· WILMETTE LIFE A Weekly News-Maga~ine for Wilmette and Kenilworth \.<>I.. XV. ~0. 5 \\'J L~1 ETTE. I LLIXOIS, OCTOBER 30, 1925 PRICE FIVE CENTS WOULD FORCE VILLAGE Thieves Enter Two Homes; Get Spoons, TO MOVE· SUB-STATION . .I Ill ilk and Revolver J. Fred McGuire Threatens Court Action That Would Temporarily Snuff Out New Lights 1 GIVE ORDER OF MARCH Marshal Charles D. Heller and Aids Outline Position of Units in Masonic Corne· Stone Parade Tomorrow. STORES TO CLOSE FOR CORNER STONE PRAI' D1M UUI\1l I ,. ., . . · Entire Community to Join with Thie\'l·~ l>rClke into t\\'O home ~ in The ... nit\· of \VilnH.:ttt: and Cen Masons in Ceremonies at Site the villag<..· last Sunday evening, ohtral avenues \~;ill witness an impressive taining for their trouble only nine spectacle tomorrow afternoon when 1 of New Temple ; ~ilvn ~poons. a revolver, a bottle of the unlb of the great street procession \\.ilnH'ttl' nla\· ian· a legal J,attk milk and a bottle of cream as their which is to inaugurate the Masonic 1 \ \ 1lmt-tte \VIlt don 1ts hohday garh to retain the -lll'W ~ uh:-.tation which total loot. Th~ first home entered was temple corner stont· laying rites as- ~on!orrO\r afternoc!n .when the Mas<;>n. . uppli<:~ <:nergy for the electric lighting that of E. J. Sipset, 1561 Hill street, '-emhll' at the 11rder of ~f arshal 1c fcmple as-;oc1at10n, representmg three local units of the fraternity, lays ~ystcm, it became know this "n·k. " ·here entrance was g-ain.e9 through a the corner stone (lf the $150,000 Ma" ·hen Pre s ident Orn<..·r, and eacl1 of t lte ha:--ement windo\\·, atHl the milk and 1 ' .&.':' - tt..!.lT l ~nnic temple nO\\' in progress of con~ix members of the \ "illag · board and , rream t <~k{:n. Later in the evening t.l.Je I ~truction at 1010 Central avenue. other officials received regi..,ten: d . home <tt H(jhert 1loffman. 1830 \\II - 1 , Bu-.ines ~ hou~e" and offices, with l·tters from ]. Fred ~lcCuire. IH"acl "i 11llctte an.' lllll', ":a~ entered and ranhut fn\' exceptions, have voluntarily the real estat{' tin 11 oi \lrCuirt· :t·t d 1 .... arked. but noth111g \\·as taken exn·pt -.ignified thl'ir intention of s u spending ( )rr, demanding that the sub tation be · the. ~pooth and the rev~ln: r. Police : : bu:-ine:--"' ht'l\\Ten the hours of 2:30 and immediately rell1()\·ed irom it s pn·-,t· nt 1 hl'lil·\· ~· the recent hurglane~ han' been , , ~ o'clork. during \\'hich time the cornlocation. Attornev ~1atthias Con - romm1tted lJ~· a gang of young hoy:-. n -, tone ceremonies will take place cannon of Chicag{; counsel for .\I r- and an· makin ,l( \'\Try effort to ap- 1 undn direction of Richard C. Daven Cuir<'. has indicate~! that he \\'ill file I !Jrl'IH"ncl them. Chid Brautigam rl'port. mc· ... t ,,·orshipf ul gra nd master, a petition for a \Hit oi mandamu..;- to 1 qut:~tl'cl r<.' <tJlt:r;~~i<!ll on the part . oi :\ . F . and :\. ~!. of fllinoi..,, and his t"<t11lpt'l tlw \"ill:tg-e to \'acatl'....thc prop - t't"-I<IL·nt ... 