Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Nov 1925, p. 23

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Konmber 6. 1925 WILMETTE LIFE CALLED 23 Recent Marriage of Camp Fire Girls Win Honors; Plan for .t"~vanston Girl Event with Local '/ nterest I To--~H,J~ki ( ·alllp Fire girls I I ~ i I l r J I ' t ! E ! t i j I · Lieut. Col. Claude E. Fitch, 1033 l~lmwood avenue, has been appointed held it s to erve the two weeks of Xovember S . . . h · rounnl hre mtetin~ on Thur. day oi to ~ovember 22, in the Chicago office . t \ ma rnage ot mtere!>t to t e north I 1 k .. of the Onlnance department. 1. n· took place in Evanston 'fuc ~ da Y. 1 .' 1 " , \\lT · . ;tt tht· \_llm<:ttl' Baptist o~~obcr 27 when Miss Lucille Singc'r . ~hun h . . :\ llllll'fOll . gtrb had earned ~lr s. Arnold ] . ~1arx, rcently of 327 1 lonor:- and ""~·re awardecl the honor L~tcc:-;tcr road. Kenilworth, entertained . 1 te r ~f Mr. and ~irs. Le ~ tn dauL. 1 h{'ad-.. · 1 tin 11 · c l l..:.in !..l' !', of Evan ston, hecame the brid e . ' . ·.· , · 1 1't. :~onw were a wan - sixty womet\ last Thursday in her ;· l~n land \V. Kicol of \Vinnctka, ~on t_d ~JI(tld l 11 " 1wr-.. ~tmong_them ~[artln ne\,. home. IOSI.J North Shore avenue. J~ \1 r and ~1 r s. \\'illiam C. ::\icol oi ~pnngn . ' 1 "" 1'tant g uard tan, \vho wa -o01 ~· Cal. J'he se rvice "·a~ rt'ad ~t\\arde d t.IH · r.tnk of Fire-maker. At ~1 i:-.~ ~~ uriel Badger of Detroit, is ( ·· 1.:,'1· ' It.. .. . tht· l11l'Oill 1! I1 ·11 Tl . I . . h' in tilt' atternoon hy th e Rev . Fred rnck . . .< c lttr . . < a~ n t t IS spending the week-end with Miss Fl' 111i ng o f the Church oi the Atone -: \\t·d, tht· ' 1 ~' 1 ' l()rmu a t ('d th('l r Chri·;t- Comelia Keith . 310 \\·arwick road, !ll~ 1 t, in the Lad y chapel oi St. Luke '-. ma- i.JaLK eni lwo rth . - -- - - rl u1 ch, Evanston. _ \ recep tion for th e imm~diate lan1 , jJ: 1 an d the bridal party fnllO\H·d at t h ~i nger re sidence. ,·iJe bride's gown 1\'a:-. (li " ·hit<: --atin ·iJ·Jn H:d witl, pearl ·, and a veil ui 11 :Jc- and real lace wa:-. held in pla ce .,..,:it a coro net oi la ce and orangt: 11) ;,,<·!lb. IIer . . ho\,·e r bouquet \\·a-. ,,i \ .i n lilie :-; , hride'=- ro -.e ..... and pak i.t\ tl; dtr orchid:-. The t\\'O attttHlant ..... : 1 ~ · Ctorge \\'ittbold C!i Chicagc,, t ilt· :1 ,,·tc· n of honor. and ~li . . :-. .llt: nrictt:t 1;::-l1 oi Glencoe, maid (1i hotHII'. \H·rl· :dtlrt· d in gown!-. of voilct chitfnn o\·t·r 1L· . . !J colored !-a tin. and \\Or<· Ltr 't'. , .;It tintl.'cl picture hato.; . Tltt'y c;trrit·d · .·k pi nk and la n ·nder ~wed JH·a-.. ,_';,,1 rlt:-. E. D rt\Tr c.i Ktnih, () n ll I ·, rl a-.. l,t ..... t man. ;()ld tla· u . . hl'r . . \\vrt · f \ · \\ .trt ~ . ILt \\T-.. ul I >ak !'ar k o~tHl , · (w r t llartntan ,,j Chir ;q.!c·. \1 ~ r :\c.,·t·tnhcr 1~. .\I r. and .\1 r- . ·,, I \\il l l't' at h!·lllt· at tltt· l: t'\'t·rh '· . : 1\ a 1· <t r t tn (' 11 t -. 1_?q i( \' d 1 i, · , t ,. TO DUTY Xmas c: 1 Miss Mary Richards, daughter of ·~. Richards of Cleveland, Ohio, visited Mrs. F. E. M. Cole, 315 Essex road, Kenilworth, a few days last week on her way home from a trip to Honolulu. --o-Mr. and Mrs. John Rock, Miss Dorothy Schneider, and George Brown of Oglesby, Ill., spent this past weekend with Mrs. Rock's mother, Mrs. W. B. Palmer of 1132 Forest avenue. Ms;. and Mrs. W. -oThe Reading club wilt meet with Mrs. C. G. Littetl. 