Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1925, p. 48

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WILMETTE LIFE October 30, 1925 CALL FORUM FOR 100 cent of our voting strength can name All men's clubs in the village are Inaugurate New Organ the ticket-a ticket that will be satis- asked to attend in a body or send re- .. factory to this voting clement. If prcsentatives to this mce~i~g. This at oca urc un ay elected, the office holder must conduct includes church clubs, ctvtc clubs, \Vorkmen have been engaged for th ( himscif in a manner satisfactory to this such as the Rotary club, Chamber of past 10 days in installing the ne" element . He depends upon it for rc- Commerce. Optimists and others, as organ at St. Augustine's Episcop al Men's Club of Firat Congrega- nomination. All the fulminations of the \\ell as indi\'iduals who may wish to church. The instrument \viii be read \ reformers and fusillades bv the news- he present. The following letter ha s for u sc Sunday, which is All Saint. tional Church Plans Meeting for papers have 110 weight- with him been !'lent out: Day in the Episcopal denomination -. All Men in Village against that duty and obligation he .. An open foru111 of the citizens oi I A SJ_>ecial program of organ and otht ' \\'ilmettt.· will conH; to h<· rt.·cog- owe" to the voters, his kind of voters, \\ ' ilmctte is to be held and organized llllt~tc ha,\ heen atTetiiJ. ?:ed for ~he (H' . . the ones who will try him and con- on December 14 in the club room of easton. I ~le chu:ch feels parttcularl ~ ntzed as a cotmnuntty whL·re 100 per demn him to defeat if found wanting. the Fir!'t Congregational church. The fortunate 111 .haYmg. the organ .read: cent of th~ ,·otcrs cast _the hal!ot at Primaries Important l tllt:lllbers oi a!~ c!mrchcs and oq~an.ized ~OI:.t.t.se on tlll" .oc.ca:" totl. .Dela>: . m til t· every electton, whether tt he vtllage, I "There is a comparatively simple cluh~ and soctt.'ttes arc to be mvtted . ·l.rtt\.tl of. th<. mstrunt('llt lllt tltt · 1>arnng · '1'1 1e o J>Jl'Ct · · · t ~) promo t e tl te we lfare church adequate nttt--t l' j, ).. · · · plan:-. out- rL~ mecly. A }()() per cent yntc. county, state or natiOnal. tt ts . . \\·tthont . lined at the nu.·eting of the :\1 t.·n 's cluh inv~li?s ~llld a!>st·ntees,mc~n~ the_ t?tal of our commymty and o~ _our coun~y, !-.(ll11t. t lllll . __ _ __ anmht!atton ot the orgamzcd crtn11nall "tate and natton hy organtzmg a 1110\ cof the Ftrst Co_ngn:gatJOnal church element and its power and control of nwnt to .~ trin· for a 1()0 per cent vote I . L .\'l.nan_ Ihak~· · .lr .. i" t.·xpt·cted tu ;~·.· la!-tt ~l~nday t.'n. · nmg mature .·A n <'P('Il I politic:-.. possibly at the first primary. I in our nll<;tgc. to the end tha~ w:· .may \ nn· 111. :\t.·\\· ) ork (Ill the ~1aurt'l <tll~ forum ·.s to l~c held at the chu~·clt on I Lf i.hl' el<.~c t<:'d office lwlt.l~r cau cuut~t ht.' n·rogntzed a:-> .a h~>d~· ol ~tttze.ns tc.Hla.\ trotn t:u> n1unth~ 01. tran·l 11 ~londa) e~·enmg, _D.eccmber 14, to~ the 011 that turn -o ut at a pn1!1ary, he IS to he re~koncd \nth 111 all pnmane :- l·:ll~ land and ~rotland \nth h~-- l>rc>!h~·l p~rposc. ot orgamzmg .the men ot the 1 delivered from the po\\'cr ot the under - and L'lt.·c twn:--. and tt' set a11 example of 1 1'-L'lth. ,,·hn ts 111,,,. attl'lld lng l an . nllage mto a body which will insur.c world and can appeal to the decent accolllpli:-hnll'l1t that 111ay be taken up bridge unin·r-- ity. :\1 r. Drakt· "i J! a 100 per cent vote on all occasions an-d < ' lcment of the communitv. in c,ther comtnttnities. There will he prol>al>J _ , . retttm to !Jj.._ !Jc,tlH' at c,.