Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Nov 1925, p. 34

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· WILMETTE IH'1'hlcl The wm·~ hlp · and doctrine. concludes the program, from s : ~·ll t ·· Th" wt>ek commt>ncing November 8, 9:20. will be obst>rved as Father and Son th· · The Camp-fire girll" mt·t·t at week in the Bautist church . Mr. Stifter will deliver his annual address to church, Thursday at 3:30. fathers and sons at the morning servThe Choral societv will nwt'l f,,,. r· · ice at 11 o'clock. All fathers a1,1d sons are invited to attend this servtce and hearsal with :\llada.me Gilderoy ~l'l't t all men without sons are urged to at 8 o'clock Thursday t'\'t'nin~·. bring some boy who might not · otherFridav h; tht· dat.- for tht· F:tth. · n' wi~e att<>nd churc h. and Sons' hanquet. Jt is ~l'l f,,,. ,; .::t 1 A l'ommitt· ·t' lltllit'r In recog·nition of Armistice Sunday, at tht- c hurch . · the Girl Scout members of the chu~ch tlw direction of :\1. E . Ht · id i~ Jll't'l~;ll11 will act as usher·s as they will do in ing the last <h·tail of IIH'llll: c!ton·~·a_t "' favors and JH'Ogram, and 1:-; anta·tp.lt manv churches. There will be baptism ing th(· g-reatt·st F'atht·t· and ~'"' .~;It h at the morning service. ring in tht· history of tlw l'ltur.·h Hest.·rvations shou ld be in t ih' l'lt u,·,·lt The SunuaY school will meet at the offic·e or at ::\Ir. Ih·i<l's honw twt b t ,·r r gular hour·, with graded instruction than \Ved ne~<lay t·\'ell i 11 g:. :'\ ,1 ,-,·m11 · r for all ages. There is a men's class, 11. 1\lr. HC'id's tf'ltophotw i~ Wtllllo ' tl· and a women's class and classes for lj 6. young men and young women. LIFB Noven1be r 6. 1925 Baptist Church I ~~~=::=======----------.;...---------~----, : I Engraved mean Card~ EARLIER Xtnas Shopping Now. odorr rhr e.ulv Christmas shopping s~ason btgins, I ) The High school B. Y. P. 'C. will mE>et in tht' Asst: mbly room at :i:30 Sunday aft<:rnoon. _ . _ Th e Rpenk<·r at the v_:3~ n1~e~mg <:f the Cha rt er R. Y. P. l. 111 Children s hall ,\·ill lw E(1win Phelps, gen~ral s cr('tary ·or. the B. Y. 1'. C . of Atnei:lc?. ~1r. Phelpc;: 1s one of the five founde1 s of the \Yilnwtt<· Bapt1~t <"hur:ch an(1 orga.niz·r of the Young Peoples 'vork of tht' chur<'h anf1 haH now for th(' past two year~ bt:en st·rving as ExecutiYf' ht·<Hl of napti~t Young People's work all O\'t·r the tt'l'l'·itory of tht~ ~orth<·rn l :n pt ist Conv(·n tion. lie i~ afft·c tionat(·l\· known by th(· older mem b rs of. th-<· local society as "Pa." ~undaY I I Tlw Baptist ('hun·h i~ ln\·;t t· · tl :!! \\.ilmeltt- and Fon·sl ay,·nut ·!". and Jt:JH ·Oplt· e:xtt·tHl t !H· ht·artiv:-;t w.·k tlll\t to all who nun· <·hoost> it a~ ;1 pl. t. · f·f wot·Rhip an(l Christian wtlrl, T il, pastot·, H.t'\'. Frant'is 1.'