Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Nov 1925, p. 39

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925 ~ No\·ember 6, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE THE HOYBURN 39 Stage and Screen News and Reviews STAGE "A Lady's Virtue" Selwyn Theatre · l ~ the Selwyn on .Monday night when Two stars shared the curtain calls I, . ( I. ~ .\lary and Florence 1\ash appeared in Rachel 'rothero.;' fine new play, "A Lad\··s Virtue". Either star is worth the ·admission price . in mo~t any play; having both in one production is muc h like two headliners at the Pal ;u..:c. each a leader in a particular field . The play. it elf. is one of the best, i :·· ·lll a theatrical standpoint, to come r·r11111 tht· gifted pen of thi~ versatile writer. Not neccs~arily new in its. :, llldamental theme. it, ne\·erthele~!-1. is ..,1_ · co mpletely human, so full of smartl:l'.., .... ~o rich in modern huntcJr and so ,· tpahly acted that f Yentun: to sug-.t·-..t it will . bt· qnitt· a ia\·oritt: in the \. t't·k-.. to romv. The . . tory tells ot a young married v-.11man. who, certain that her none tun iaithiul hu;-;bancl j.., bored with his ~it ua t ion. c.kcides that !-.he. herself, is ·r~t itlt:d to a little irccdolll and a chance ·q t·,pn·-...., her ·'dt·t·per emotions." A :\c·~,- York trip, a flirtation " ·ith a l~;uHl . . omc man and an acqtiaintance with a Fn:nch -,ingcr oi note, empha,:z · her determination. The . . inger, \ :-.iti ng her home. accepts the wiie's ~r·ttt.'lllt.'llt to the l'ltect that -,hl' is t: 11·u ugh with hn h u ~hand and pro·t·,·d . . tn enmt·..,h him in her own net 1 .:· h· t11 find hn . . t·lf rt·alh· in loH· for th·· rir . . t time . ifi:-..., C'r~thers has a \\ . t_\ · of letting ~- ou know that the old : ,,!Jioncd marril'd rclation~hip ha . . ,, .rnt· rather . . trong tie.; in -.pite oi t ·· rtain modern tcndencie:-.. C(lthe ' ;'i t.·ntly aJJ'._ well at the end. \fi.., . . Flort·nct.· :\;t..,h i . . tht.· \·out\1! r·. trried \\'t111l<l11 anfl ht·r p ¢rf(>r;11CltH'<· 1tno . . t rt.·<tl dtHI lnun;ttl. ft ha~ al\ t \ ... i>l't'n a rklil!'ht to ,,-a tch her in h ·t: iormer l'ffurt . . hut in tnan,· \\-;l\· .... :l:i ... excel-. tllt·m all.. Tlw (;ppo-,i'tt.· t · p t· . tIll' Frt·nch . . jlll.!'t.'r. i . . pia~· eel by . 1,..,, \fan· :\,, . . 11 and inn11 tilt' part <! t.' t"-trat.:t, ;h l ll ttt.'h a . . r Hlld lH: rea ~rn:,tld\· t.'X jl vt'tvd . llt.·r t' lll!!ti(o!1;tl llH· · 1" t' n h . a r e ... t r i k i t 11.d \ · r t· a I a 11 d he r \\ 1 , r k 1' thv la-;t ntrt;ti;J . . uiJject to much · :·,,,,e. R<·hnt \\"an\ irk tnakl·.., much Ill' hatHI . . omt· lnt . . hand and j.., t'llll . ~-til!.! in all . . ; 1\ t' ·· IH · 11r !'.\·· ··i 1Jj . . 1 ·, ·hetic monH·nh . ". \ Ladv\ \"irtut.·" i-... . . traight f()r'· trd an<t' irank. it... . . ituati,,n . . iairh· :.;,w . . ihle and it ll l :t _ \ · \\t.'ll ··xritt.' di..,-' t.L-..-; 1o 11 ~ am o 11 !-' nu m t.' r n t"" 1ll a r r i e d 'oup k-;. witlt t :- pecial rt'ft·n· nct· to :l lo . . t· "·ho han· pa..:..,t.·d thrnugh the f.:·,t few trvin~ Yt'ar..... .-\dd it tP ~-(lur !·Lt ~·-go ing -liq. ~f iracle Man" with a Local Contest and . VILLAGE THEATRE a Ladies' Hat Contest, as added at"The Ten Commandments," one of traction s.. Saturday thi s theatre will the wonder pictures of the year, with offer "The Prairie Pirate," the Pacea cast that include s Richard Dix, Rod makers, Fables and Sportlights. La Rocque, Leatrice Joy, Nita Naldi, Theodore Robert s, and more than THE NEW EVANSTON 2,500 extras, will be see n at the Village Beginniug Monday, November~. and theatre Monday, Tuesday and Wedcontinutng through Wcdn~sday, No- nesday, Noveinbcr 9. 