322 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, Wednesday. <· , · THEATRES-- to and from CHICAGO ; l Kenilworth Grid Men Defeat Boltwood Team J ~ ' Kt'nii\\Ort h Ccllll111Ullit\· Itt·;,,-, ··J_·IJ t ioc·tl>all trant trim;ncd lH· J'·dli\< ·od ltl·a\\\\l·igltt . . ui L\ ;lll"t"ll :1 r<· rt· ,,( 12 fl ;tt till' llt,\\a rd '·<~ d lit: lcl. \\ ilnH·tt<:. la-..t ~aturcla\. : tl1 ll':tllh .tfl' llJt·nJ hl'r:- <,i tht· :\" r.h · ·t't (~rannnar :-:.r lt()o l kagut· and the :. · " il" ort h t vatll ]1;,1.. lll'H'r I ·vt '1 ·, , .. h 11 tlti-.. . . ~.;t . . ·<~ L Till' -..t;11· . . ,,j !1·· o1 ·: 1t · i' >r t h t · l( t ·11 11 \', ' ·rt h 1.'; t n 1 '., t 1 \ ·· . 1-:l"\ r I fi rk-.. B<·h :-:." l'l ' ;111d I \t 'llL, '!lll:tr rl... . Th i-.. ai tt·rnc ,<·ll tiH · 1\o l:,,,tj tllid dlt·\\t 'il!llt-.. .tllll lil!ht \\ l'il!lt .. :1 1 i 11 ' ; t d v 1( t· 11 i h' ·" rt h t 1 1 p b ~ r t · u t 11 .·nt· . . \\itlt tilt · Kt·nih\c·rth '!Jil.td'. tht t·thtr u:tntt.·. . , \\hiclt \\'l'rv 1daq·d 1:\·:tn-..tun. thv t\:~ ·11 il\\1·!' h 111iddlt'~.· _,:ln-. j() . . t ·:ttld tht' lil!ht . . \\!1'1. tl111' · ·,' 11 i 11 . 1! t h<..· !J, ·nor-. I SE NORTH SHORE LINE servU ice when going to the theater. It offers you distinct advantages. Every · half hour there's a train to the city; and it takes you direct to the Loop, convenient to all downtown theaters. After the theater there are nine North Sh'ore Line trains departing from Adams and Wabash between 10 p.m. and 1 a. m. and stopping to receive passengers at Randolph and Wabash . You can leave downtown immediately after the theater--.-- or you can stop for refreshments, as you like. No need to hurry. There's a train just about any time you want one! No tnatter where you are in the Loop, a North Shore Line station is near by . VJhy traverse dark and unfrequented downtown streets? Use the North Shore Line. It's far more convenient, too, thap driving your own car with the present parking situation. I - - - - - -- - - Rathbone is Candidate for Re-election to House l.'"ngrt· . . -.matJ -;tt-l.arl!t' l ktll., I\o~t hl,ont· . "Jt ..... ~, . lwnw i . . in K\ 'lli l.', "It Jt, 1J Cl " j (I rt 1l; tJ ]\. .ttl I)( l t1 11 l' \' t) !J j ' .a11 didacy ior n ·JH .· tllinati on <tt t il t· ·· i: JJ;ti-it.·~ next .·\p ril. l11 a lctt n dirl'Ctt ·d t·· \\ .11 . \ll·:-n!: :.I FI·: tlti-.. \\-Ct·i.: l 'lllH!rt'-..-..lll:llt ' J\.tt hll~tllt' '·' . . in part: " I am ;umounciiH.!. m\· candid;ll·\· it·r ··nnminat ion a-. · l'· ·tl!.!Tt':--..m:t.n -at . : tr~t· iur lllint ·i . . :tt tht: next .\ pri l · ·l ltJla rit:-.. " I lwpe that 11 1.' r~·r\lrd lllt'l'l" \\'i t h "l 'f<· \·aJ. I h:l\ l' trit d to . . ~.·n·L' the \'llpll' t(l the l>e--t .,j Ill\ ahilit' and 1 hdien· that the t"-Jlt· ~il'nrt· that I ·~:t \e had a . . a nH·mhl'r 11i thl' Il(ltt -..1.' · 1\l'pre~<:ntatiH· . . \\ill aid to my 't -.d ulne~ ..... " \f r. and ~I r~ . Cton.!t' E. ~ltipman, \\·anYick road . Kcnil\\·ortlt. , .. ft 1 \I onday rYening ior Exrl'l . . i(lr Springs. 1 \f o .. to he gom· ten cia~' ->. \f r. and ; \1 rs. F. Edward PentH:.' · accompanied j 1 hem. ~3 2 0I Special grand Opera Service: All south .: bound trains arriving downto"vn between 7 p. m. and 9 p. m. will make a special stop at Congress and Wabash, at the doors of the Auditorium. From 9:58p.m. to 12:58 a.m., all northbound trains will make a special stop at Congress and Wabash for homeward-going passengers. ~tlests \H're the member:- oi he;- bridge ~· luh. -0- ~frs. Roy Jarrett of Kenilworth. " ·as ho~tess at luncheon \\'l·dne--da\·. ller I j I Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co · The High-Speed Electrified Railroad Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 . ~~ r. and ~f rs. Samuel H. Clark. 135 Fuller Jane. \Yinnetka. returned Tuesrla~· from their eastern trip.

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