Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Nov 1925, p. 19

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~ovember 6, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 19 AWAIT STATE MEETING Invite New Families to -., I Attend Community Dances North Shore Women Voters Leagues " . Interested in Convention at Congress Gc~);ge ~1. I l~tbbard ~Yho has serY_ed _ H 0 tel November 10, 11 and 12 I th · 1 ttc ·da.' ommuntty dance!"> 1or :-;cn·r~l.l ~ t·ar:-. a-. . ecretan· and trca~' Thc \\.illn~·ttL' and \\"int_t<:tka leagt~t· . . l u.r:: ~mel ~~ .a. m~·ml~<.:r. ~;f. the -~xecu ' \\'omen \'oter:-- arl' anttrtpattng \';tth tl\ (Oillllttttu. h_.t-- tc . . tgn d 0\\tt.lg- to . ·~·n· . . t the (l}>l'lling (Ji till' .'tat(· the prc~~~tl'l1 111 JH.:rsonal htbtncs ..... . , . cnt~\t'llti::)}J at t1tl' ' t·ont!rt·-, ... t.eorgt· lltff ha: l>l'l'll ekct~d ~ecretary I . - 110 11 1 1) '1'1 .t~ · ·"~)\·em >er ' aiH -· ll' pr., . ttl1 tor vad1 da,· It;.., lnTn -trrall!.!_(·t] ' . . · . tu ] 1 rtll~!· J(tr\\ ani toptc ~ and que:, ... , .., lt:tt . ;trt· timt·l,· and oi int,or· t 'fl ( .1 ' \ ~·. h ' uu_t . . t;ttH .tltlt~l t· l 'ltt~ (1'1' t 1 tt· 1 11 11 :~T rl:t~. ' 1·- "11 ' \"J · '.v a ..... 11 ' .11 \ \ ' : .11 ' · \··\Ttll hcr. 1 n·~H 1l'llt" ' 111 11 :11 urrur 11. t 1H'. t·n·trttll[ .. ;tt "lttrh c·. d kagtll' pn· . . HI_~" 11 h "tll IH· thl : ·:c ·-t ... at tilt· l.akt· ~~~~)n· apat!mt· JI! .01 ,·:·-. :\ugu-tu_-. .\ .. l arpt·ntl'_r : ).11 · :, · · ot 1 ·tt n· . I I a r rt ... o 11 · 1u \1 r t It r v ~ 1 <J 11 ;_11 . . l' r , · 11 ·,· ',,·~.~ u'fm· . . d;l\', ·..... 1· \\'vdnt· . . day, ;uH1 Tltur . . - and tre;l ... llrtr ttl p1ac(· ot ~fr. Huhhard ~111d al:-l· :1-. llH'tllh(·r of t1le l'Xl'cuti\'t· contmittn·. . ,. , . . 1 1ll' l' '>: l' C\l t I \' 1· l. <J lllllllt H: l' l ' X t l' IH 1~ a · · · · · -4() : .. 1 ~Pl'l~t;.1 1 lll\'ttatH·Il 111 tH.' ot :1.0 IIC\\' rallltltt· . . . \\l111 1Ja,·c· ta~··· n up tltPtr re~- !'~"~" ....... an " r\i ... nt ...... "II()\\ 111 L· . . t :·· :\ll·tlllolr .... llo\\ fc, Cl· hl' l'··rJ , ; : 1 ( h l' ;· · ; t 11 d t It 1 · I· i 11 ·1 11 r i 11 .~ r ' 1 ; , , ._:t;l., it. \\111 "l't·ak 1111 thl' \\(trk ot lr>ral idenrl' in \\'il :~t· tt' tt ing the pa:-.t yt·ar. tc1 attc·tHI tltt··t· 't . · ... da,· om111\lllit rbtH"<·- at tltl· \\'omai1' . . club lntildi;H!". Tl'tlth -tnTt and Creenkai an·nut ·. irotll ~ .311 tr· 11 o'rl!oCk. a ... thn· , \\ill lit td -urh .tlll'llrl:tllt't' at thl' . . r in·illrtn:tl l!:ttllnilll!