111 !l(lttlylng tilt· JlCl!H·e tlllnt\·. Jllt·diatl'l .' · \\ ht'll th e ir lwnw . . h<tn· lHTil s 1a If. 1 Acti'l:itie-, will begin at 2:30 o'clock r"n t·:-.plaininl( hi ... ~tand, ).lcLuin· t'lltl'H:<I. rl·l(ardle-.-.. oi \\ht"thn or 1111t ,,·!J vn thl' units of an impressive pro'";tid that th1 · . . ul>'-t;ttinn t'Uh oft tilt· :t nytlllng l1a-.. llt'l'll taken. i r· · ~,i~" .~-... . . emhle in parade order on __ j 11'<' oi t hl' :tlky ior hi ... propnt~ · ;tl11!1g tlw -.. trt·t·t . . !lankin~ the Village green. tiH· right -oi - \\.:t\· (li tlH· :\orth ~hllr\' Open Kenilworth Gym at ------ -~ Two Commandery Band, lint' ;tt.l cl <111 Ct'Jlt ral a n·n tit'. J ll' 111a i 11 tainl'd that it mack no c!ittnl'n <·(· Community Center Nov. 2 . 1h ·;td ing 1 he pnJcess ion will he the \\ht·thl'r or nut the alkv ;tt ti lt' l'llcl T It \' !, 1 · 11 i h' rt h l! ' lllll a :-- i 11111 . a t t h l' l ' h:trk - IJ . ll t·lln and lti.., aid -.. . Tlw I ~t. Bt"rnard l'ommandery hancl of oi \\ hich tlw -.ulJ tati (ll1 ·. . t;tl td . . " ;1-.. ;, 1,.,: t ·nil"' 1' rt il l ·\) tlltnun it ' r t' nt n. " iII b c l·a r;tdt ht:gith :tt 2 :31) o\·lnrk. \.'hinq. ~ ( t. The ,·ariou:-; units will be blind alky. that it \\a . . ;, . . 111\lt'lt pul.l:r 1 d ·1; c i a 11 ' ' ·!It' ll\ ·d \I u; H I a'· . :\ o n·m h <.' r \Ia,· rt'prntntati\'t· of ~1asonic orders. inP a !. ; t d t · , 1 n lo: r ; t :f ' u t I i n <' d 1 l\ pr!Jpl·rt\· a-.. an\· strl'ct (lr all('\ in t 1tt· .!. . .\ Ia r g t · r (' g i . . t rat i u 11 . i.... t ' x p l · r ted. ,!J:tl J!dlcr is ; t .... frtllt)\\-..: cluding tlw J-:a-,tl'rn Star, and·of \Vii. Yilla~e ;tnd that tlw thl' \ ill;ll..!\: lt;tcl 11<~ ,t,·c ~rc!ittl! t" I~< 1hl'rt To\\ nky. ph~· ..,_ ' 11ft:ttt: · I'o:--t. thl' :\mcrican Legion, Boy 1. .\I usir. ~t. Bnnard (. 'um right to build a -..u!J-,tati<lll thnt· \\ith - ic;tl dirt"rto r i<·r tilt' !Jo, ~. Thnc " ·ill Fire Girls, Village offi1 ~rout-;, l'amp mandery, !\< 1. 3:. K. T . band. tl\lt f1r-.t g<:ttin , l( tht · ron-..t"llt oi tltl' l>t" ,· l;t-.. ... t·-.. j,,r h<·th h·,~~, :tlt d girl:'. . rial .... ci\'ic organi1.ations and individSouth s idt· ., f ( ·~·ntr;tl a\·enm·. l'ropt·rt\ tJ\\'lltr'- l>l'i<,n· crcdinl! tll(' .\1 i·, j-',· ~ ·h·11 Brtl\\ 11 lH itll! in rhan!t' of ual citizen ..... Yisitin~ ~Tasonic units right n· . . till l! on \\ ' ilmctt~· , i 11 t h e 1 i n c o f m arch \\' i II i n cl u de t J~ e '-lructurl'. thl' L!;rJ...' ·,\(1rk . .\lr ... . _le ....... il' l'a~e i ... ;t\'l'tllll' . · ~t. Bernard C(Jmmandery, the Illinois Adjoins Blind Alley in L!t tH···al rh;trgl' oi t lw community 1 2 . .\1 ilitar~. . . \.'nmman<krv. \\·ith hand; anel the l'.vTilt' plot 11i ground in qut·..,ti<Jll i' ;1 ,. 11!1'1. Tl tt· hm . . \\ill lhl' thl' g, mna () 1 1 1 ~amc a ... .! dirt·r tl _ , \'.{'" 1 la nston Con~manclerv. Local Ma-;onic triangular ..,lJ;qJL'd pi('rc llJ by.)() hy :111 11 1111 \!, ,t;da, ..... Tlntr . . da~~ and of (ll. hodic" ,,·ill be the R< yal Arch Masons, 5 fel't. ir<·ntinl( tlll thl' ril..!ht-oi - \\:t \' ~.tturcl:t' ..... "hilt- .th t· L!irl-.. \\i.ll Inn· 2. ~t. l~nnard ('nttltllandt-r\. ;-..;o . 