40 WILMETTE LIFE Road, Richmond R!>ad, the October 30, 1925 Octo be Methodist Church bilhert Stansl:'ll will ;n· ...·:wh ~U!Hia~· morning . . H. l\f. R Con ft·r·t·net', ne,:t "·et'tiH~sday, Xovt·mlH·r 4, 1:30 p. m., the nwnthl\· bo~nd met>tingof the Rock Hiver l'Oilft·t"t'lll't' \V. · H. M. R will ht· hdd at the Stevens building in tlw Eh·anor ctuiJ ro oms. All ollict::rs qf the Auxiliary uf the l\h·thodilst church are urged to l.h.~ present if possible. Que n Esth rs' New Home-:"\'»xt Saturday, !'\ovember 7, there is to be open hou se and reception in the ne"' Qut·t·n Esther home, 537 .:\It· I rose avt· · nue. The new hom e will be open In the aftrnoon from 2 to 5 and in the ~.·vening from 7 to 10. A silver offt:ring will be tak en. This will be a 8plendid opportunity fot· th' officers and memLers of the Auxilian· of the l\lethodist hur<"h to see this new property of the '"· H. l\1. S. ::\lidweek ~t.H'\·ice of Pra\·et· anJ Praise-Prayer and praise st:rv it' ' >II \V ednt·sday t·n·ning, ~ p. m. Tht- Sj·n·ice will b<' conducted by the inini!::it ·r. 'hoir H ' hearsal-<;ho.ir JH'acti ·c 11n Thur!::iday t:vening at · J>. m. All membt·rs are ur g-l'd to he present. High ~t:hool Department of th · C hurch :-;choul-The High st:hool d 'partllh!llt of the ~UIHiav school o( th · ~lethotli~t t'hllrt:h i!::i in·.., tin· workilt ! ~· condition. Tlw young· JH·opk have organized tht·ir elas:·a:s. There an.: eight tin · <'las ·e::-; in tht· d ·partmen t. lll ' l"t·aftt·r lht' Sl.' ('la~S('H Will Ul.l kllOWII h . . the fu lluw i ng nan1··s: Fri<·Jl<l!-ih .i p: · ·. H . .A .· ·.; X. '1'. l'.; Lo:-; Caliallvros; "\Jpha Alpha; L. \\ .. s; .-\nlicus, and tilt· C<·mr:ul~.- s. TIH· L. \\ "~ will tal~ · (·ontplt·tt· chargt· of th · opt·ning- st·l'\'i<-P c1 th~: ll1gh school departmvnt 11vxt :--:ur.day nwt·ning. 'l'hl' ntc-nt bt.: rs of t n · Y o u n g I ·t · o p It· · s l' u u ll t'i I , Lh at i s, t h u :' L' \\· ho pravtivally !'till tht.> Dl ·[lat ·tlll ·· ltt Ulldt·r th · sllPI.'l'Yi~ion o( tltt· Sup~.· t intelldl'nt, at·1·: Lut.'ilt.· I' ··Ya.ii:ttt, Fr:t!l('t·s ~tih·s, !lora !Jurrows, llltPgt ·ll l' Padducl~, J.'retl \\'aidtt('l. \\.iJI;tt t1 Thorp, H.oiH·I't l!aqH·r a11d ('atlll'ritt· · Hi<.:khan1. . \ lllost helvful ·' ··ar·:-- " o!' t\. is l· 1.· ing pl:tnrwd for thv dt ·p:tt·trtlt' tt:. Any buy til' g·i1·1, iJoi hig-h ~,-IJ .. .,l i s ,,., 1COlllcd tu join us and to ·· tll· ·t· 111!n our activiti ·s. Bu\· ::->cuuts- Tht.· Sl'ttUl:-; uf Trt""'S 3 an~! 6 art· tlH· ·tin~ rt·guLtt ·l.' , ., '.- _ ,. ::\lullday t·\'clting· at tht · .\l· ·lht .. l i·~t Church. \\·e have a d\'li1tit1 · Jlt "<Jgr. , ·tl to J>l't.!!:'t'lll and our ltlet'littg·:-; tlltt:-; t'a1· havl.' bt'l'll c·xct·llt·Jtt. ln ord1 ' l' th;t 1 t 1\t· fathers an<l JllOtlH'rs of till · hu.