WILMETTE LIFE October 30. 1925 · Investing rn Wilmette Secrtrities g·i '-v ~ t h e i 11 \ T ~ t <> r u p 1)( 'r t u n i t y t o in ~ p <: c t t h property \\ hirh i~ held a~ ~ecurity . I Ic rat ~ ·s ec \\·it h hi~ c,,,.n e\· e~. i i he ~n dc~irc~ that the S('Ctlrity is ;unpll' and ()f the hig:hc~l c 'rd cr. 1 · [ i y 0 11 h a\' C 111 0 1H' y t <> j 11 \ . e S t. y 0 t1 r; 1· 11 gT ! a good rate on it and ],e ~nrc and certain c1~ a return. 'J'hc fir~t Jnortg-ag:<.·s on loral in1 proYed real c~tatc that \\T ha\·e to oi'fer arc ~plendid in\TS1111cnt~. Con1c in and a~l · about thenl. .,. WILMETTE STATE BANK HRI t ~--.,~~~--~