10 and 11. This vcmber 11, the ~ew Evanston theatre picture has had t~henomenal runs in will feature the beautious Pola Negri in a picture play said to have been all large cities of the country and has proved so popular that it has been written t-spccially fur her by the popus hown in return engagement~ at many. Jar modern writer of novels and short storie~. Joseph Hergesheimer. This \Vith it will be seen :.: Hal Roach film which i~ one of Paramount's comedy and a Pathe news reel. Thurs latest i:, ca ll ed "Flower of the Night." day, November 12, Marie Prevost will \Vith it will be shown an Our Gang be seen in "Seven Sinners," a picture full of laughter and thrills. There will comedy. He doe s the \\Tong thing at the al so be a Pathe review and Fables. Friday and Saturday, November 13 and right time everytim e! 14. Tom Mix will be seen in his new , In '·Seven Keys to Baldpate, ·· the famotis George ~1. Cohan comed y in picture, "T h e Everlasting \Vhisper." which Douglas .M a cLean opens on There will also he a ·Gang comedy, Thursday for a three days· run at the "Official Officers.. and a Pat he new s .r\cw Evanston theatre, the comedian reel. plays the role of a y.p ung novelist who seeks the solitude of Baldpate Inn to C··-o- a- a- a- a- ~~..-.c~,_,..··· write a uoyeJ in 24 hours. A band of Newell & Retchin crooks seck the Inn at the !'lame tim~. Gunplay. ·ncar - murder. and general pandt·tnonium ensue. David Torrence, .seen a s the financial power in First National's new scree n play of business manipulation, "What Fools Men," which is booked for the Hoyhurn theatre next Monday \\·as born in Edinburgh, Scotland, an .t educated there and in Germany. Hts wife is Maude Leslie, former stage favorite, and his brother is Ernest Torrence al so a scree n celebrity . During- a sta.re career of 20 years Da" id appeared in support of foremost stars in England and America, among them having heen Richard Manafield. George Arliss, Maude Adams. with whom he was associated for eight years: Julia Marlowe, Jane Cow l and Ethel Barrymore. Thursday. Friday and Saturday, November 12, 13 and 14, the Hoyburn will ~how as its feature, a film ca lled "Lord Jim ," starring Perc)' Marmount. ,__,_ 1 _ THE HOWARD LiotH:l Barrymore, who ha~ a featured role in Ull' A ssoc iated Exhibit()rS production oi "Fifty-Fifty", which comes to the liO\\·anl theatre for one da,· onlv. next Sunda\·, Xovember 8. j~ .One actor who is COtl~tan t)y engaged and whose sen·ices are alwev~ in demand- both for the ~r rt.·en - and the ;:,!age. During the filming (Ji "Fifty-Fifty-" ~lr. Barrymore wa~ abo appearing in "The Piker", a . tagc play hy Leon Cordon. \\·ho i:-- abo the ;nttlw r of "\ \"hite Cargo ... This meant that the lliJted !'!tar wa-> unable to \\'(Jrk in thl' film production on \\'edne-,dat·:-.. and Saturda\'s, matinee dan at- the theatre. 0~1 other da,·.. . o( the "ed.; ~~ r. Barrnnore \n.~n t direct irotn the -..tudio to th-e theatre ior tht· ~Yening pcriormance. "·ith on)~· time ior a hurried clinnt·r in hl't\\Tl'll. IHTOW'ARD I .,I .I I I ' I_ ~ Continuous J.;vE>r·_v I I ViUage Theatre f - -·-·-·-a_a_a_aW.. ~~et Day-2 :15 to 11:1$ N. W. "L" Station at Howard !'undn-,·. , .. , -. S ',- f - L ioneI B :r-rymore 1 ' I I · t "FIFTY -FIFTY" Also Comedy "FIRE-A· wAY" lima., Tut·M,, \\ Nl.. ~-. · ;::~.:: iln;~i:~~nl~s~~- ~ ~at., '\'ov. 1:1, 1-t 'I' IHirH. 