\· s Ill;·:: know what w~.: are doing- our pro '.!. t·;tlll is as follows: · Asst'lll bl~ - . 7: 30 - l~ug-l er Stukt · r. H.ecn·ation, 7:3G-,Joe ~Iillt·t· ( "\ssist;trtt Scout ma~t··r). AsSI'Illhly, 7::;;; - l:u:.:,lt·,·. Instruct ion, ~ :00- <."i vks ::\It·ri t I !ad,.:,· (required). (T. IL \\"t·st ln stru<.'lol'). Astronomy .\lt·ri t H<.t<.lg<· ( Upt inn a I 1. (\Villard Oshurn lnstruetnr). Sig nailing in All Hranclws. (Otto Cl ·pp a;-;sistant St..·out ~Iastt·t·). Tt·ndt·rfoot, t:-·t and 2n<l das::;t·s. (J o(· ~I i llt.:t·, FJ·attl' Millington . As~i::.;t ant St:ou t .~lastt·r..,,. AssemLl~-. 1\ :-lfi- Uug-h·r. Calisthenics, 8:46- l\lr. 1\fatt:son an(l .Jot> Miller. Inspirational ·'en· ic e, X:::i 1-Dr. HU.JtSl'll (Chaplain to Troops). Flag·-Oath, 1:> :G~. Dismissal 9. Junior Boy Scouts-The meeting- of the Junior Boy Scouts is held on Thursday evening at 7 p. m. at the Methodist church. The following program is used in the meetings: Assembly, Ted Buck, Bugler; devotions; roll call; inspection of patrol~; l::talute to flag; drill and instruction; ~an·cs; story; dismissal. Fifty-nine boy!'! were out to Junior Boy Scouts last week. Dr. tll'Xt ,y_ Girl Hcouts-(lly Laurie Endr. ·s ) Some especially 'interesting, features are being- plannl:'d for th(' Girl Rco ur:.>. Any girl t l\' n yt>at·s of ag(· ot· over is eligibl{' to be a S~out. The pt.·riod i~:; divided a::; follows: 4 p. m. Assembly. 4:10 p. m. Hpecial Troop meetings. Troop 1- First lieutenant, Betty Older; Second lieut.; nant. Eugenia Jones. (A). roll call; (B) Business meeting; (C) Instrw·tion period. 1. Merit Badges for ~ov ('nt ber. (a) Artist; (b) Photog-raphL'!'; (e) Citizen; (d) Dressmakt·r ; (··) l-ll'll1 e maker; (f) .. raft~nnen; (g) D:tncer; (h) Cook. Th a.lJove program is foll·)\\'t~c:J b~· the following- troop!';: Troop 2.- - Pirst lieutenant, ~rurit · l lh·Xoyt· r; St'·'<JtHI lieut nants, Louis<' Jlt·nn·ksoll, Ann :Matson. Troop 3-Fir:-.t li·, 11'.·'1\:l.nt, Dorothy Fullt·l·; sel'ull<l lit·\.lt··l· tnts, Alth· ·a ~ortham, Anna ~'t:tr,~ar··t Stansell. Tt·oop 4-FI·i~!: lie,It -' n~wt, Catherine Hall; st'l'OIHI lit-u~. <·u:tnt, Cathel'int· Hi<' k ham. 4 :GO p. tn ., song::~ 01· gam<·s, ;; 1). m. taps. Dorothy Campbell of 1209 , Greenwood avenue, accompanied hy Miss Jean 11elvillc of Evanston and m 1!