1 35 K. T . · .\Ta:-tn \Ll"iolb and \\' ilmctte Chapr1i tht' .:\orth ~horl' litH:. ' It adjoin·... th\ " 11i it Tut·..,da\ ..... \\' \ dnl'-..da,· ... ;uHI tt'r. Eastern Star. Visiting Masons ;t blind aJJt,· ,,·hich h~canw blocked Frid :t' '· I t i. . t·x·pt·rtt·d th :tt 12~ btt\ . . .' a 111 t ' : t .... 1 .! 1 \ ' i r t· r t 1\ \\'nt 11 j 'not affiliated ,,·ith the COI,:mandery un( 2 ). . when the t;acks of the ckctrir linv 'li lfl itu uir) . . \\'ill rvl(i-..tn ior tlH· ib \\ill he itn·ited to march \\'ith the \\·cn· laid . The hoard oi trthtec:-; assert 1 cl:t,..,t...... \\ · 1,rl~ ior thl' girl-.. "ill in4. (..'i,ir urgatti/:tti<ltt:- and CltiZL' ll~ . local .\I asonic bodies. that the land ha~ hel'n oi 11<1 Yalut· cluck <latHing and l ':tnq·· Firt· .trti\ \\ · t' s t " i d t' o i \\ · i lm ct t e a\' e n ttl' . I Th~: routt· oi the parade will he t·xcept ior ruhhi~h dumping purpose~. 1 itic:-- . right t'l'..;til1g 011 Central avenue. · north ()ll \\'ilmettc avenue to Lake The ~uh:--tation do<.· ... not ;tfTt·rt the rt·ar ' 5. :\mcrira11 Lt·l(inn - H(l\ ~cout . . . <l\' l'lllll'. east on Lake avenue to l'amp Firl' Cirk . l'lltranre to the ).t cCuirt· and ( )rr l·:ighth ~~rel't. south on Eighth stret prop<' rty. I n1g aze amages 1 tu' Central. east on Central avenue · ~ame a" (~l dirn·th· . . outlt 1 \\'l.' s t (I i ( 4 ). . Yilla~l' :\ttorm·y CharJc.., II. Jack:-.on Interior of Style Shop ; tn tilt.' ~ite of the new tcmpJe. has hl'en ordrrl'cl to n·..,i..,t t ,·en· effort 6. Ea~tnn ~tar Chapter Xn . 753. Fire \\·hich -,tartt·d irom an l·kctric 1 Manyt Contribute T estim.;,nuala J.,· thl· real estate firm to m:lke the .:\orth side !li Cl'ntral an·nttt', , Pl'rhap::. the outstanding feature of \ -illage remove the substation. As the iron which had been !tit turnl'd on 1 right rt' sting o11 \\'ihnertt· ave ' the rnrnL·r -.tone ceremony will be the cdd ligliting sy~tem has been \\·reeked c;lused seYera l hundred dollars damage 11 tll'. at the Unique Style ::-hop. 112() Central t placing oi documents and te~timoniab · n.'mo,·al of the ~tth'-'tation \\'Ould leaH' 7. 1~0\ ·; tl .\rrh .\la~on-. . avenue, about midnight Tuesdav of I · in the strong box. the village "·ithout lights and would Satilt:· a-. ((ll immecliatt:l~ t':t't thi . week. The damage to the l;uildinvoln' great expense if it became oi {(ll. 1 ;\ot only will the various · 1lasonic ing \\·as very slight. most of the lo~s , bodies he rcpresL·nted in this proced necl'~~an· to ~ecurc a new site and 8. \I a-; t l.' r ~I as o 11 ~. being to the contents of the shop. Th(' l'a-;t i urc hut a number of civic, church. so{'fL'Ct ai~otlwr substation, as well as Same a:- ( 7 l imml'diatt-l\' : rial and fraternal organizations will alof (7 l . 111m·ing equipment and changing the blaze was discovered by a passerby \\'ho turned in the alarm. Smokl' 1 l ~o contribute to the chest that will routing of the power lines. 