~ ~ 1 will come to be felt as ~ll inlluencc for "Here in \\'ilmettc. all ·our political no tin;_tiH:ial c~hligation other than the l.akc ;t\·en tH·. ~ttnda_,. the good a~ well a_s. b~mg an example committct.·mcn can he named and [ co:-~. ol t l~t· d111ner. . - - (I for other commumtte::, to follow. elected 1)\· the Countrv '!'owns organ- 1 .. I t'tl-lllllllltt.' addrcs:-.e!-1 on the obJt:ct:\1 r. ;t tHI \1 r..... Fr ank Fla nnn ;dl' ' ..In an.address before the club, Ho}:t ization. ·The presiden.t of our village I oi the nH:et ing and llH:thod s to be tla·i r h;th_, -.un kit ~lllJCla,·. ( ktt>ht ~mg latd many of our prese~t poh- board can he so named. and \\'t' \\ill I pttr:-.ttl'd \\ill he dt'li\'(·red hy sekcted 2.=i. ior tht·ir hc·mt· in l~la rk\\· t· ll. \\ 1· ~teal ~~~:·.hies _to .~he l_ack .of _m tcr_est not kno\\' it. 110 r he organized to pre - :-.pcaker:-. an<! tht.' 1_neeting thrmrn opl'll ;tftn ;! · th_nT \\cck._' . . ta~ \\ith \t r111 polttt~al m.tttlt!-1 h) the great a\'- \Tnt it. l·lannn" tathn and ll ltd hn. ).lr . :tJll 1 to genl'ral chsrtt":->ton. <:rage cla!-1~ · a gom plan: tu ::-t.'t an i· .. .. , .. · 1 1· 1 \I r 1 : I' F·ttrh · "I 1111ddlc . . II·· . 1 .· . .. . ·. · "f!trc J..; . o I"Sttt.'!-1 atH no rancHatc :-- arc to · :--. . . . · u i (' 11 \\··.t.., hin"t .._ ,, , 1 1 n .l .tnof.H<tt.:!-1:->t.lott. tlt ~ctt10nal . . . . ·. 1 · 1 1 1 t · 11· · , . ,.1tu · (' t. · cxa111ple ol a patnottc puhltc -s ptntcd >e ta\'on·<. 1\lt met 1o<. " 01 pu > 1Ctt\· " t t· Cottllcl ongreg-a 1011a 1 c 1 1urc 1 1cs 111 · . . · · · 1 · · · · It() · \\'ashington last 'l'J . I· . 1) . · · t Ia \\"-ahtdmg. 10() per cent vot111g com- , ·ttH Clt ·1 rllll · 111g· llltl'l'\'"t ttl a J pn 11"""-----------------~ 1 · Htr::>( d\ · rest< en · 1 · · 1 n·nt \'<ltl an: tc' 1H· Jll't.' . . t'lltvd and ~'oolidge_ declart:d that cr{me and de- nnm~t~·: <tttt _ try to _mst~tr · _o t 1e: -~om" ttl!. · hancc ot ]a\\' arc menacing our gov- m~mttt(:-. to .tdopt ,t plan .tncl .t<.Ul111- .l.!t·..,tiun" l·ntnt;lincd . " ernmcn t. and he called ' upon the pit:; I! l'l'" ttlt "· - ---- - - churches to contribute their influence .. To :--ttccec<l. ,,·ide publicity oi pn \lr:- . Ccot . !.!t' D . ).lurdurh (ll Dan·n in building up respect for law and 111ario and elccti<,ns i!-1 neet·:--:-.a r~·. TIH' l'<'rt. lo\\ a. h:t llt'l'll "l't' 1 Hling a ft..,,. st rengthening the ioundation uf the direct appeal to tlw Yotcr. a "tirring I da,·:-- " ·ith \lr:-- . ~·. 1·:. l~vnnvrkn ()f · <)3~ l·:lnl\\ood art·tlttv. ~Jr. and ).fr.., . Union," said Mr King. of p1 ide in hi:-. comtnttnit~· . an arou--111g 1 Blames War for Crime oi hi!-. intnv:--t in a 100 pn rent --h<>,,._, l{t·lllll'Ckt.'r and ~I r. and \1 r:-.. Alhnt "He declared furthl'r that the world ing. J. :\ _,·!'ltront motored to Ihn·nport to 1 war, as all former wars, was rest>on- I Duty to Vote o.,pvnd )a .... t \\'l'l'k -e nd. and brought \1 r:--. 'bl f \lurd<,rh hark \\ith tilt·nJ. st e or the breakdown oi authority i "Tht' dut~ to Yott: is p.lain . The rl' and for much of the prevailing crime. ; :--ulting hl'ndit is l>t·yoncl qm· ... ti()ll. .\11 -o. "Had he seen fit, President Cool- clll!rrlw~ and all oganizations can join \1 i"' .\Iurie! and \1 i:--.., \1 a1 ~ I ant· 1dge would ha\'c gone further and said itl a ralllpaign to striYe ior a 100 per ~l· llg, daughtt.T!-1 ui ~I r .. ;tnt! \I r:-. tl.1~t the able, ~ntelligent, disinterested n·nt \"Ote. Therefore L respectfully i \\.t.'n<klin P. ~t'lll!". entertaiJH:d . . i:xtn·n located at 1211 Wilmette crttzcns ..of tin~ republic. the great su·~ .l'~'"t thilt _ it he tl~e sen~~·. of this i ni tlwir lit tit- i1:iend . . ;1t a luncht.