Isadore L. Buchhaltcr general chairman of the program which ha s b een arranged and will he pre sen ted hy M r'> . II arold S . CHILDREN FINDomEDGE\\i\TEI~ 11EACH SHOP CONVE~Il..:NT ,. ,. AbRTH SHORE PATRON/ 2 :4S o'rl A SMART SCHOOL OXFORD FOR THE GROWING GIRL Another Ruby achievement in building a low heel. high arch shoe that helpa arch and foot development; built of tan English grain \\';tdl' s that ~I i-. \' \ l 'f to ;q F n:dn ir ~ iJa .., app Oksncc. The gue . . c... oi honor and the speak ers will he Olaf Bicrn. 1\:or\\cgian counsel; Maj. B irgcr Osland, Col. T . 1 Siquelaud, Dr. Clarence \Vhcaton. "~ ho · will take as his subject, "Health ( 'hirago ·· hYinu < ' , ,;(~IJ \'M p .:\1 j ~., , i,.Jj n..,, ;t 11t r in-., t r ~! rJ ,.., ~~ Si.Ra Z~ to 7. $8.50 for fl'C ~ ~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!l~llil)!~~~~~ R.uay·s OULDru:..N SHOES AR£ FH"T.ED f>Y MEN WHO KI JL>W HOW t ' l n I ('() Jl t Cormick: Ru111 :-. dahl Longevitv." 1\frs. Mrs. 1fildrrd Ruth Hanna Mc· Bruns. so loi s t ; 1\f r'. Flon:n Cl" Ko:--t Cook, reader. Arthttr 1\1t~ltt ~~h-t:t .~tll.-ll~~l !() 1\('nil -1 w :-·rth Sunda,· 1norninl!· trutiJ a !Juntino I trip to \\'i lcl \\'in g <.~ lui· in -,(ltJtiJn~ ; .i.. \'n . . l.a1 ,.r,· jud \I \' JJJI> t 1 ·! , I \ ' t·.t . l11 lJ 1:ai Ull t·t ·k. .. , 0 ( fll inni..,. :t il l ' ----- - - - f ·k~. ;~ 11 ·il r';· .tii k ol'JJll l' f }j ; .. . .l j, I II U ill]>; I "iil' l )It llt' l lit'\ l' . :\ .. tit ill I'IJJ I :: j t \!·· .... 1 j d tlJ II I: ( 'll i (IJ'ft' II ' l' Ill ._- \T FOUNTAIN SQUARE-EVANSTON ·mend a tion ha \'C bee 11 clubs, cltttrchcs, art ren·i\' L 'd -.,ocirt ies "'tudcnts. The succt.:s.., of tlH· po:--kr j.., at tributed by art nitic s to it s :-.trikinginterprt'tation of the !->pirit of 'l'hank:-- giYing Day in America. For thi :-. rl·;t-.,<·n man\' cl('llll'IJtan· and intl' l'llH.> di;ttt: ... cbo.ol:-- lta\'l' pl :u.<·d th<' po-,tvr in cJa...,:-.!'O(·Ills a:- a represt.:ntation of the -.,turdiness of the Pilgri111:-. and the hardships they l'ndured. ' Oscar I~ahc l !anson oi C!Ji·c agP, the .arti,t. ha:-. painted sen·ral of thl' prl',·iou:-; posters whil·h lll<tkl' up this in- ' tercsting :-.erit's h .\' tltc Public Scnire : 1 company oi ;\ ort bern lllinoi:-.. THE BOOT SHOPPE ~~~~··{\\~ ~ --:··: - .·~ ·._,- ~ ->! ~ J:iij" I ~.._. ~-.-';:.'/; .' . ... J TI 0(( Luggage and accessories of leather always have been most acceptable as gifts. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES VERY SPECIALL 1:~ PRICED One Strap Slippers Cl1ildren' s Shoes Oxfords for Misses $3.00 to $5.00 $2.7 5 to $4.25 and Juniors Of pat.nt leather with Leathers in Smoked Elk.. $4.00 to $8.50 turn-flexible soles. Sizes 5 Y2 to 8 at $3.00 BYz to 11 at $3.75 . 117i to 2 at ··..· $4.35 271 to 7 at ..... $5.00 skin, tan or brown Elkskin, Patent Leather and White Sizes 2 to 5 at .·. $2.7 5 572 to 8 at ..... $3.50 872 to 11 at .··. $4.25 Of Calfskin· in mannish effect, in Black or Brown Calf and Brown Elk. Sizes 1172 to 2,$4.00-$6.50 2 Y2 to 7, $6.00 to $8.50 the blc< for mil rio for ven IJ ~ NEW YORK . EST. 185Q CHICN:iO ,.tab. 1151 Read All the Want Ads ·~ First Floor .. -.., .· ' ·~ Jt.·- ~ #-'