Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Nov 1925, p. 22

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22 WILMETTE LIFE November 6, 1925 Use Health A ward Benefit Concert Has to Promote Health Residents of North Program at School Shore for Patrons Xew Trier High school will utilize Patrons and patronesses for the its :o:.hare of the $1,000 award, given concert to benefit the Jane Addah1s hv the American Child Health associ- Social Service Chair of Rockford ation to the three high schools in the college, on Saturday afternoon, Nol"nited States having the hest health vember 7. at the Orrington hotel, will programs. in stilt further health work. 1include the following north shore resiit was announced hy Miss Marion Slm- dents: Mrs. Catherine \.Vaugh Memon so n this week. Competition be- Culloch. Mrs. P. 0. Ray. Mrs. J. H. tween adviser room s for the purpose Milne, ~1 rs. Arthur L. Aldrich, Mrs. oi correcting posture will he estab- Jame s Patten. Evanston: Mrs. Harold li s hed. There wilt be prizes · for the Newton. \Vilm ette ; Mr. and Mrs. F. gir l ~ and the hoys, and these prizes A. \Vinde s,.. :Mrs. Emory Cobb Andrew . . will be objects of art which may be M.r · . Edwm. R . Keeler, ~r. and Mr~. hun g in the halL of the building. \\. R. Enghsh. ~1r s. Carne B. Prouty. These awards wilt go to the adviser \Vinnetka: ~trs. Andrew MacLeish. rooms whose member s make the most Gl.encoe: ~Irs. George H. punscom~>. actual health gains. Htghland Park: and ~ftss Jes~tc , . Bin iord. Chicago . . ome necessary eqmpment may be > · · · hought \\'it h the prize money t o iacilE.ollm Pease. b.~ss - hantone. \\'ho ~~ itate the health work s uch as a well .kn~nn1,. and ~~ne. of the north ...... c hen 1att·graph" for actual mea s ure- sho_ re s 1avontcs, ':·111. g1ve the concert ment <~i posture improYcm cnt. There a~~t:-.ted by ~Ir s. J-.mtly. Parson:-._ Hunt. might also he lectures 011 s ubjects of ~w.ted as an ~ccoinp~tntst. and tor~ner health gin.·n in s tudent assemblies. m:-.tructor or llllbtc at J{ocktord '1 rs. ~tmons · · . ~m now t<:ache s classes college · ·' ---.. I . in home nursing, as well as acting- as the sc hool' ::, health supen·isor. One Renews Acquaintances · thing that she has done that is of at Gulf Coast Center especial note is the establishing oi the ~~n-ice club which has a 111l' t~11Jtr~hip ~1 aj. F . .J. Fran~lin, formerly oi ot. about JO .g- irl s. Thc~e girls help Huhha .r d \\ oods, " ·ntes that the no1~th 'l "'!~h the cle.nca l .w~rk oi tht· 11l'alt !1 ~~1-o~·e ~s ;'· c~l t:cpn.· . . t·nted <:nth~ ~f~:-- - 1 otttc: _and gt\· ~ atd tn an t·nH:r~·t·llc:'··l :-.! . . . ~t_PJ>t. (,uJt. loa~t: ~~n In:-. a.r rt\'a! at 1 The~ ~tlso n ·cct\·c thorough tra 111111 g 1!1 Lultpo1 t. ~1.tS'- .. he \\d.., sho\\tl JHOphr~t aHl. ert~· hclonglllg to m<m,· north sh(lre ' ----------1 rcsidents. including Fr~dcrick 0. F. Lohsand Affiliate ThonJa-.. 1 I. Douglas ( )rwig,. :-.on of ' · S ~1 r. and ~f rs. Harr_,. J. On\'lg. ~I r. , With Stults Realty Firm ~1acarec oi llubl~ard ~\'ood;. a.nd ~cY<) F. l.(lh :'a nd and com pam·, for- era! ot. her_~. ~~ a;<;>r F rfln~ltJ; IS mo~t merly \\ith o ffin· -., in RaY<:Jh\\<J~~d and t·nththJa~ttr <thout ~he .C:.uli Coast. He \\"ilme tll'. h;ts tH' \\. j ~)ined iorrl'-. \\'ith \\·a:-; en route to flor.1d.a: .b ut ~·;a~ s.o th.~· E. !·~- ~ttti's l<<' al t\· compan.'·· \\'ith att~·act<.~d I>~· t~H: p.o~~tbdtttc~ ot Gultoftlct· ~ 111 l~et \Til~\\· oocl. L"ptO\Yil Rcw - 1)>tllt th.1t he h.~-. ~cttled there ~nd has er.... :--.d purchas·cd pruperty. ~1r~. Franklin · P '·trl. "'· , ... , .. · til ~ tot1 . \\ "~ 1tne tt. <'. an · . · · . . \\"innc tka . . 1-. l 1<ht.J.lg up t 1 ~~·tr . l~ome . 