Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1925, p. 36

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WILMETTE LIFE R. Brown, Wilmette 3018. October 30, 1925 St John's Lutheran \VilnH'tlt aJHl Park a.vf'nUt'S, \Vilm ettt·. Ht>rman \ Y . :\1l·_rt.·r, :\f. A. pastor. 4(lt) l'rairi,· avenut·, Tf·lt-tlhone 1396. C'h u n· h T £'It' phon l' 3111. SERVI CES 9:30 ' classt>~. A. 1\T. Run day school a n<l fli ble 9:30 A. M. Preparatory service for communicants. 9:45 A. l\1. Fjrst servicl· and Holy Communion. 11:00 A. ~1. :::-:t' COJHl servin· an<l SCI ' IliOll. "The H formation." ~H.;WJ'Il\'GS Fridav. October 30: Juni<ll' aJHl ~l':li fl J' Hallowe'l' n party. Monday and Friday at 4 : Chilrln·n's classes. Thursday at 2: Ladies· Aid and :\1 issiona r y. Thursday at 7:4:i: S e nior \V~lltl.t: r League. Friday at 7:45: Junior \\"altlk ~ · League. The annual commemoration uf tlw Reformation will be celcbrat<'<l n·' X t Sunday morning. The pastor will tl 'liver a sermon on the Heforma.tion and ~t children' choir will sing. Evcl·yon 1s very cordially invitt>d to :tttt·tHl the serv ice. The Lord's Huppe1· will b£' ,·,·!t·hratt.·<l tluring· the first service next :4P1Hl:lv morning. Th confessional or 1lr,·p!'l. !'. atory service for communieaJ~ts bPgins at 9:30 an<l the rC'g-ular service at 9:45. All those d esi ring· t o rel"' iVt' thf' Sacraml·nt an· l' P<1Ut·st(><l to ilHtk · this known to th e pastor on l4atnrda ·.· next at his study. Fifth Av'enue Baptist Church, , ... \'.' or Mrs. J oy York City, will speak before th e \\"tiThe Seventh and . Eighth g1·ade eoys mettc Sunday Evt·ning club on l ht· Alllt.'ri ·a." l>r. Hu n<ln ~·, ~O\'('Ill h f'r 1, wi 11 h~> All club, is holding a Hallow ,·e n party "Crime Situation in Saints Da\' thl" cla\' set ·tpa rl by the this evening in tht· Club House, Lhe Carlet'on, the rector, will l ead tlw 1._ Cniversal ·Church i:or con1m··mo ratio~ hour is 7:30 o'clock. votional s 'rv ic e. - - -- of all C hristians who hav e gD!W b for e, ancl who are not o tiH·r· "is· ··p·'eially In another w eek u1· ~o tlw :Hld i ~ i 111 Albert L. Seaman has just rctur ·l'd commemorat e d during· til·' ehurci1 to the Parish Howw and thl· Ha~·nsty \'ear. Th e re will be Ho~.' ::."01 ~ llltU'nion will be ready for US('. The pa·nt e ~·s to hi s home at 808 Gn·enleai av<'t ue ~tt ' A. l\L; Church sch .> ol..; arlfl t:tbl e and electricians exp ct to be throng-h after a ten day l.msine ~ s trip in the classes at 9:45 A. l\1., and H,,l _ \. 'om- with their work by Nov ml>er 1. East which included stop:-. in !\ tw munion with address a~ 11 :\ . ::'.1. York, Bridgeport, Boston and PhilSunday Eveninf!· NovemlH' l' 1, Dr. s I<'. Aked, 1 'rmt' r pastor of t!: e adelphia. On All Saints Day th0 n e w ehurch organ will be used for th ' tirst time. For ten days w orkmen haYe hN·n i'1!';talling the organ, striving to h tve . it rt>ady for All Saints Da\·, and w e ar c EVERGREENS, PEI~ENNIALS. SHRUBS AND TREE S aH:-mi·e<l now that it wiil lH· rNtd:-· in tinw. All Saints Da\· i~ on of the g-rl:'a t <lays of the Ch1:istian yl'ar. Falling on a Runna~·. a!'; it <lof's this ~· e ar, and 1n a r I" ·1: . .. ; t .. 11,., :.!. 11< h ,. · II ' ·1.\ · Not Inc . nays fur its ltt ·autil'ul lll'l~k. it )lJ , ll\ · ·:'l \I ]. ~ULLIVA:-.1, Prop. an· espt·<·i :tll .' :-; .ritallk \ LI .\ 11 11 "n ; ·h to hav· · otl " 111 · \\ or~· ;~r1 1'1·1' rlr .· iirst time. Jl ;qin~· \\':litt·d s11 J,r :t; .,., . .1r·,. I <:1.: \I) ! \t, -.,1 I I ~ ·\(~ T.A\VNS-TIHMMING-FERTTL1ZER happy :II 11 :1\· itrg· su v h a :o;·; ,·(' i; ill .\ · !ir .· · I:I.ACK DIHT-MANURE instrU tl !t' lli , l't :tlizill!.!.' hn 1·· tr .. wlr \\' ill bP a(d· ·d '" \ h .· llldsit ·nl p ·· : ' . tt th· · 1 \1, .,, t c1r private grounds by the_day st·rvit ·. .\ .: :!II f:ltllilit;.." lr·1 ·,. itr 1. , . _ llH'Illh <lllt't' lilt·~· · \\'hn h;t\'o · ·: 11 11 · (,.. _ fort·. i· · l tis :til join i11 til· ..,, . ,. , i· , . t·· 1 Phone Winn. 1549 882 Pine Street thl'il' ll l t'llllll ' .\ ll· · :X 1 :-;llll:l:t ,\ 1 St. Augustine's Episcopal - Octol A1 be v; the· l servi1 Nove Mr. and :-;ing. recti~ Th in al Th meet votic l<.·ad. It Winnetka Landscape Company th ~ fo1·n1 will ha<'H I Tl \Vilt pres Ake AY (; City I), , ., . lldil :· .