Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1925, p. 35

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October 30, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE JS ntra1 ~03 Will Presbyterian Church Sunday school opening exercises, next S u nday morning, wi}l be !n c h arge of Mrs. W . 0. Morns and her class. A very interesting program has been p1·eparcd and a representative from Olivet Institute, Chicago, has been secured to present the work done in this great mission. A special musical number by one of the members of the Olivet lm;titute will be a feature r,f this program, together with rea<ling.J, and a short r view of th early beg!nnings of this g-r ·at and worthy mis · sion. 1bersh1p to tw.elve years is increasing at each meeting. in m em - and nch- n or The Junior Girls' club meet<J I<"c.iu·.ty 1 afternoon, 3:30 1n the Guild ro0111 for their regula1· r'ne ·ting. .i."riday night at 7:30 is £he- time for the special program arranged in t h e gymnasium and bowling al1E>~' for the lntet·mediate department of tho.! Sun<la.y school. Mr. Hat·oid \Vh tl·..! a td those assisting him are making- special plans for this group of our young people. ·- ~ Saturday afternoon, Nov e mb r i, ~he Men's nible class meds ev ry ~un- ::\loe ntita club will hav <> th e ir rt·g-u lar day morning, und ·r th (· l ead<· rHhip of m ee ting and social activities at 2:30 Mr. H.alph Uurham, at !J :45 o'dock. A in the Guild Room. ht>a t·ty wt·lcom e is given everyon<· who Everyon e interested in th ~ matter Mrs. M. B. MacNeille of Three Riverts, attends. We have int e resting dl!'Tu<>s<la:-· afternoon, :'\ovemlJ ·r J 0, of law < : nforc<·m ·nt and PrcJhilJition 1-Iich. cu~sions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Th > Young· ::\f :1 rri ·(1 P <·o pl e' > l~ii>l e ·la.Hs nwt>b; a 9 :4!) o'clock. und r th·. . dirt·vtion Clf ('apt. C} . 1{. Fisvhvr. An invitation iH (·Xtt·JHlc·<l to all the :-·uunglllaiTil·d pt·oplt· o( tht ' co ngt·( ·L".ation . <'h1·i stia n E11(1t·avo1· lllt ' t· ting· at ;.::::t iII tht · ( ·. 1·: . l'CJ(Jlll with ~I I'. F ;'t·(l <lua:-·Je as l .. ;uh·r. Thf' topi, L>!' dis<·ussion1 i11 tlw s<> rif's of C lu·i->t ian ci ti 'l. t · 11 S h i II S t II d i (' ~ iS, ". \ d \'a II(' t' :1 a II d l!a <' kwartl f{a<" e!-i." Social hn·:1 · and light lllnC'ht ·llll il1llllt·diatt·]~· afto ·l \\ : ti·d . (let\' S('ollt the W o m a n 's Society w ill h old their s hou-ld know that the B i ennial Naannual Praise Service i n the S und ay ti o n a l conve ntion of th e Anti -Saloon sch ool a u ditorium at 2:15. A mission- l eag u e of Amer-ica w ill b e in Ch icago ary p l ay, "Tpe Two Masters',' will be November 5 to 9. S peak e r s ot nagiven by the women of the soci~ty tional rep u tation t o ge th er with the under the direction of !