2 WILMETTE LIFE October 30, 1925 Oc COURTESY CLEANLINESS E White Cash Market Co. Albert P. Kruse., Pres. SHOE REBUILDING The mark of efficiency and economy ' Re to 1189 WILMETTE A VENUE Phone Wilmette 2779.-2538 QUALITY LOW PRICES Why throw those old shoes away , when, if the uppers are unbroken , they can be rebuilt and m ade to look like new and will save y ou $8 or $10. plus the comfort which is more than money? Just think what a small outpu t of money will do, your shoes will be better than new, for you still have the old com fort you enjoyed so tn uch before they were rebuilt. \ \' cle ~I . SPECIAL SALE W EEI< ENDING SA TURDAY OCTOBER 31 F~RIDA Y <lut I> at "rl p;t ' till · :tn· llh ht' SPECIAL .\ r Lt i \V.HITE FISH Strictly Fresh Lake Superior; lb ....... FRESH LAKE P ERCH Lb . . .... ...... . .............. ... ........ FR ESH CAUGHT I-I E R RING Lb . .... .. ..... . ....................... . li r· · \\ d 3 5c 25c 1 'I \\' .. jl ... . \ t til t;ti \.' \ ' tit · hct # 19c GORTON'S COD FISH 1 lb. pkge ... .. . ... . .. . .................. 32c GREEN SHRIMP Lb· .............. ...... . .............. .. . . COTTAGE CHEESE Lb ........ .. ...... ..... .. .. ......... . . .. ... l IL l' r ~I ;til \\: 35c ZOe Anyone can cobble shoes but shoe rebuilding is something different. · -'.\1· I~ . ttr l ic p; to (';~ SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY PRIME NATIVE ROLLED RIB ROAST.. BEEF, no bone, no waste, lb . . . NATIVE BEEF POT ROAST Lb .. . ···· ···· ......... . .. · ··· ···· .. ... .. . Fresh Home Dressed tl ('. tl . 3 2C 22c Z5 C . - - - - - M Y GUARANTEE I S - - - - - r . To positiveiy retain the comfort of broken-in shoes, bring them back to shape, double their original service and hand them to you looking almost like new . 1i \ I T 11 BOILING CHICKENS, lb.... ..... FRESH VEAL SWEET BREADS Lb .................................................. p ._ <! \ · tl 11 63c SUGAR CURED CORN BEEF Lb.. ······················ · ······· · ···· · ··· · · . .. .. .. 1 The results of a trial will please. p t p 4c · n Kruse's 100% Pure PORK..SAUSAGE MEAT, Deliciously Seasoned, lb. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . STRICTLY FRESH COUNTRY EGGS, Received Daily from the Farm, Special per Doz. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c RUBBERS ~ A full line of Goodyear "Glove" Rubbers ... I I I 55 C 57c 1 VERY BEST ELGIN CREAMERY BUTTER, In 1 lb. Cartons, Special Lb..................................... Phone orders solicited and delivered promptly to Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka S. M. PAULSON New Shoes Wilmette and Prairie Ave. ' Shoe Rebuilding Phone 1969 PHONE WILMETTE 2779-2538 l