-, has l~t · · · n t·h~t s , · ! l 1, · t llt · won11 · n of tlw :\sso<:ialt·d c;11ild ~ ' ' ·" h· · dalt· of tiH ·ir annual baz,t:tl'. l'ir t·. ,,, ., hu~i!~· l'llg"agt ·d t'Vt·r~ · Thurstla .' · n't tht <'I u It I I o 11 s c· a n d a t v a r iou s h o Ill , · ~ 111aking :1 gTt·at \'Hri,·t.·; of Ht ' tit'!t·~ to bt · sold on t h:t t ot"vasion . WINNETKA, ILL. .,[ l Tl llill ~ d I'(' I 'I' fuu \\' ( ' its ( ·tt ill Thursda:-·. :-.: o ,·t·JniJ,·r· ·L tht· \\'Olll\'11 oi . A g rand Hallowe 'e n party is lwi n~ tht' ·:uild <ll 't· al~o holdin~· :r Htrr.rg1ven tonig-ht by the Junior l t>:'!.!'UI· t' H m:q.,:·,. salt · at tiH· l'arish ff,u s· ·. 11111 of St. John's fo1· the St.·niors. A num- \\'illllt ·llt · H\ ' t·Jillt·, fi'Olll 7 .\ . :\1 . f11 ·, btr of surpris<'s are on the orog J',un. 1' . .:\1. l' :trishi(llll'l'~ st· rHi ing ltltrtd ~· ·" ="l<? member of thes societies ~ hould H h o ul d It: 1 \ ' t· t h t· 111 a t t h ·· I ·a r i ~II II o u - · m1ss thi s. 'Ve are looking for a r<: :·o J·ol not l:~t,·r tha11 \\.,·dn··sda\· , . ,· .. nino ·t a.t tt.·ndance. H o'<"lol'k. Ill', if tlwy dt ·~fr, · tht· d7,n,ttions to h·· <'allf·d for. should tl.'i<.·The annual c hur c h sale gi\···n !>·; tlw phonl· ~Irs . l'. E . .:\Jndd· ·n. \\'ilrn..ttt> Ladies' Aiel in eonjundion "it11 tht.· 112:--: :\Irs. 11. StornrR, \\"il uwtt, · H-t;o,-.J, ~·ounp; IWOPh"H organizations is to t:ll\:1' p!a('t' this Y<'ar on Xn\' e mht·J' 1H. All thl' o 1 ·ganization::; have lH't'll wc,rkin·,. S1f2~ Money very dilig·e ntly, the various .::: i1·cle::; of the Ladi('S ' Ai<l me e ting ever~· w ee k Itave funds to loan on choice at the honws of mem hers in th,., inimproved North Shore Suburban terests of their particular booths . The residence property at 5 ~% tnch urch sal<' will b P given as u s ual in leJ · e~t. See us on renewals the Sunday schoo l rooms of th~ c hurch. Dollars Made on a Nickel Phone Call A call to your fuel dealer right ·now will cut your winter fuel bill to the minimum amount. To get the cleanest heat and most comfort ·f or your money, order Chicago Solvay Coke. For twenty years Chicago Solvay Coke has been used to heat thouS3nds of clean, well-kept suburban homes. This popular fuel \vill heat your home at a saving of money, time and trouble whether you use boiler, hot air furnace or stove. Just order the right size from your dealer. He will have a service man call at your house to show the most economical way of firing Chicago Solvay Cf)ke. It costs 30% less than hard coal. :\t wi " 'I' I l i:t lll l " ( ' E. G. Pauling & Co. :M rs. Dorothy \V. Macauley, who has spent the, p~st year traveli,ng in Italy, France, S\\'ttzerland and l'.ngland, has returned home, and is visiting her daughter, ~1 rs. A. F. Cordts of 521 ~'enth ~trect. \\'ilmette. Mrs. Macauley ts prestdent of the North Shore 1f usical society. ).fr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Briggs of 1133 Ashland avenue, left Friday, October 23, for a ten day stay in New York. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 -o- -o:Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Knauss and their family, who have been residents of Rogers Park, are building a home at 100 Dupee place. The Horner Piano Co., is the only authorized ZENITH Agency in Evanston. A con1plete line of high grade Radio Sets and accessories. PatEnts ObtainEd T1·ad£ Mal'kS R£!1St£1'Ed Consultation Frt:t: ' ' Horner Piano Co. Established 1907 15 21 Sherman Ave. at Grove St. " HORNER' S CORNER" Open Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday Evenings Greenleaf 4 64 MILO B. STEVI:NS E.c CO., AHY'S. 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Room 337·8 Tt:l. 11a1·rlson 255" Estab. 186&1 Main Office, Washlntton Solvay Coke SKOKIE MOTOR COMPANY 'l'ht· only Authorlw.ed J<'ord Denlf'ra CHICAGO I F you employ thi undertaking establishn1ent vou are certain to receive a painstakin g, tonscientious service, and you will ieel quite sati lied that you made arrangetnen t s \Vith tL to look after the affair. Buy it, Bum it You11 Lilce it Sold exclusively b o/ llehn·en E,·an·ton and Ward & Buchholz Funeral Directors Hlchland Park. HOFFMANN BROTHERS WILMETTF Phone 131 WINNETKA, ILL. 712-14-16 Elm Street Lady Assistant Private Ambulance 912 Chicago Ave. Ph. LTniv. 600

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