-" t~·tan o mes ot 11cago, went , to ~ladison last week -e nd to attend the Wisconsin-Purdue game and to ? stay at the Kappa Kappa Gamma · house over Saturday and Sunday. and Milwauk e Ratlroatl Comp~nv, '< ·1)1( The annual bazaar br the benefit across and under the tracks and ngnt IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY of the Sarah Hackett Stevenson of way of the Chicago and. North IN THE . MATTEH OF THE PE-) 1\fetllOt'l·al Hotll" \\.,1.11 ))"' held at the 'V estern Hailway Company, . m the OF THE VILLAGE) n .._ 'unnamed st reet connectmg H.tchmonu TITION Parkwav hotel, · 2100 Lincoln Park lt oad with West Itauroau Avenue, OF KE:-\IL,VORTH FOH. PHO-) FOH. THE AC-) west, November 5 and (>. from 10 \V est Railroad Avenue across an case- CEE DIN iS OF CERTAIN) 1 (lt'lH1'~~lE~T o 'clock 1.11 the morning until ,10 at ment to be provided in Lot .0 !1e < ) PH PPEHTY A:--.;1> THE) in Jam s Rice Brown's Add1t10n to night. KE-nilworth, Linden Avenue, Pleas~nt SI'H.EADING OF A ~f ·'E 'IAL) Th~ .bazaar is sp(m-,orl'd by fortv- Avenue, Houldsworth Avenue, Vlr- ASSESSMENT FOH. A LOSAI~) 1 HE 1 ··1 ginia Avenue, H.oger Avenue, Cu!TI- Dli'HOVEl\lENT . FOH. one W0111Cil's clubs. many ot_ w 11~ 1 mings Avenue, Maclean Av('nut>, Bner WlPK\'lNG OF' 1\:ENIL\VOHTH) ·tre having booths Card partie'> \\'til Htreet Temple Court, l\1apl(· Ave- A\. E:-\U I·~ .AN P TJJJ<; J>HAI.N-) G o .. 'he gn·cn · :. · 1 ' ' Gl en d'1111 · Road Southdean ;, :iRAIH :'\< ;, 'L' H.lH.:'lG) both atternoons. 111 r 1arg-e, nue, Sng R 'd · l·"' ··rlston 1':\< A.:'\11 PA\'IX<: IJl·' SAID KIO:~-) · 1 1 1· .. Hoad Joseph ears oa , ,. .. of M1ss .1\Iartha :\loc. an< t 1l' ( ll~n{r:- H.oad: St<: rling- Hoad and Hidg· · H(>~d. IL\\'(JI{'l'II AVIO:~t:E AS ~0) and lttncht.' Oib scn-ed both days \\'Ill he tog-etht·r with appurtet_H~nces and CO!l- \\'11>1·::\'EI> f<'W>~f A:\'1> CO!\'-) under the direction of 1Irs. H. H. n ·ctions, all in the Vllu;tge_ of hKenll- :\' E< "rll':c; W lTH \\" E::-5'1' HAJ L-) · · worth Cooli: County, Illmots, t e or· H.OAD AVl·~NlJE 'VEST 'f AXD) \\ h1te. dinan~e for the same being on file CONNECTING 'VITI! H.IDUE) Thursday evening, the dinner guests in the office of the Village Clerk of AVE N U E, S 0 M E T I 1\1 E S) \\.1.11 be entertained by several of the said Village, and the said village hav- KNO\VN AS RIDGE HOAD, AH) ing applied to the County Court ...:f A 'U:\IBI:--:ED D1PHOVE -) stars now appearing in prominent Cook County Illinois, for an assess- ::\1EN'f 1:"< THE VILLAGE OF) t hcatres, and Paul Ash will be there m ·nt of the ~ost of said improvement KENIL\VORTH, COOK COUN-) · 1 f 5 30 un- sessment according to the · benefits, and an as- TY, ILLINOIS. ) tc' entcrtam t 1e guests rom : therefor having been matlc til 6:30, it is announced. :1 nd returned to said Co';Irt, Docket 1\"01'1<-' ~ Xumber 19, tne final heanng ther('0n . .., .. will be held 011 the ninth day of N'>- . :\ot1 1 1~ h<: reby given to a 11 p r· r s., VILJ,AGE OF KENILWOll'l'H . , 111 h A D 1925 or as soon then·- Jllt· ·rt ·st· ·d that thv Hu~rd .