\irs. Charles V. Hon. Andrew J. V o l s t ~ad, a u thor of Baker. the law w h ich bear s h is name, are listed on the program . All the Presbyterians and doubtlt-ss many others will be interested in the Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Broughton of announcement that Rev. Charle3 .H. 8 A 1 d t Ch Er(lman, D.n., moderator of the Gen- 92 sh an ave nue w ent o am· era! AsH mbly of the Presbyterian paign last week-end to a tt e nd the !Hichurch, and Robert E. Speer, kn0wn nois Homecoming and the Illinoiseve rywher e as one of the mo~i. noted "· 1· h' speakers 9n world cond1tions, \\ill he .1.v tc tgan gam e. th sp<·akf.rs at th e banquet 0f the -ol'rt>shyt(!rian l'nion, ~ov c mber !1, Hotel Mrs Lloyd Yost of 1016 Greenwood L a Salle . avenue had as her guest last week, t John M. Smyth, Jr., President Thomas A. Smyth, Vice· President tla\· t·\'l' llill" ~~~~. "ralla<~·· \Y£'1£1, in tht· g~· m.J:J ~ iUlll. Troop ~~~. :; Ill~" " '.; .'. 1· .117:311, with ~lr. \\"hit·· :.J!d \\·, . .·ha r·· cl with tht · l!o\ :-;vr·Jt'" t'l t·ir plt ·<tSUI't' \\')It'll it bo ·c·:tJJii· idiO\\ I' lf,at ~<'Oll t 111ast··t· \\'atTt ·ll Sila \\' wa s ag:t i :1 r< ·s· dillt.: ill til·· \·iflag·· and would , Wht · Jlt·\·t·r JH· ~si ldt · , assist in th·· \\.(Jt'k of Tr'"'P ::-.: .. . ~. which lu · orgaltiZC'(l and lot'II\IL!Ill to rts J·r· St·llt sta nd in...:. \\ ' ·· ~ ttJiiiJ~tt ·r (:uild will m'tl 1\..t ditlll· r· :ttl!! tiH ·ir· r···gu lar p1ogranr of stud .' :tllcl so..-ial :wti\·rti··s, Tu· ·~ ·l.t\' t·V· ·JtiiJL!, :\tt\t ·lllllt'r ;:, t;::~"· lio !-'t,·:.; ..;·.'.~ :11·t· ~Its .· l·: tiz:tlH'tlt <'l:trt·~. ~Irs;.; Jlaz· ·i FntlnJ :tll :ttlci ~Irs . F . . \ .' ~Tillt·r. Til··"·· \\ ho \\ish ltt par ·ti<-ipate ill th ·· r ··v,·v.ttioll:il :tt·ti\·itio·:-; :tn· rt ·!Jlli·Stcd tl) f'Olll · · · al'l~. !'II :ts to Ust· tht· howlin:..; al)· · ~· :ut~! L!.' ltlll:t sitl lil l~t · fort · dinnt·r h our, :<s II l~ ro ·g ularl y (ll'l'U}lit·d th ' I' ·aft··r. Tht · lllt·ll ltf tho· <"llUI'I·h ani] ( ·o )l\ "·r··gatio.n rt·svrn· th1· gy1nnasiun1 ,..an,l howlrng alit · ~ · for thc·it· n· Tcatit·ll and s()cial activitil'S TU(.> s<lay .~ve ning. ~t · \' t · ral good t<·ams ha.v<· been or~an IZt·~l and ar·· · doing- son1c· goo<l pract I!' I II g. <'VI · IIi st·n· it·t · at 7: t:i \\.t·tln cs d a ,· tlg. Th·· I :(·arcl of I lt·:t<"OIH' w1 il ht· .tht · Jli'UIIIOlt ·I'S fot· tht ·St· ll'l '··:in~S d u r Ill g- t h ~' rw >n t h n f :-.; o n · m b l' r. Tlu · r··gular progTam will ht· folJowt ·d f111' th< · rt·gular rt·<·r·t-ati·>·l nt>...:t Thursday rtight in tlw gvmnasium an<l bowling alit·~. Sc ·\·t!J':tl tt·ams at,. bt ·ing o1·ganiz··<l for thl' l-lt·asoll·s ~~· :u1.1 s ancl howling· ~·· that :1 !itt!<> l:tt ·· r \\<' ··...:tH ·t·t sornt· rt·al thrilling· cont( · .;;·~. Last Thursda~ · nit:·ht th1· t'\'>'llill". wa:-; g·i\·t ·ll O\'t·r to a -ITallowe'C'Il pn.t t~ ll!ldf'r tht· supo·1·vision of thl' ( 't.:·r:,tLtu l·:ndt ·a \·o r ~ociety. Tht · no~ · Hallgt · t·s h :\Yt· tht ·ir ! .H." lll:tl' JJ·lt·t · titlg- oil Fl'ida\· aftt·rno··ll :1 :H I, with :\f1· . \\'hilt· {n tht · t~YPI!·:·t:.;i Hnt. This o1·gani zatio11 fo1 · hn .' s frll1 '1 t·ight ~Jicl-\\···<· k II NORTH SHOBE BOOTEBY 5-29 Davis Street at Chicago A venue Fireplace Furnishings In the North Shore Hotel Bldg. The Store of To obtain just the proper accessories for your fireplace is easily accomplished in the John M. Smyth Store. We have a wide variety of designs-this display is on our Third Floor. Good Shoes II · Advertising Truth 1n OPEN EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY ·EVENING UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK

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