N o vember 20, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE C) Seniors Announce Harvest Party /or Tomorrow Evening U. of I. Proves Popular With Wilmette Students Wilmette is represented hy 52 stu den t s at the University of Il linois a ccording to statistics issued from' th e :-. tate university's registrar offices recently. Winnetka has 18 of her youn g people among the JJiini, while G lencoe .boasts 10.· and Kenilworth. four. ,- ================================================~==~ Students of the senior class at New Trier High school will , hold their amiual Harvest party Saturday evening, November 21, in the mess hall \VE. of the school. fall As this event marks the heginning of the social season for the seniors, Miss · E leanor Brown, who is at it . is always intended to he an unusual Ohio univer~ity this year. will spend and brilliant affair. This year's party the Thanksgiving holidays at her already promises to equal tho se of home, 917 Greenleaf avenue. other )·cars in elaboration of plans and skillful arrangement. - -- - - - - - ·- - - , The mess hall will lose its u s ual appearance of a lunch room and will become the setting for a rollicking barn dance. Corn ~ta l ks and pump' TS lllllllltlll kins will adorn the corners and posts. while lanterns will cast their yellow glo\\· over the floor. At one end of the hall will hc.· the orchestra, screened i11 1)\· more corn stalks. Tho..,e who j a tt ei1d wi II wear old clothes. farmer's cost mnes. on·r - alb and straw hat s for I - remember tlw boys. sunbonnet:-. and gingham drl'..,:-.t'" for the girk The Central Cafeteria · will open s I DECEMBER FIRST! when winter comes TH E JUNIORS IN PARTY Thl· junior cia:-.:-. of the :\t·" · Trin lligh :-.chool will hold its first cia:-.:-. pa rty of the year Thur:-.day, December I 0. The party wi ll be held in the mess l1 all of the school and wi ll begin at ~ :30 o'clock and last until 9 o'clock in he cn·ning. Dinner wi ll he served at , :13 o'clock, following a program of . n tertainment. and there will he tnr ing in the <·vening. I Remember the Date I The CENTRAL CAFETERIA Will be one of the finest cafe.. · · tertas on the enttre North Shore. It will have the very best in equiptnent and quality of food. The kitchen will be ultra· tnodern tn every detail. The dining rootn will be both cotntnodious and at· tracttve. The fact that it is owned and operated by FredA. Miller, well known O\vner of the ·Lake Shore Terrace, is· a guarantee of the high quality of Edgewater Beach Hotel at 5 349 SHERIDAN ROAD 1 1 .\1 r". Henry J. Burbach of 1021 Lin. ~ - n avenue, kit Thur:-.day ior Indi.. n apoli~ to !)pend thl' \\'eek-end with · 1l'r son, Lit..·ut. Claude F. Burbach. of t he Third l·. S. Field Artillerv ~tation ' d at Fort Benjamin Harriso;1. is the only hotel in Chicago where one may spend an evening Dining and Dancing with the assurance of protec tion for one's :1r . from theft or freezing. 4 .\1cCall. \\ ho 111ake:-. her homl' \\'ith her daughter . .\1 r .... John B. Bo d d i t: o i lf 127 Fort: ~ t an· n uc, k f t l:h t \\el'k tu pa..,..., the \\intn months 111 California. ~~ r:-.. John -o- The only Hotel m C h icago with a Garage in direct connection . I W. M. D EWEY Manager -o- . , Saturday E·venirrg-Formal Mr. an d .\Irs. tto 1·.. Geppert an- , ])a 11 ci 11 g until 2:00 .·1. ill. no unce th e ar 1val of a baby hoy, Rohert, o n Sa turday, Kovember 14. a t 1 111111111111 tutttltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllltlllllliillllllllllllilllllllllllllltlllllllll i rhe J o hn Murph y h ospi tal. PALACE CASH PHONE Univ. 2720 M~ ARKETPHONE . Univ. 2720 TURKEYS DRY PICKED THE HOUSE OF GOOD MEATS 1559 Sherman Ave., Evanston FOR THANKSGIVING WEEK ONLY FRESH DRESSED 391. 2C and up ~- ............. ~ 111. ... .. . J Our Reputation for Good Poultry is Long Standing 1\·r 321 2C z. I( The Central Cafeteria Nelson Building $ = . Wilmette