111 ~ew r)tt<· 1: · 1· (I 1 .. llanlp~hJn· and 'nll ;om htm at t'he . \. 1S cllH 1 \\ I 11 1 ) l' r 0 nne r t (' ( 1 ( · ' 1 I (' \\'itll tilt' 111'1;11 o~'t'. f IH· I . I rl'l'<tt ~out ICrtl wtel. rulfport, where c. ,Jt(.'~ (l orcr·tnt. 1. ' ,. I . z· · 011 'lt J<J(ll 'f t :--.·. . H· h lllat-:tng 11-. 10111e lor thr wtnter. 111 -· , ·' on ro~e a \'t·nttt·. ( 1 11ragP. II<.· it·el~ that with th l' larue ~(j.., ... l·~thvl l~eardon 01· K · I .... )C(Ijll' oi opnation oi the E. E. ~tuh-. etllh\(>rth. \\ IH1 ha-. a :-. U111tller ho111c in Linroln l \.l';t It\ compan,· he \\'ill ht· ·tl>l to 11 'I · -.ern· hi:v ,.1 t·. -' ame. retun1ed . Saturd;n·. and 1 ~ many rlienh tn hettC'r ;td- ,i . . iting :\fr-.. R(._,. C. ()..;good. -t23 'a.ntagc. 1·... . -.ex road . R Ko he .j .1 Oc da ~it (Jl Ol Cr For Women with Slender Heels Pool & Piper's Comfortable Footwear ff!r Women Insure ample uead, while the specia l designed lasts and panerns prcnnt bulgirtg at sides and sli.pping at heel s. in Fl1 111 cl ilil th 1'1 1\1 Because They Are Two widths narrower in heelTwo widths narrower over instepTwo widths wider across ball of footThan Other Makes In Tan or Black , Kid or Russia Leather Sizes 4 ; ~ to 10. Widths AAA to D . I I I B. , PcoL & PtPER ·INC· CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS Evanston. lll·no· ~ I =-=-, -==----. --- Parisian Expert Weaving Co. !~O T ~~t: ---- INC.) Huilcling 36 SOUTH STAT~ STREET ICcwna - !II ... '\urth .\nu·ric ·nn CHICAGO ... ., ~ ....... ·······Iii t ·········.· ···· " ,............. ,., p· ·· ~ ....til ~ , ::::: :::::·::; ...... . , ·.· · ~·····~············· ~!:.:jl'~~ . ~· .·· :·::s:~:: ,,.~,., ,....... t.!J~ '... ... ~···~ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~~~~~ 'J't:- lt·r·hont· Dt":arborn '1:.!06 :.::::::::::::::::::.::! ~······~~Pf r~ ··~ ~~~ ~-·~~~ NO PATCHING BUT ::=:-=:&"::::~~==-== ... ·~ ·t al'I·"*'·,_...., ,, WIIW!oW\ .· 1. ,,. , .· ,,. ~-·~j.~jj······~ ······· Hand Weaving of Damages such as ~loth Holt"H, Cigarette Burn11, E::::::::: : :::~~:·: ;::·:: ·: : : ·:::·=·:·: t' a ·lll' Ill' . l, lfllt 1Wt.W1Ai ft · ·· · ·IJI ,,. ,. ,, .. ~,: ~: !' ' ' ;.,. ' .... ;.. · ' i " ~ ' " .. · ,, ' ·· ~ ~:::::::::::;:~::::: ~··~········ · :·:.:=~· :::::·~ ~· ~ :··::::: ........... ~~··· ··············· f' ' · W lllf w Ill ,. .. ' It II: ~ ~ ,. ~ " ' ,. "' ,. ,. ,. ~!'ll' '""'·ww ~·"""" '!' ~~,.,. """~""~ :4. :: :~:1:. :-~;: :~: :. :,:; ~: ~·. : ~; ~~.; Before After MAIL FINE LINEN and ANTIQUE TAPESTRY a Specialty ORDERS SOLICITED MODERATE PRICES Estima~e sent upon receipt of Garment All Work Guaranteed 2 4 Hour Service Cuts, 'I' enra in 'Voelt-n nnd Silk Garments ... ta · aL8·t· · a",._,. · · a a · · "· :: :::::::;:::·~ ::: .·..··.....···.. ...·.·.....·...... MORE AND MORE The demand fur clear. ~elected ~rade~ oi lumhct> far exceed~ the ~upp]y ~ ' nuildingnpcratton~ are ever on the increa~C - \\'hile the supply u f good In 111 bcr i ~ decrea:; in g . Lo\\'l'r g-rade~ are constant h - suh . . . t i tu ted for building. Xaturall\', YOtt \\'ant the very . be~t for your \\'o~·k. - Consequently, huy tt here \vhere best graoes only are stocked, and o ld - at botton1 prices! I ~ ~ ~-~Patterson .Brothers--Easy Payment House RADIO PlanuM nnd t·Juyt"rliJ ~on ora, ( 'olun1 bin Edhmn Phonogr&IJhM .-\tljoHtlng, Jlt>JU.alring, ! I Tuning. ~hagt"r ~t'wlng Jhu·bhtNI \\'aMhing 'lnehint'H nntl Hoon·r. Hamilton llt·neh, nnd F.;urt·ka ,~ncuuna ( ' )t'Uilt'rM Jlt·IUIIrin,; nnd ~UJ»Itllt·N 816-818 CHURCH STREET, EVANSTON Between "L" and Post Office ( ' hicago ~tort', 1050 )r,·inK t·ark Bh·d. - Tel. Univ. 654 Wilmette 526 'l't'l. - I I I WINNETKA COAL and LUMBER CO. 823 SPRUCE ST. WINNETKA (~rtwelnnd 4~

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