. :-:t 11kr. 11 1:1' l· st-(·n at th study in the chur\'11 d1: · in~.:; th 1· n1ornings of tht' " ···..J, · '1 - 1 : ot!H·t· hour~ hy nppoint:n. ·ttt. Tl· <"hurch otliet·, i 11 <'lwq..:·, . uf :\\1:--:-: ~1. 1 hl:'lh· l~t · nrwc1\:t· t ·, is OPL'Il fn·m ~~ t· · : ,.,- 1· 1 -~ · da~- t·:x·e··pt ~UlJda ,, · . Tlt. - · !1·:1·. tt · i,·piHlll· · i!-' \\'illltt"tl· · :!~:: :.. _ __ _ - 1 Jnd d 1 'scriminating persons are se)ectina and thougbttu pl.'l(ing orders for rngr.1ved Christmas cards. A most 10 ~dll'd Jnd comprtent force of engravers servet our En ~r.n·ing drpJnmcnt- -but they can· t do justice to ~rders u!'ltss rhfv are placed early. r ) Thi s ehureh eo-otwrat,·s with the EY1·ning· t'lulJ which Jll'<'St>llt,..; .Hrs. . Corrinnt· Hnosi'Ydt . nobinson . - (I who w i11 :-; ll t ·a k on t h ~" " L'at J'i otis m o f 1 .. . Thl:.' tdnrt> J! oo!-'t·Yl'lt" at tlH· 'on~n·g-a~lr. and .\1 r-.._ \\ tllt:tll l \\ . tiona1 C'hU!'<-11 at 'i::.w. Sunda~· . ; FYalbt()ll are ,ojournin~ m 4 Tlw \\'Ollll'll llll'lltlH: r-, ut· 1 ht t '::·· mcttc <..'ouutn· rlub h;tn· lPrtnt·d : .. t , bo\\·li.ng teani, and !.!;tthn n· ·:- ... crnoon at 2 o't·lork at tht· t·luh ,,!It:- , They are plannin .!.! tl·tlrn;tt llt't' ' ' in th<: sca.,otl. E t'ery type of engraoing ii produced by this department --tf i( s f rorri Lord's it is c9rrect . ":t F: ·· :·:,:., c..'hil<lrt· n's hall. Tll ~ ~ 0 ,. {. 1111 ,<·r · J)l ·e titlg tllP 1 ~1r. \\ .hltL· 1~ the ~o11 ut ~.J l.... ~·: "·~ ~ 0 .('hureh euuneil will ht- lwld 011 Tu··s- \\.bitt· oi 1)3() l'he:-.tlltll :t\' t !\1:t tla~·. X on·m i H· r 10, at :-.. o'elo('k in , hi, \\'iie \\';L:- .\lj.,, .\larl!'.Lrt·' l'.,:· ··, Thf' School of ltl'ligillll will hold th' fifth session of the first SL·nwst<.·r ~Yedn esday, ~ovet~1~<·r 11. Th<· ~oursL' w the "Junwr Citizt·n" for c hildren. l-l-12, will b(' h <·ld at ~~ :30 . Dinnl·t· will he servt'fl at 6:30 . At 7:1 ;, thl'rt· w ill. be clas~.t· s in c:hun·h sch<?ol .. " ';ul Prsl~IP and The ~tfe of ~h~·tst. At /:'> 0 ClOCk th<·J'(' WllJ \)(.· Ill ISS lOll stUd\ (·o UJ·ses and a course in Baptist history I . to ~I acali-..tn ;;.t t · .:··hl'r ho111t.: at 1!lN _\-.. 111.~ : :1: ,. \ l .... , j ·dter a t\\·o week:--' yi-..it in \\·a- :~::~ .::' , ton, D . l . .\I r-,. I. \.. I 1 ...- ~I r . and . - o.\1::-. Th~~ma-.. 1 mgton, D. C., last week. .' ( 00 Third stred l~ ,,: lllott~r 1.: d to ... . \ \ -;, - ;. - FOUNTAIN SQUARE PLACE YO.U R ORDER NOW linproved Ford Cars .Now Ready Prompt Delivery I' The High Peak in Motor Car Valoe Stream-Line Bodies- Lower Chassis-closed Cars in Colors. ) l r r I 'l I' ) Tudor Sedan $636.73 $181.00 Down Coupe $574.33 161.00 Down Fordor · Sedan $719.93 $204.00 Down Runabout $392.33 $114.00 Down Touring $423.53 $123.00 Down '~ Time Plan Includes Wheel Lock .. Fire and Theft Insurance .. All. Interest SKOKIE MOTOR COMPANY 716 ELM STREET WINNETKA PHONE 281--288

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