WILMETTE LIFE October 30 1925 Fountain Square, Evanston_ _____ _ ___________ 1 · rs Cordttroy Jackets The Greatest Radio Value Ever Offere(l to the Resi£lents of the North Sh(>re Corduroy, Wool and Leather Sports\vear In a ,,·ide selection at reasonable prices A Radio Set Cotnplete With Accessories ~83·50 $20 Down B'a:cr 1 A five tube radio receiving set in which rhrr~ is J combinJtion of cucful construction selectivity -<'.lsc of tuning .1nd cbrity of tone. Price, con1plctc with .1 c ccssone~ browr $83.50 Set stripped $) N .1vv blue . crim c; on n·d . .1nd grey ; con \',' rt tblr r o ll.1r. knllt.' d b o ttom . ltn l· d throu g h o ut II tom . '.4- o o I. \ .Hil' tV k n tt t l' J b o t con\' n l1 b If cn ll.H : of colo !", . S6.l")(1 I 9.::; 0 Accessories 1. Five 201 RCA R.H.iiotron 2. Loud SpcJkcr 3. One Stor Jgc Battery 4. Two EvcrcJdy "B" B.utcrics 5. Lead - in. Ground. Arri.1l Wires 6. Two Insulators Blazer Jackets .\11 v;ool in checks .lOJ pl.1td<;: con\ crtiblc coli .H . .1 nd k n 1ttcd bottom . Sheep lined Can·vas Coats \\'tth Brown brp,t· o n \ .\'i c;hcrp wo0l lOlLH .1nd .1dju~tJblc bdc Balance Monthly 2nd Floor $6.00 $12.0() -------- Washday Is NowaGL~ dDayfor Her Launclering Cares clre Left Behin£1 A S SHE passes in her car. she leaves her bundle at the Nelson Laundry. Wash day is over as far as she is concerned. No Ia undress to oversee- - no 1unches to be provided. In a short ti ml -.~he'll find the clothes waiting for her. washed fragrantly clean in tumbling billo\\Ts of crystal suds of soft water, rinsed again and .1gain ... spun·· unti) they arc dried - and beautifully finished. Why not know the joy of carefree laundering now? Bring in your bundle 1 or phone for our truck l and learn the satisfaction of the newer. happier way to bright. clean clothes. 20~;) discount on work brought in and called for. Is wash day as easy as that for you? I Telephone Wiln1ette 1800 \A I tal }Ill NELSON LAUNDRY ·· 1210 Central Ave . Wiltnette