Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1925, p. 5

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1925 October 30, 1925 .W ILMETTE ior during the lecture hy one of the teacher s. The six th grade mothers will e11tertain. LIFE 5 Frances Kerns to Give Talk Before Central P. T. A. The 1\ovemher meeting- o( the entrai - Laurel Parent-Teacher s' association will he held Tuesday ,.tfternoon, Xovcmbcr 10. at 3:15 o'clock in th<' Byron C. Stolp school gymna 'i ium, it \\'as announced this week. ' !\I iss Frances Kern, of the ~ational Kindergarten college will ui\'(.' the first of a series of thrde lect~tre on the importance of early deYclopmen t of right mental habits in children. Miss Kern is eminently qualified to discuss tltis newest educational theorv. She .. h t f h K' -:> · · "as ca< o t c 111<1crgartrn- 1 nm.trv traiuing- department at \\·e stern Stat<· "" . 1 K a 1amazoo, r'11c ~K· 1 Sh e waj .~ot ma at 1. · 'f l I f I f I 1 (! ~CIa llltll1 )l'f 0 t 1C acu t\' Ol 1· um~ n~ rstty · ca. t: r ·s ro 1lege o f ( -ol um hta and · . l 'as IJa< I S!>CCtal work 111 nursen· sc hool . · - · t.:ducatJOll. At present she ts super . \ iser of practice t<' aching and instructor in education in the Xational Kindergarten and Elementary college. ~fiss Kern is also Yitalh· interested in \\ ilmette schools and. is a frequent visitor here, not only because the co llege i-. to he within the borders oi the \·illagc, but because some of her s t udcnt teacher~ a r{' being trained in our 'ichool~. cr~· mother, whether a member of th l· Pan·nt - TcaL·hl·r~' a . . ~oc;ation or 1101. i~ cordially invited to attend this lt·cturc . The l\\' O other lecture . will ' ·c.· g i \'t·n on Friday afternuon, No' c. n1her 20, and Friday afternoon, Dec· t·mhn 4. hy ~1 is~ Kern, and mothers ()i ~· oung children not yet in school a . . \\'t·ll a . . tho-.c in the kindcrgartt~J and fir~t t\\'O grade..; are e . pecially in \·ited . The.· !->lllljl'rt oi the tir~t lt'ctur{' will he.· "Ho\\' shall we educate the toddler 4tlld hi . . t·ldc.: r bnJtlwr?" ~mallt·hildrcn ~a rcompanying- mother~ \\·ill he cart.:d Engagement Announcement of ------' --- Follows College Romance :\fr. and Mrs. Clayton W. Haswell ~lacli s oh ·. Wis.: announce the engagemcnt of thetr daughter, Helen, to ,:\lberrt B. Tucker. son of ~Ir. and ~I r~. ";': A. Tucker of 1214 Lake ave.lnu <> v\ tlmette. 1 he · announcrment wa s ·:n~de at a hanq1;1ct of the. Alpha C h·. Omc.ga 1 ~7:o(~ty th~ cvenmf.{ of the Wtsconst~1 I ~- ·c 11\ ~~~~ H?mec.omn~g game at Madt1 s\\-l,'_l· .tts~ . asw ell wl as grfad u a ted fhrom tsconsm 111 t 1 1e c a ss o 1924 . w ere f 1 AI · Ch' :-. 1 H. ' was a m~m[ 1 >cTr o k 1te. p.1a d 1 0 mega, anc ·'" r. uc ·cr 1s a gra ut t. tl 1 f 1921· a e o 1c c a ss o :> an< 1 a memI>t: r o f tl1c Ph'1 K a1)pa tgma f ra t ern· · . It\' . · II' ~o dat<' has hcen ~<:t tor the \\~. J. Han1iltot1, superintendent of the Oak Park public schools will be the speak r at the regular November , . · n ·ec tmg of the Logan-Howard ParentTeacher association next Tuesday evening at the Howard school. ~fr. Hamilton is heralded as an excellent speaker, thoroughly versed in 1 s· \H'< < mg. Friday afternoon. October 30, the first of a series C:f card p~rties given b~. the Wom.an s atholtc Club. of Vv tlmette to ratse funds for dccoratmg and repair work in the St. "Francis X a vier School building will take place at 2 o'clock in the school auditorium at Ninth street and Linden avenue. The hostesses will be Mesdames John Boylston, Julius Seng, Alfred ]. the subje'Ct of education and an ex- H.uby, P. ]. Joyce, John Tracey, ponent of modern ideas in elementary \\.' alter ~1 iller. Hollis Gleason, Henry instruction. Schmitt, B. F. Lynce, W. P. Seng, Parents and iriends of school chit- J~o hn Ca.Jk\\'ell. ~rt.hur. Boylston, G. l·. Ludwtg, and N. C. Ftsher. dren are urged to attend the Tuesday · Th · · · · 1 ..s_ · mretmg. e mvttattOn me um::s restdent s · who arc not affiliated with the ~I iss Charlotte Eckhart of Kenil· assoc1at10 n. \vorth and ~fiss Marcelle Vennema of 'l'l1c S!)ea k'mg program \n' 11 IJe f o 1\\.innetka were two of the eight .g irls 10\n~ d by the usual social and music who made "Sigma" at Chicago univerhour. sity this fall. Logan-Howard P. T. A. Catholic Woman's Club to Hear Oak Park Man Gives Card Party Today I e 1 ·: , ,------------1 TAYLOR'S BOOTERY 605 Main St. All .. Wool Plaid Blankets of the Better Kind 'fhc ::;ati~faction of furnishing eYcry bed \\·ith the e fine qu~lity ,,·ool blanket~ \Yill increase. as their \\·ort h and ,,·earing qualities are tT Yealecl through long ser,·ice. For they ,,·ill " rear exceptionally \Yell. retaining indefinitely their beauty of coloring and the soft. Huff: quality ,·hich n1ake~ then1 such cotnfortable bed coyerings. Phone 385 .. Have Y ott Seen the Nett' CONVERSE JIFFY JUNIOR GALOSH "ZIP" IT'S ON "ZIP" IT'S OFF Don't sno\\' . \ ,·ariet\· ot beautiful colorings in plaid~. priced at ~tze 66xgo, are ~pecially $g.so PAIR Same quality, 70x80 priced at $10.00 wait to for the next The Worthen Carrico Co. 1146-48 · Wiltnette Ave. 1' 1 find you unprefeet" lot~ , . parerl-" \\·et of times are trouble tnakers . phone Wil. 588 Cet your Galoshes nowII i"'ttterntn .I t · t ;11-tn · :lplete. _I ..,

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