· a grvat hl'lp to\\'ard i! t · 1t i ttl! ;, 1 ' pt. 1 i 11 t 1 · d \, i tl1 \ \ ·i1 n tl' t t e p 1 rq,j 1 . ()tht·r -.tatt· .... anrl th , ,tl I.e ;tguc·." n·llll H r I 1 . \ I' r o g r; tilt o i l' "I' l'l i a~ IH·Iltt· in ·, ·· <·-t Jt;,, ltt'l 'll ;tiT<~Il!..!t·d i"r .\rm 1 ·· d;n·. In tltt· llllJI'Ilill~. :\lr ..... :\lc·dill 1. 'orn;it k and ).1 r- . Kc·llogl! Fair :·, i . . \\.iII d i . . n t-..... p r 11 h k n h o i part i c,. inJp<·rLtllLl' to \\r>llll'll \Ott·r-.. In l . tlll'rtl<l(lll, a t ·;t \\ill lJt: ri\l'll ittr ' · "\"t:\\ \ 'o tlr ...... thl · :-.turknt- in 1111i -, . 'i t it·' I j ...... l "r;, :\1 ilkr, a-..:-.:-.tant dL"an uf 1. .t: 11 at t h t· l" 1l i' n . . it y o I Ill i 11 o i . . , -: !,c· the ~pl'akt·r. and itt till' t'\ " t·nin~. I ,to r-General liL"nry T . . \lkn . c:o111 ,. dt'r oi the . \mt·r i·att tr)<cp-. :don:..: , HhinL". \\'ho it . . tatt'd i . . intere-.tl·cl 111 organi/ati(lll I··r l'<'arc·. \\'ill ~i,t· ·.tlk. It j ... -.aiel that h1· kh a praccl progr;tJJI i(Jr pt·;tc ·· ,u Jll t"-t'ltt u \liddl(· \\'t· . . t. ' o ,. t'lll h t · r 12. \\ j 11 1, t · t lw "(' ( .t , i c , 11 ·he t'un:.!rt· ........ ional lunchr_ ,)ll \\hl'n t· tc·d .'tatv- ~t·natur \\'illiant 1: . :\1.· · :0.\ \'.ill dt-cu-.-. tlw "\\ ' urld l'··\11 · ... ·. rt .. ". ~tll 'l" t·-- 111 t II· t · .. min~ i ·· c , .\1· ;t11r\ .\!:- <. "h:trl l ' L \facklin ;111 rl \I j .." . I an \I :trk lin oi ~lwridan rc·ad. F.,·;tn -.t·ctt. iortltt·rh· ui Kenil\\orth. kit h-.r \\1Tk i··t_. tltvir \\'intt-r ~· .. \u~u-titlt ' , Fla. I THE NEW MARMON CLOSED MODELS The Flavori s Roasted In! F your coffee, however you make it, just doesn't seem to taste right-maybe thefaultis not yours. I No coffee can be good if the delicate coffee aroma has been lost from the coffee bean during roasting. Buy White House Coffee with the flavor rpasted in. Then you can be sure that all of Nature's rich coffee fragrance has been preserved by our special White House roasting process. Then you can serve coffee that is.full-flavored_. delicious! Try it! Insist on White House Coffee and do not accept a substitute. Let your family enjoy the flavor that is roasted in. ..."t· ...... lntertain Harvey Coles During Stay in Village · .t.~ NOW ON DISPLAY 0 p,'H l"i.'t'ry !OTt if C) :00 ·hc·· r .ltlf! ·l,l i11 ilntt'ltt· Lt-.t ;t 1(a i r , \1~ ·~ l\.!j1H1·,1 lf.tt\c'~ l '"J' ·ll t}),,rc·th\ l{cor rl ,· tJ t"t \IJ .... 'ziyh t P. u . ·- , ,· \I r- H.. rdt 11. ~.t\ t· .t dilllll'l'-rl.tlll't ' · 1ll 1r It o u ... q.