Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1925, p. 34

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34 WILMETTE LIFE Octob er 30, 1925 FORUM OPENS SUNDAY Prohibition ie Firat Subject of Diac:ullion Before Newly Formed Civic: Enterpriae for Greater Chicago A prominent Chicago "wet" and an equally prominent Chic:ago "dry" wilt take up the cudgels for and against prohibition at the first nonpartisan inquest on the 18th amendment to be held in Chicago, Sunday atternoon, 1\ovcmhcr 1, at the Apollo theatre, tt wa. announced this week hv Fred Atkins ~foore, director of tl;e Chicago Forum council. ,,·hich opens its first season with a meeting on the theme ·· an Prohibition Succeed? ·· F. Ernest Johnson, resear~.:h secret a ry of the Federal Council of hurches, who c impartial report on the prohibition situation created a sensation when it was made public rcclntly, will open the meeting with a statement of the six year experience of the United States with prohibition and a forecast of American policy on the liquor question. Himself a dry oi long ~tanding, ~{r. John:--on il'vb that lll'ithcr tile \\Th nor the dry:-- han· fa reel the i act:-; a bout the 1Hth a-nH:ndmt·nt and his report on p·oh i 1> it ion \\'a"> d i:,ron ccrt in ~r to ma tl\' "ho ha\'l' JHUtiOttllred opini~ms on th.e quest ion. HeY. Dr. Clarence True \Yil !-on, secrctarv of the board of temperance, _prohibition and public morals o i t he 11 et hod i ~ t F pisco p a 1 church d L'man(b that the Federal Council of Churches repudiate the Johnson report in a n:ce:1t addre~:, hdorc the Rock RiH·r conference oi the demoninati<.)n to which hot It :\f r. l olmson and Dr. Wilson belong llut the council aftet' much discus:- ion !'U~tained 11 r. Johnson who has conducted many rc !'earches for the Protestant churche.; into social and economic questions. Council is Neutral "The hicag-o Forum Cotincil, which is bringing lvfr. Johnson to Chicago, is neither for nor against prohibition as a national policy," Mr. Moore ex plained. "We have in our membership men and women of differing shades of opinion and differing social views and our sole interest is to make available to the citizens of greater Chicago. fa<;ts about questions of vital interest on the basis of 'Yhich they can form their own judgcmcnb. Prohibttion is one of the most discussed questions of the hour and there i such a diversity of testimony as to the facts about th.e operation of the 18th amendment that the civic leaders on our council thought it wise to opt,, a winter's discussion of current t::,. tcs with a ~earching analysis of the liquor que::-.tion. S. ]. Duncan- lark of \Vilm ette and }.frs. B. F. Langworthy and Harold L. Ickes of \\'innctka are members of the Forum council hoard of directors. ing with 1\frs. George C. Hughes, 1106 Central avenue, at 2 P. ,M. on Mondav November 2. Interesting reports Stt"phen A. Lloyd, mlnh·tt-1· of· the recent state convention hel'l :~t On Friday the \Vashington av~·rllH: Champaign, Ill., will be given. l\Jlnsrl.! Cirde will have a 1 o'clock lunclh'Oll bv Mrs. A. G. Humphreys of hv,"lnstun at the home of Mrs. C. A. C'ar·pPnter, on he·· Ha\·V :tiian guitar. at 601 Washington avenue. Mrs. Geo1·ge Upson and 1\t:rl::l. F. A. Cu~hing Tue~d·1v-The Crescent Cirdt·, :\lrs. Smith will assist l\lrs. Carpent<·r. E. 8. n<a.n<l, chairman, will lw "lllt·l'ta.itH'd at a 1 o~clo k lun.cheoll?,at t.he Hunday-Thf' Church school will ta.k up its clepru·tnwntal wo1·k at ~I.::W honw ·of l\1 r!';. I' !'I'll L. HH't·, ~~.~ Ashland avt·nut--. Tlw as::-;ist i ng· host<>sst·~ A. ~1. will h" Mrs. !>avid Crahh, ~ln.; . A<l··!Tht> Junior cOllgT<'g·atitl.t will atis t;o m- la. Doo~t·, ~Jr · ::-;. \\'. <: . ~Iitclwll, an· hh· fOI' WOI'Sh ip at 1 () :30 A . ,\f. :\ t which 1\Irs. A . .J. <·ohurn . tinw n<·,·. Edward L . ~.)Jiitt:.!.· will ~·rwal<. 7:1:i I'. ~1. l~<~~'~t · \· t · lt TroiJp ~o . :.! Tht· m(Jrllillg- :-;pr·\· ict> of \\Or;-;hip at will ttH·t·t at ho ·adquartl'rs . l)r . ('lwrJ. ·; 1_ 1 .,·~·!Ol'l{ ... 