1 I · I I I !i I !. f I Your Home Theatr.. J.;"t"UIOKN~7:H't-U Untlo.-.- 'l'u«-H.. .J. H. Kopp.-1, Maaaglog DlrP«·tor lion .· 'l'tu-N., \\'t·d .. ~o,·. :~::to n. tn. II Cecil De Mille "THE TEN COMMAND- prt'NPUtM M~~!S" :\o" · l"fttht· -'it·WH· t : lI' I I ~ I I. I "DON Q, SON OF ZORRO" Fri., nod llnl t 'om«-dy 1:.! ICtuwh I I I 'l'hUrM., Marie in Provost Pauline Starke "SEVEN SINNERS" :\ext ~f,,nd:t\ and Tut.·,rJa\·. the lTcl\\anl \\·ill offn thl' l)nt· and onlv Doug}a . . F;tnrh;tnk . . in ]lj._ n ·n · lat-t:.;t picture, "l)r·ll ~()11 lli z,,;-ro". "SUN-UP" Also Comedy "CUCKOO LOVE" !oint. \Int. u. . onl~, I I I -- - Josie Sedgwick I ' NEWS '-AMPU lforula~· -Tu.-scla) ~-~ in -- "DA _R 1NwGarDd A All 'orth Shore 'frala111 8 0 I YSII · Stop at I I t·atJu· , ·· ,n· nod ( 'nrtoon. <;onwd~· - -;::-;1~,,. !oint., :\o,·. t:t, 14 aiNu 41 "THE EVERLASTING WHISPER" aiHo Pntlu· "UFI·' H ' 1.\1.:\t·n-H OJ.' I<'and I( ' l·at S" un Hur (~anJ( ( 'oowdy To~u Mix Cont. from 1 :30 to 11 P . M. ·!··~)~ ) ' ...... 1 .-.c~ : ~,........,-·-·-P-D-1..,. ! --·-·---#-·- -·THE ---!'Int . .\lutllwt·N-:.! nod 4 (t. m. ·.) 1 i "Tl-J~ N1( YOU~ with G~orpe O'Br;en J"\cqueline L~rran NEW EVANSTON POLA NEGRI BOYBUBN :Hon., 'l'u«-N., \\"f'd. THE "ill NEW CAMPUS Hal Roach Comedy \' c·cl.-'1'1: ut·:o-, FClr \fond a\ and Tt!l'~day. X 0\ l' m' ·· r lJ and 10. ·t lle :\ t' '\' C a tllJ n"" the at rt! ~.-.,x · I (" prl'sent a:-. it:-. featurr. \\"illiatn pre:-.en tat ion oi John Golden·, ·;a \· hit ,Hittl'll 1)\' \\'inchell Smitb in :lll ·i Tun; Cushi ng .. :Thank You ." Thi-.. "FIFTY -FI.FTY" 1 in ure is a tender. tearful. albeit o~ 1 Mack Sennett Comedy ttn c:-. ~miling- tale of h o \,- an unde:pa_tcl p ,mall town par~on tanH.':-. a lot ol 'ti \ \ ' PciD4."Sd It~L, ~c hypocritt·s. In c luded i~t tlw ca . . t CHARLESTON CONTEST :l rt.· C'corge O'Brien, Ja cquelllll' Lo~at ~. - - - ----- - - - - - -\In· ~Franci:-.. Ceorge Fa wret t. ( yr tl Frldu~· · h ,u I wick an <I \{aria 11 H a rIa n . \\·it h "THE MIRACLE MAN'~ 'ht-- feature will he :--lwwn ;1 ll al l~ oach 1 ·· medy. At Night \\"ednesda\· atHI Thur:--day ;t! the Song Review and Local Contest :\t'\\' Campu~ \viii he . . hown :1 pirtur·' niNo t ·dle<l "Fifty-Fifty" with Liont·l l~art) Ladiea' Hat Contest t!~tH·e. Hope !Iampton and l,otl! ..,t' CL aum featured. \\'i t h it al . . o upon Saturduy t hl' -;c reen the ~ew ( ';unpu :-- will otter "THE PRAIRIE PIRATE" \[ack Sennett comed~-- :\nd \\ ' t·d · · . . <Jay night i.s again tht· nigh_t of the The Pacemakers '- t'ek lv Chark~ton Coll!t· . . t \\'1! h ca-..h F able..:-Sportlighta 1 ":l:t.·..,· offered for tlw hc . . t .: truttt'r-.. . I Friday. w i 11 s t'l' t h t · r t.'lt1 r 11 ol .. T h r ~ --..._.;;..:;. -- .;;.. - ·;;;;; ,· -.;; -_;.;;.;-....;;.;;;~;;,;;;;=.;; -;.;;;.;; -.-.--;;;--.-... --: L :onel Barrymort Hope Hampton Lewia Stone-Shirley Muon I '-'-FLOWER OF NIGHT" OUR GANG "Mary Queen of Scott" Thur··· Fri. '-'-WHAT FOOLS MEN' 49 Comedy 'l'hurN., J<~ rl. Newa and ~at. aad Sat. Percy Marmont, · Shirley Maaon and Noah Berry Douglas MacLean '-'-7 KEYS TO BALI)PATE" Comedy New a Daily Slaowa at Z, 4, 7 uwli-Saturday CoatiDuoua ,2 to 11 P.M.

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