~ ttl" .... h ; t t t It L' i r It o 111 e a r ' 1 \\ .tltttlt ;1\ t'll\lt' Tltur-.rl.t' n vnilt\..! . ' ,. ·-.y.... (Ill thi . . Ot"(a . . io.t · \\t·rc · till' It< 111 or ·; t 1 ... v ' ·· 1 · tl \1 r . Whit Boston ouse Chicago ··1 .. \1ar,t.!.llt'ritl' I.undhn)o.!. I.L·alt ' · ·. , . \\'iniirt"d ).! ickn. Flkn _l.tlllt" · , ,, · .:h, ht!Jt.r. 1 ·~-.thn \l.tl' ~tlll").!l'lltl. '.i tI "lit' · ·; t Marmon North Shore Sales and Service 1008 Davis St. COPPEE DWINELL-WRIGHT COMPANY ~IIIit!t. .\Ltr~arvt ~t;tff,,r.J. J:urro\\ .... l~t·:ttrtrt· l't·tn·t·. :tnd Greenleaf 1038 EVANSTON ·i d I. 1111 d h e 1 l!. Ed " a r rl I~ o h . . <111 . I·~ d ' :':;diccrd. ( ' hark-. \ ... l'lll'Y· Jt~ . . l')lh :d ·. l'llrtl'f llt·ap-.. lbrold ).ld.. .tr I.tlt.t ... l~einhold. Halph l~c,r<kn .. tnd !·· ·:trrl Dilh:r. :- .· urrl:t_,. t:H.· ning ~Ii....... \\'inifred .\1 · .c·\ ltP . . tl· ....... in .\1 r . and ~I r . . . l ,·, · lton0r at hn home. 1.;23 \\'al - "a- B A R G A I N BUY NOW-Trees, 0 s l ' .' .t \ t'IHH:. Shrubs, Fruits and Vines WE DO PLANTING For those who do not care to do their own planting, we wi 11 deliver and pl~mt. W-.! have a fine stock of large trees for winter planting. Cl\£5 NEXT TALK THURSDAY 1 ·, · -.ul>jt:rt _ior tht: tiitlt ta~k it~ ~ht·l ,,... \I r-. \\ alt n I· . J), ,dd t-. gt' 111~ 1 'I" ,,Ja.' m~)rnmg.... at the \ \' i lmt·t t \\ ·.ttl ... cluh. \\'ill hl· "Tht· :\dlllin ht. ·c ot] c.i Ttbtice." Tltt· lectllrt· rtllnn~t itt 1tl :30 o'rlorh. l'l The land uf the Peter~c>ll Nursery has been sold, and we have only this fall and next :-.pnng- to .::."" '- 11 off the _tork. This is your opportunity. c · .. :\: · and ~I r-.... Thonta~ F. I> . I :rad -~ l_c·~ ,,. F\atbton. \\'ho returned in JutH' nint· month~· trip around the \\1c '·, .ttHl \\'ent i t~111ll'd!at l'1~· ..to tht·ir ~ut ·:·,··r homl' at l·.phratm. \\ t:-. .· han· Jtt- -' "Ill' to tlw ~orth Shorl' lt,Hl'l ior tit· II t t·r. Jr.. o1 ' CASH AND CARRY Big- reduction to those wh0 co~'ll' to our i\ urscry and get the stock. Frl' . . hl~- dug; roots not dried out. !\ursl'n· i~ ju~t west of Ltnc Jht ·a venue on Peterson r0<Hl, Chicago. Peterson road is north line of Ro~ehill Cemetery. I Peterson Nursery 30 N. LaSalle St., Chicago -0- \I · l'l ' . !-!Ut·, ;,t tl C dlod ).fr~. John j. \\'ilkin:-; oi_1127 lit an·nttl', entl'rtainl'd about (>0 ;tt a Hallowe'en dinner-dance ni ,' \:onlt . ht)l·l' rluh la:-t Saturday Telephone Main 3613

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