November 20, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE Mrs. L. H. Sherwin's review of "The P:ofessor's House." Mrs. Carl Hugo ~mn read a syn.opsis of the opera, Samson and Dehlah" and Mrs. · C. R. Norman, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. William Otter, sang several selecMembers of the Woman's Catholic cluh tions from the score. of Wilmette are anticipating the next meeting on Friday, November 27, which ·Winnetka Music Club is Junior Membership day, and the · · Will Meet ID Glencoe I prog-ram will be given in the auditorium of the St. Francis Xavier The \Vinnetka Music club will meet school. Mrs. 1ames Byrnes. Mrs. ~- at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lynch, and Mrs. ]. J. Tracey wtll George J. Pope, 610 Longwood avenue. !' be the hostesses. Glencoe, Monday, November 23, at Approximately 55 members were in j 8 o'clock. An evening of folk tales attendance at the program given Fri- and folk song~ will be given by Ruth day, November 13, by the fine arts de- Sawyer and Helen Abbott Byfield. partment of the club with Mrs. Charles . Miss Sawyer, author and playwright, F. Bunte, the hostess. ts well known as an authority in the The program numbers, offering a I folk lore of many nations, especially j varied interest, proved a delight. Mrs . of Ireland. Mrs .. Byfield, sop~ano, a I F X. Thale gave a comprehensive re- 1member 0 ~ the \Vt!lnetka Musac club, 1 : of current events foreign na- ~ nee.ds no mtroduct10n to north hore I 'tcw ' A. Lamkey ' restdents I tional, and local. Mrs. . . · . gave an account of "The Art of Plav- . C~~ttl last season,. the_ Wmnetka writing" that was intensely intcrest~g : ~tustc club was knov.n as the North . and witty, and made intimate by lrer I ~hore ~facDowell soctety. I te lting of her own personal cxperi- 1 Read All the Want Ads ences. A lively discussion followed Catholic l;lub Gives News of Programs of the Past and Future 17 EV ANSTQN SHOP Orrington Hotel Jj A Delightful ~~shopping I I I by Place" near / - ~--------------------~~ Women's Frock Sizes 3 6 to 44 Exceptional Value - ,, North Shore residents will find The Spaulding £yanston Branch a delightful place for Christmas Shopping. Ample parking space and the same courteous and interested service as at our Michigan Avenue Store help to make a pleasure. The above rrinterior" of the Evanston Branch will give some idea of the comprehensive stock of Jewelry, Silverware, English China, Glass, Leather Goods and objets d'art from which selections may be made for ({WORTH WHILE" Christmas Gifts. " A "Betty Wales" Type Owing to the great demand for larger sizes in Betty Wales Youthful Design Frocks, we have produced a splendid model in Georgene over heavy silk drop. The slip has a contrasting shade top in the lighter shades, neatly embroidered-The frock is sm:uily embroidered in front on collar and cuffs in a two-toned braid. Exactly as illustrated in Black, Navy, Brown, Cocoa, Grey with combinations. Sizes 3 6 to 44-or any size not · in stock made specially for you within one week. goldsmiths ~ Silversmiths " Jewelers 1636 Orrington Avenue rzear Church Street Evanston 23 Rue de Michigan Avenue at Van Buren Street, CHICA<;;O Pans SPAULDING & Co. 6S· 67 E.MADISON ST. ~WILSON at SHERIDAN G,vanllun Slwp in 7he ~lim Hole/ Ia Patx France rBel4t ~ Jho!M ' ~·