~'( L t;· . t ~ :·f·t · er, tl'e · usin< ' ·· ~", of th 0 ·· s·ti<l Cou!·t , 1· llttp · of th·· ..;:tid \ 1llaL:. " ·· ~ 1 1> :\O'I'ICE OF S "\LE Oli' HEAl, E 'l'A'l'I~ · . t 1' 1 as · 'I"' · 1111 tl ·1ttsh·t· h rtlt · l<l'l ' tilL·d 1 \11 p!·I'Sill 1S d· ·sil'illl:." tlt :t '.' ' t !II " ' ' : · ._ · s _ ,. · . . .. ··1 11 JH·rnlit · ' ~1 · t _. ·. .. \.t<l ('Oltl'l l>cf') ·" ~" -; t ! rl t '·· ttr· t 111 s atd call~t. a <'· · rtttw :t '· · 1 1 1 11 1 " . tl1at (llj(·(')()Jl~ :-;, I t· , ., , ~ t ·· ,. t I ·· · \\fit-. . J· PlO\I . · ·tj · 'l. l'uhlic notivt · ls lH·r< · h~- giV<'n . . l .,, . . .. . ,, th· ~ 11" ' ' It t!.! t 11 -; tIt 1 t 1<1 \ . .. Ill Ill. . ' 11111 ) ' 11 . . I t . .. I a_1_1 ordinanc1· _ \\~\ :-: dul .\ p:,tss<~tl ~l~- tl~' 11 ,; 1 1· 111 l:. ·;tnt! 111 , 11 , 1· tllt · ir tlt · ft · ll~t ·. Said r .. r t tt ~ : t td · ·:.'ll ~ t · , _ t lf ·_.: ltlllr,llll_ Tt · ~t · J \; ·t \ tll:q..:·t· of ht · lltl~,·.orth. ( ool~ ( flllllt~.' 1 11 , d it. :tttt·t · Jll'd\' ltll · ~ for tilt· vnllt ·<·tll·ll 1··1' ll tl · l · '-' l . .tttd s ll! ·\\ Ill ;.!. .tlsu_ th.tt t ·-~ llli110is, 1111 th· · frtth d ;t_ \· ol Ot·tolwl. l, , f '-; ' tid '1 ...;'-' t'"'-'l ll t· ltt i ll fi\'o r:-o) :LJ l lt lll l llli! tlt o\t ·lt JI· ' t l It :.:-; bt ·tll ('!JIIStl\lt't·cl I . A. 1>. 1()2:-. , J!l '(J\' itlit1g fill' tlt· · ~al< : or I it ..:t··;lll tl l' l·l ;S ' .with illlt ·)'· ·S ! tlLI'l'· ·(IJl ; . f lllo :-l. t l: t !; ·l . l ' lll l f~·r_ll l il y Itt_ tilt · l'l"!ll ! t tn ·:tl t·st:tt. · l·wat· ·cl , 1\ttfl\\'tt , dt·scnli~"d 11 '1 ·,. t ·J·· t r t ~ "' ttl·· ··l 'l i.!ltl:tl ··rt!Itt:tl1l ' l· th· ·n·11- "i" l" ' r 1 . 1 , 11111 111 (t; ' , ) 1, .· and btJUIHlt ·d a:-; t'r·llo\\s : j · · · ,.,;· Til· · It· :tlt t1" t·· t ·r q t ~ i tl· · r :tt ttl ... l:t ···illllllll:. at !ht· ntr>st lllll'tht'rly :tl t liUll l. . . _ i ·· , 1 , · · · · ' ' I!· t 1·· 1 tl t·· i':tt ·ls <L s <. t :tt· tl 1 1' "' ' ·,t ·d <' ,. r i .. . · ll· ' :r t · trJ·, \\ill 1... h ·- 1' C'OI ' IH~I- of tht · sotl!ill · ast1 · rl~ l\\'t ' ltl~ll:t·<l . !" ' 1ti!w .. r·t lt, llltl ll ·l :-.. 11 ' ' 1 ' " ti\·t· (:!:-·) r ·., t of Lf!t two(:!) it· !:lock ~ :: . . \ . I· !:· ~·.. ; .1 -.t id 1'11 1 1' I 11 11 til ·· lti lttil tl ;t y p f x ... ::-;i:dt·t ·ll (l(i) in Kenilworth, llt..ing a. t;l -:11]~1;1 ·: :-:. 1'(1.\IEI~Il\" . ,. 1:· 1· 1· · · \ . I· 1 : ·~ .-.. :tf tt · lt n 'd·" .; :--:111Jtli\·ision of parts or fr;tctional l' t'l!-'111! .: ppt.i!lt t tl ), ~ tltl· l 't'o:-;:- \ . .\! , " ' ;,~ =--" ' ' l l tlt · l'··:tftt · )' :t s t l\ svvtions tw(·ltt_,·-tw<' (2:!), tw<'ntyd ,, 1 ' ". tit ·· l: o at t1 tof Ltt(' : tl ] 111 . 1 1 itt· .