9. lllinoi" l'olllmandnv. .i\n. 72 filled the building in ,,·hich the ~hnp 1 remain seall'd through the ·};ear-; un · it Trustee Paul A. Hoffman in comK. T. hand and Illi"nois Com is located, alar111ing the occupants who s uch a time as the structure gives way menting on the !-.ituation expressed 1ll<llHkry No. 72 K. T. and Evat first thought the blaze more ~eriou-.; to s till another t·difice of the ~fason himself as unable to understand the anston -CommatHler:. 8, K . T. than it proved to ht: . ·~ ir fraternitv. attitude of the real estate broker. Thc T mmedia tely cast of (R). ( Es. Tomorro,~'s program is open tn evtH'\\" lights, he maintained. han· the cort to Crand lorlgc) . ery rL·sident of the village. It is the e!Tect of increasing the Yalue of the 10. \ .i llage Pre:--ident and \ ' illage plan of the ~f asonic Temple a-;socia~~ c< ~uire and Orr properties just as nfficers. FIND CLUB NEWS HERE tion to place the new temple at the they have increascd the value of propfmmediatch· t·a~t of (9). dispn:-al of the entirt' comniunity for crties everywhere in the village. Some 11. t ~rand lodge - at en t ranee of News pertaining to various public gatherings. Thf' building will Loclgr: l>ttilding. 115() \Yiln1ettc twenty years ago, he recalled. when contain a spacious auditorium that is women's clubs and social ~I cGuirc · sought permission to huild avenue. designed to serve the needs C)f the a sidewalk along the front oi hi~ Chark:-- D. lll'llcr. ~I arshal. group r.ctivities will be found ; rc mm1mit,· as "':ell as those of the property on what is now Electric t~eorgc H . Jlarl>augh . ·\id. on Pages 17 to 20, 23, and ~I asonic bo _<_ li_e_s_._ _ ~amuel H. Vowell. Aid. place, so that it could be used for A . J. Kuclzo\\', Aid. -.tores, the village readily acceeded to 26 to 29. These have been PIED PJ.PER IN TOWN his request. That '"as along an alley ~rouped, in so far as pracTodav and Saturda\· will hr "Pied BEGINS NEW MUSIC STUDY that is now the right-of-way of the \Ye<lncs<hY afternoon, ~ovemher ·~. Piper Days" at Ta'v lor\ Hootl'r..\·. nn North Shore line. The village has been ticable, for the convenience mark' the i;ltroduction of a course in Main street. Th,. Pied Pipl'l· "ill he more than fair \vith 1fcGuir<'. he of our readers who are esinterpretation by Walter Spry, well on ~lain street. Tfr·avhshr 1-..hr"hvh declared. kno\\ n pianist and in-;tructor. at the there in person to delight all · thr l-.idpecially interested in those He will have hi -; nipec., an' \\.innetka branch of the Columbia d;es. The East End circle of the Congreenterprises. School of Music.. Those v..·ho wish mav t le otw s "ho come tP see him. Ta_ l!ational church will meet ~1 ond;l\·, enroll in the course as listeners. it is lor's Rootery ~J>t'rialize" in the Pied ~O\'t·mla·r 2. \\'ith ~Irs. Leland Pier~on allllCllllC<.'d. Piper br.lnd or child,· 'll·., . ~.· l~' . ui ~()~ F'on·-.t aventt{·. j I I < ' M·d · h t Bl D I i I I I I