·tlll Avenue non-poltttcal mtddle class, tht: con- hod\· that a torum ot our ctttzen s he and bunco part\· at thvir h<lll H'. -lOI trolling vote, is not aroused and is not call~· d to lll<.:l't at your next monthlY i l.akl· ;t\"t· Jlllv. :-;aturday. ( kt"hn 2-t . h a :-. r l' - 1 >1J<. .'lll' d \\' i t h p l' r 111 1 :-. repr.csent_ed in ~ur governmental ad- dinner h~ invitat;on through thei.r omtmstratwn. 1\aturally. those de- re-.pectin· presidents, to the men of \Jr . :tn d .\tr .... ('qkman \'brk tlt . 1011 ui tlll' \"illage noard. pendent fot a livelihood upon holding all church clubs. organized societies I·:,·an"t' Hl ( ~ara :\I urdoch l an· re · Ullder thl' -...anH.' :\fanag-c o~ce, upon drawing public pay or and bodies in \Vilmcttc. That such rel\'tllL! tht.' cong-ratulation" oi ·h.; .. he~ng protected. in an unla\\'ful pur- forum devise ways of giving wide pub- I irit:tHJ.., upon thr ·birth of a :--on, Thu r-..lllCilt. smt, arc the acttve, interested citizens. licity to all primaries and elections and <b\. < ktohn 22. at the 1-:,·an:--ton ho:-- - 0 L J Ch h S d PER CENT VOTE HERE .... , . I 1 1 1 I I The Wiltnette Billiard rlall It would libel of to our say community. tltey con1posed 50 be per a cent hut .they do control the naming of candtdates for office. "At our last county and sta te primary, April, 1922, there were cast in Cook county for both parties, 417,291 Yotes, or 27 per cent of the total vote. Seventeen per cent of the total Yote were Republican ·, and 9 per cent of the total. vote of Cook. cot~nty elected our shenff. So a combmatwn of leadcrs under present conditions who can figure on delivering a Yote of 9 per need of striving per Ct.'llt tl1c vote in our village." inr a 100 Following the address b~· ~[ r. King, the rluh pa~sed a resolution that all nH.' mher~ would individuallv and collectively pledge tht·mselYl'S t~ vott.· at all primarit.'~ and elect ions. regardless of the i!-.sues or lack of is~ues involved. 1t \\as abo decided to call the forum for a latn date and Hoyt King, George IIi ff and Dwight Chapman were appointed a:- a committee to 111ake the arrangelllents and invite the Yarious bodies to be present. pre.~nt ~>~ ~ itja~l·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - PALACE CASH Univ. 2720 THE HOUSE OF GOOD MEATS PH. ONE MARKETPHONE Univ. 2720 1559 Sherman Ave., Evanston Peacock Brand Hams I""'"""""F'~;:~"""C~:·;;""":f"""'C~~~:~~""'"S:'~::~~:;·"""""'I ~ WILMEITE, ILL. ~ I TenthS~~;~~;~ Avenue SUNDAY SERVICES-II A. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting-8 P.M. Sunday School Exercises ~ 321f2c 191/2c 27¥2C 3lc . Choice Cut of Pot Roast 22c 45c 9:45A.M. Fresh Pig Hams Fresh Prime Beef Tenderloin 3 to 5 lbs. Jack Sprat Bacon Sliced 3 lb. pkg. Palace Pure Pork Sausage Subject of the Lesson Sermon: November 1-"Everlasting Punishment" READING ROOM-II63 WILMETTE AVE. :_~= E Fresh Dressed Stewing Chickens Fresh Dressed Broilers $1.25 29c· 1 = i-_ : HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7 :45 P.M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Works ot Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Selene· Literature may be react, borrowed or purchased. The Public is corclially invited to attend the Churcb Services and visit the Reaclin~r Room · "" F.-.et1&1MIIIIItllllltltltllllltlttltlllltllllllllllllllllilllllil(lllllltlllllllllllllllltllllllllllltllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllltlllllllllltllllllllltllttllllllllliiiiiiiiiii&IIIIUIIII~ -

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