· 111 1 !t·· · ··UI t "til l" ' l' lltit. A t. s (' \' (! n ( 2 7) . all <l t \\' (' n t y- l' i g- h t ( :! ' ) ' ! .. .r II II' ll I ~ (I r t It I . \ I I j; I l:. I , ,, . I -~ .. : ' _..; d ' - i .. Il l L. Ill : I ~ t I I· ' ' ,j '.i .. ll u n s i l all in Township forty-two ( ·!~) j h· ttill\ r· rtl t, ('t ·ok C 11111 1 t~· . Jll i- , ,, ,d ,. til '-' · J , ._ <·I lwlor, . :--.uti 11l!H·, ar t·. Xorth, nang:<· thirt('ell (]3), East of Iiii i :-;, t ;Ltltl ~ \It'll ;ljrfl'lillllllt ' ld ·11· II!; {\ :lpJH ';tl ·,,11 tilt· ht·arillg and lll<l ]\ the Third r'rinci}Jal ::\lt·ridian, _ r unJll 'tl\· ·tl :tnd ('Olllil 'llll'tl l·~· t :l· llt· ·l l' d· !'111 '-' ·'. ning theta~ ' in a JlOrtlwastvdy _ drr· ···r'·lll lt t .' · 1 ·,·urt o i ('llt .\.; ,· . ., 11,, :, !r ;: t · d, h· rlih\· ·n ·tlt , lllill(,iS, Octol> ··: tion along th<· northwt·~t('rl~_ lill i ~,f ll lil .··i . , t ·· lll;ti-t · ~ :t i d ; t :---- . -,.: , :.. · : . ! - ~-. said southpa:-;tprJy twt · Ht~·-ftvp (!?;o) ll l··ttt . I'· ·· ·'" ,.r f.,w :d lJ !I [Il'O\' t·lllC·IltS Of t hf feet of said Lot two <2) t·xtendv<l _to \ 'lll; t ~· · · "r ~~· · t li l\\' r,rth . a point whe1·l· ~aid northwt·st··rly l111e 1-: 1. .\ 11 :1 : !·: . .I\< '1' :--:1·'- . . l.\.\11:~ (.' . ~1!-l~l~AY, of said southea::;terly twt.·nty-fivt> (~;;) I \ ' i1 1:t:.:, . . \ll· · r~ ·· ~ I ·r ·....;i d t· n t. feet of said Lot t \, o < 2) t·xtemleu L 1-:! t, L-4-~tc intersects the :-:hun· lit1l: ()f Lake 1\Iichlgan; tlw IH'L' a long t h<· shore line of Lakt· ~lichig-an in a southeasterly dir ctiun to a point wlh:r(' the south<'asterl~- linl' L·Xtt nrl(·d of Lot six (G) in said Block ~;ixtt·t·n (1G) intersects the shor< · lint· of La.k< Michigan; th enc<> southw<·st<'rly along said south<'asterlv line t·xtt.'IHit>cl to the northeast('rly ·line of said Hlock sixteen (16); thence in a northWt!!:>terly dir ction along· tlw nortlwa~tcrlS· line of said Block sixtet·n (H) to the point of beginning. INSURANCE Phone That said IH·opc rt y is not !wing- USt"'d RENTS by the Villagor the public in any manner or for any PUI'JlOSI' whatsoe ver; that seale(l bids or proposals SALES will be received by the Pn·sident and Board of ·.rrustees of said V-illag for LOANS the purchase of said property for cash at or before eight o'clock P. M. on Monday, the 9th day of November, A. D. 1925. Su·c h bids must be in writing and sign d by the bidder and may be filed with Mr. James C. Murray, A. WOODCOCK Village President, or Mr. Clive J. Taylor, Village Clerk. Said President and Board of Trustees will thereupon open and consider said bids at the regular meeting to be held at the Kenilworth Assembly Hall in said Village at 8 o'clock P. M. on the 9th day of November, A. D. 1925, and said Village hereby