12 To debs, suh-dch~. those washing certain household supplies, and to those with long Christmas $.!ift lists on their hands. the bazaar to be given bv the Woman's guild of St. Augustine's Episcopal church an day Wednesday, December 2, at the Parish house, wilJ offer an attractive array of goods sorted to meet the requirements of the busy shopper. A parish dinner will be served in the club house promptly at 6 and 7 o'clock. Mrs. Lester Wood of Evanston, formerly of Wilmette, is chairman of the bazaar, with the following members in charge of booths and tables: Mrs. Earl Eaton Bigelow, fancy work; Mrs. Hubert Carleton, debutante; Miss Laura Davy, utilities; Miss Hillaker's class of boys, grab bag; Mrs. P. E. Madden, remembrance; Mrs. Lester Wood and Mrs. Frederick Favor, aprons; Mrs. Thomas Hardwick, candy; Mrs. George Morley and Mrs. Richard Wilson, collars and cuffs; Mrs. Morton B. Skinner, comforters; Mrs. ] . C. Conifort, book department; Mrs. William E. Ten Broeck, Mrs. F. L. Day, and Miss Marjorie Day, food sale. Gifts, Food Sale, Dinner to Feature at Church Bazaar What is heralded each wmter .as ot~: of the gala events of the . Omlme it Country club season, o~enn.g, as as . d an unusual dtversJOn, .w tt oes, h t r gtven the Military Euc re par ) Thursday evening. More than ff100 . members assembled for the. a atr which started auspiciously wtt~ the serving of a delectable turkey dmncr, and those whom fortune ch~se as winners in the evening, were delighted with the unique prizes, fa~ turkey s~ a welcome additions to famtly , tarde~~ being prepared for next weeks hohday. Mr and Mrs. Archie G. Franklin of 849 Sheridan road gave a dinner-dance at the Sovereign hotel Saturday evening, November 14. --oMr. and Mrs. Louis K. Gillson of 706 Forest avenue will spend Than~s giving with relatives in Akron, Ohto. GIVE TURKEY P~IZES ========--~------~-----·-Artists and Students on the N . ortb Shore We now carry a comp Iete I. tne of Devoe and Raynold' :artists materials of all descriptions. Also Jesso-Craft Att Clay, as well as wood plaques. Nov em~ NOT Elshuco pear worth Artistic Picture Framing Wilmette Window Shade & Paint Works Mirrors, Picture Framing, Mirror Resilveri?g and Reglazing 113 3 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 3491 Sund2 Elshuco a recita hall. tickets tickets the Ch· Who Trio? \Villekc who w~ quartet of its ~ him frc occupiel veteran then ] prom in in this ~ot Taylor's Bootery ~~ Colortone " huahet annoyin1 aounds and a( .. lows notea of voice and inatrumen t to reach you in full natural tones quartet the lea has be York S the a THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE Thanksgiving services are to be held at St. John's Lutheran church Thursday morning, November 26, at I 1 o'clock. All residents of the community are cordialJy invited to participate in the observances. Thursday, November 12, Mrs. S. E . Moist entertained about seventy-five members of the Wicker Park Woman's club at a buffet luncheon at her home, 1104 Sheridan road. Selby's Arch Preserver Shoes for Women organiz· "'Kneis tiona tel and tr to him than FJ l>ccn 11111 a ic. \ \'illi horn it recitals was ace "equcnt Have Your Thanksgiving Dinner with us We will sen·e a special dinner Thanksgiving Day $1.25 per pia te Somewhat of a surprise dinner. Bring your appetite \Vith you, \Ye kno\v you'll enjoy the dinner. T enables you to alter to your taste the quality or timbre of speech or music from high, thin pitch to low, deep, roWld ton~ . This receiver, unlike others, ts not at the mercy of the loud speaker. The "Colortone" also helps to subdue to a great degree, the scratching, hissing, whistling sounds that are usually the bane of radio reception. The "S's" and the "H'sH are plainly audible; naturalness of aound replaces the artificiality which baa hcretoloce interfered with radio Clljoymmt. Do not Jniu a de~J~tG~Ytration of thie -re·t Grebe i6111/Q4"ation. I I fochsc under One beauty treatment that works! It makes your face freer of wrinkl~s, your walk more graceful, your actions more alert, when you have comfortable and youthful feet. And you can have such feet by wearing the Arch Preserver Shoe. Let us show you this better shoe. 109 West S 7th A. H. Grebe &. Co. Street, New YQrk Hill, N.Y. Wucem Branch: +43 So. San Pedro Street, Loe Antelee, CaL ~ R.ichmood FOR SUNDAY Roast \\.a tertown Goo e Chicken or I~oa;-;t Beef If . YOu ha \"e not ,. "t dined with u~. du ~u :--uon. Our , dinners will far t·xcecd any , recommendation. l\~' f}l.EBJ\ ~~~~~ paratusiacov· ered by pat· enu ·ranted and pendlna. All Grebe ap. ~ ~ V r~.;, .,.nlh o..,., mu/ op~ ~ra~s 1taticn.s COIIIfP-IW1 :!'!':'!.= WBOQ. W II HG t11td . G. BEYRER WILMETTE WM. Electric and Radio Shop We Serve All Sets FOOD SHOP . 417~--4th .St. 1122 Central Ave . Phone 81 Pied Piper Shoes for Children Holland Shoes for Boys We Do Good Repairing , I I I TAYLOR'S 605 Main Street BOOTERY Phone Wilmette 385 ~ ... -