Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Nov 1925, p. 26

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26 WILMETTE LIFB November 6, 192: KARIN' TO GO ROMEO SQUELCHED BY .COPPER Patrolman McKay Packs Wallop - ·That Spoils Bibulous Lochin' var's Hallowe'en Don Harris of Highland Parle came to \Yilmette last· Saturday evenin g. He came, he· saw, and he was conquered by the \Vilmette police department, in the person of Patrolman Robcrt :McKay. The tale, as unfolded to Police ~fagistrate D. :M. :\'Iickey on ~Iondav afternoon of this week was somewhat as follows: Harris driYes a truck on a construetion job near Highland Park. Another dri,·er on the same job 1iYes in \Vilmette. The two became friends ~1 nd decided to "step out" together last Hallowe'eu evening. A s a preliminary tl_1ey had a few drinks on the job, and then Harris donned his Sunday suit and accompanied hi s friend to \Viimette. Place Warning Signa at s Dangerous Road Crossing In compliance with the request of Village Manager C. C. Schultz, the state highway department has erected warning signs at the intersection bf Lake avenue and Hibbard road, the scene of two serious accidents within the past four weeks. A stop sign has been placed on Hibbard road at its approach to Lake avt·nue, and a danger sign on the east an~ west highway. The work was done at the instance of G. N. Lamb, "' state highway engineer. ]. L. Huebl and his t\YO daughters of Aberde~n. S. D., spent Ia t week at the home oi Dr. and 11rs. F. \Y. Fuermann, 835 Green\Yood avenue. -o~frs. ]. E. Libby of Englewood, has hcen the guest of ~Ir s. \\'. H. Tucker. 1009 Ashland avenue, for a fe\\' day:-. prior to her departure ior Florida. -0- "Going, Going, Gone!" Don't auction off your eyesight to· the Io,vest bidder, which is neglect. Have Your Eyes Examined Now. 16 Yea.rs Successful Practice. t< p p p ll' R tt II h t~ 11 c. q 1l ~f r. and ).f r:;. Burt E. CrO\H'. 23'1 Raleigh roacl. Kenilworth. :-;pent the "·eek-end in :\nn Arbor. The fril'nd rooms at 1225 Central -o:,,· enu~·· \\:bile Brennon ,~· as prepa~ ~fr. and \fr:- . \\'i lliam LeRoy \Yood111~ hnn:--elt for the eYenmg, Barns I land. JJI, Lcicc:-.ter road. entertained Dr. 0 . H . Bersh' Optometrist Chicago Tel. Ravenswood 3469 i " 4 725 Lincoln An. Telephone ·For an Appointment Res. Wilmette 1 70 7 177 Wilmerre Wilmette Tel. Wilmette 1 Ave. 2 p r p i 66 \I iss ardent. Irene \\·ttrirk. " lcomed ·ho Jj, t.·..,rour at that p;ud but u n \\T t to at d i addres~ . He became a bit rough. it I \Ya.., said, ju:-.t as \f i:-.s Thellll ;t .\nder 1 . . on. a friend of \lis .- \~ ettrick\ intt·r -1. iered and the two girls fled from the 1 apartment. ).[is-. \ ·e ttrick taking refu .~· c 1 with her neighbor aero:-:-- t h c ha II. 1 Harris attempted to gain (·nt ranr<· 1 to the other apartment an<l it \\'as only a matter of a few minute :' J,eiorc ~ Patrolman ~[cKaY arri,·ed on the scene. Harris was forced to accompany him to the police station. hut was Yery ahusiH~ and finally attempted to tight not on l.r ).J cKay but Capt. Henry Brautigam and Sergt. Truesdell. \Ye drop the curtain to indicate lap~e ot time and raise it again to sho\\· Harri..., being fined $100 and costs h_,. \I agis - I trate ~1 ickcy on chargt·:-. oi drunken - 1 Ill"-:- a ncl -disord('r]y conduct. 1 1--- ·------ -.. ---- nil~t.·~r~la~s~t~"~-e~e~k;·.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~·~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~-~ The Local Telephone Directory CELEBRATE HALLOWE'E N Friday, October 30, \\' <l. the urc·a~ion oi the Hallowe'en party at I the Kenilwort :- clnh whit.·h pro,cd to he a mo:-.t :--ucce~:--iul affair. The hall wa::-. beautifully dt·c(lr;q\.·cl. Pump- I kin:-. 11allo\\T.en fa,·or:--. and green and 1 white hallot~ns \\·hich hung in the center <· i the hall like a hnf.!c hunch of I grape-, and \H're 10\n·red ' and caught I hy the dancers, \H'rL· :-peri a] i eat ure:-. I lending at trartin·ne:--s to the a IT air. I 1 Goes to Press Soon lntheinterestofgood service subscribers are requested to cal · / - - - - - - -- - - I :\]ired :.\lcDougal. 3~. \ld>Othiord I r<·a<l. tlltertaiued at di11ner Tue:--da\· I L' v en i 11 g i < 1 r :.\.1 i :-- :-- F r a 11 ct.:. , \ \ · l' i 111 e 1~ a n (I j l~m1e..., Pn· nt~:---,, Jr .. :.\l1:--:-- :\nn lallo ~,· ay .and 1larold -Stepht.·Jb. \Ye<~ne~day I cn·n111g :.\t rs. James II. Pren t h:--. 201 \.'umhnland avenue entertained at I dinner i<,r the -,;lint young people. I Funds for Property 0\vners WN E R S oC No rt h Shore rea l estate m ay conven ie ntl y arra n ge f o r loa n s f rom our reserve fund awaiti n g call I 1 The-Telephone Company and give notice of any changes or corrections that should be made · 10 their listings ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY I 0 I · :~y.'be , [ strurit y of local prop- ii SM!R~E I 1 I I University 285 . . .... -··-·· ·

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