reserves the right to reject any or all bids or proposals. President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Kenilworth, . Cook County, Illinois, By James C. Murray, HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of Public Service President. Attest: Company of Northern Illinois, have declared Clive J. Taylor, per share the regular quarterly dividend of Villag-e Clerk. L-2-4tc on the Company's 6% preferred stock, per J ' · IpuLtlic park _in. ~?lock two (2) 1dn Ke~11 ; Announce Annual Bazaar ·a1 H worth SubdiVISIOn. ~cross .an ~n e for Noted Memorl ome the tracks of the Chl~ag·o, Nor~h Shore Cumnor VILLAGE OF K~NILWOR'rH STATE OF ILLINOIS tSS COUNTY 01<, COOK J 7 :30 ~t.. 3 P. ior 7 :30 par Ho :-ch i :30 at P. oi K P. ~ tea Au X P. Ca at ~ P. I. : ·.-·r! ·· , 1ra 12 :L ()p Tc i :30 at I I ' I . I I ' I H P. ;tt 12 :I : Ro r lt . HELP us 7 :3() HELP YOU 1304 Wilmette ·J.q ha ~() H P. i :311 :\. I N P. I Invi t l'la J. 35 YEARS' EXPERIENCE d urte< Jlcar:the ~ llll'll :t hl·ir ! t( 1rtcr Dividend Notice $1.50 $1.75 tIt i" t cltildt ~ctrte T llll'l' t and . . ixt h. ~ ()t(' t hl· r VILLAfa<J ~I"ECI , o~~ KENIL,VORTH 1\"0'l'ICE L .\ SSESS:\IENT In the County Court of Cook County, ' Illinois. li:enlhvorth St,eelal Assessment Number 19, share on the 7% preferred stock, and $2.00 per share on the con1mon stock, payable November 2, 1925, to stockholders of record, at the close of business, October 15, 1925. GEORGE R. JONES, Treasurer This is the 56th consecutive quarterly payment by the Company to its common and preferred stockholders and the 95th consecutive dividend including ·the dividend payments of the Company's principal predecessor. ... orta ' llll' II tl lltlrth EN" ~rr r.,a d, M i:-!-. ~ ,.,.. \ T' · H 1 - Cl · NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED that the Village of Kenilwortn, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered tnat a local improvement be made within the Village of Kenilworth, County· of Cook and State of Illinois, as follows: That an electric street lighting syatern be construct~d in certain streets ~nd places lncludmg portions of SherI Idan Road, Kentlworth Avenu-e, Wood: stock Avenue, Oxford Road, Abingdon Avenue, Warwick Lane, Melrose Avenu . Ivy Court, Raleigh Road, Letcester Road, Roslyn Road, Warwick nue, Cumberland Avenue, Winnetka . Road, Essex Road, AbbottafQrd Road, "ftice h<.'r I ligh at c PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Serving 6,000 square J'fiiles-221 cities and towns-with fias and Elellrtc·ty 'The Common and Preferred Stocks of Public Service Company of Northern Illinois are listed on The Chicago Stock Exchange .\the ; ,ab \f r:-. the Th an:nt l'Oil a:.sist \'rah' \f i tc