1'.lw "l·jvc·!:~-. ClttP 'dl \'isita- r:. l!lal<t ·, S\ ' l)llttlla~ll-'1', Arthur ('()(I\.; , t1_on. lt·am. for tlw,. h1ca~u ai'l·~t .. C:<>H · ()avid King, l~radfnrd Hutson . . t ss!'-sistrng- of H<·v. h<lwanl L . .'-'u1f.Lil,.?.·, tnnts . Tlw Tro 11 p 1·ontlllilth' will 111 ·· d D. 1> .. and H<'\'. K \V . Ht>ulst<·r, 1>. ll .. . t - . ·~o I' :\1 will ht· pn·st' lll to SJ)t'ak at th1· ·norn- 1" '·· · · · _ ing- ~<· r·vie(-'. This plan is in tht · it:. . lt·rt ·st of g-iving dl·taih·cl and up-to - I \\' · · dtll · :-:da~· :\tul t t _s· · t·\· tt ·t· at .. 1' . . ~1 . d:ttt· information <'Oll<'t>l'llillg- th· · hott· ·· :\l .r . Llo~· d " ·. ill < .'."'.t ltlltt·· }!.~·· <}.~~~ · '.r.s~.' ','. ~ a 11 d f 0 r l' i g 11 n 1 i s s i 0 11 a r v w 0 r k. u 1 1 11 , · q u , ·s 1 1u 11 b . \ 1111 · 1 1~ , t ( 1\ tl! z · l . . · this ht·ing· tlw St 'l'OtHI of a. sen e s q { rtlUlld tabl1· <li~cussions upon th e <.:OilTlw \\'ilnH ·ttt · !-'u11da .\ · l·:,·,· rting- c lub tl'ibutinn " hil'h AnH·rica hns mad~> awl lll ··ds :1t this church at 'i ::w 1'. l\f. Dr. i s m a ld n g t o t h c i Y il i z a ti o n o f t h e Cltar·J.,s Ak··d will ht· th ,· sp·aker, and world. Tht· quart ·rly uusiness 1111'\' t~lltlt ' , l·~dilh l:idt·:tu ~lll'ltt· · lli is to b e illg· will also be hchl in conjunctiun t ht · soloist. with th L· <l<'\' Otional service. Congregational Church On Friday, Mrs. M. R. Venablf· .· be assisted in entertaining the '~'ntra} avenue Circle at her home at soa cireenleaf_ avenue by Mrs; Shol··~ and Mrs. Adk1ns, a~ a 12:30. o cloc.k l ll ncheon. Mr~. L. F.... Rudd IS cha1rnw n of this circle. -== Will = Octo SUI next char· class has Read the Want Ads ... tive DEPENDABLE been in t11 cal n the ( this and; ning: sion. l\1 day j GROCER IE Why not telephone your order? 1\lr. ht'<ll' ath·t· cuss ! Th FREE DELIVERY <.:1 a.s~ din·< invit lll<ll'l Val Quinlan C o. Eight Retail Branches 1153 Wilmette Ave . Phone 3470 in <'l t (ltia ('USS ~londay - ~lrs . .J. ( '. 1 ia)wll an<.l l\Irs ~\larg-arl't Ta~· lot' will assist l\lrs. L . v. t ' tt·rsflll in vntt · rLtilling tlw l~ast ElHl I 'i r<"lt·, ~lt · s . ~I. J l. \\' ,:st. <'h:tirman, n 1 a l o'vl·wl\ lund~t · ott :tt \04 F·Wt·st a Y··nut·. Thursday-The Cozy Corner Cird ·~ . A. F. Klunder, chairman, will hold an all day me ting at the church. l\Irs. 'Varrcn Darst atHl her comnuttt·e will serve the luncheon. <"i ti ~ I :;wl lig-h da ,. ~,,~ . ~Irs. J:c \\' T. Tlw l '. \\'iltt~t · tt·· will h11ld anti \\' intH.·tl'a \\'.C. Friday-7:~0 P. ::\f. Th e ,'\·:\ .·c o ut ::; thvir !llonthly JIIC.ct- will llll'>'l with E\\'at·L Cook, skipper. I pi··; ~('0' Wht II rt · :-:" 1 ,,,f ..,' \\ dill stuc t · \"t· I foe Better HomP MudP Candies ~ N O\vl1.ere Else Genuine Home Made 'IJ~~jJS For Better Home Made Candies ~ FUDGE ! ;11 "1' l·'r· i \\II maple and chocolate l like ours. Our Winne"ka Store with the COMMUNITY KITCHEN 5 84 Lincoln Street Phone Winn. 1 740 lint ··ar and it i .. 'I :(' \' ( EVANSTON STORE, 1633 ORRINGTON AVE. lw flu HUDSON·ESSEX SALES AND SERVICE Cozy Warmth A 'vaits Your Homecoming at any hour of the day or night, no matter how chill and blustery the weather, if there's a bo i 11 ~ I · XJ a 111 I W:\ till l·:n J. F. DAVIS 911 LINDEN AVE. [ HARDINGE Oil Bur11er in the basement. The thermostatic c o n t r o I regulates the temperature without attention, even though you leave the house for days at a time. The new Modtl Hardinge for homes of every type ts exceptionally economical to install and to operate. 508 Davis St., Evanston University 213 2 I TEL. WINN. 2268 When EYES Grow Weary After reading, sewing, business or exposure to the elements, your EYES often become tired, dull and heavy. Then ia when you need M""ine. This soothing, refreshing lotion soon makes EYES bright and clear again. Harmless! Wri~MtwineCompany,Dqt.BO. ;:-_ -_-Patterson PionoH and Ployer· ~onora, Brothers~~ I i EASY PAYMENT HOUSE RADIO Columbia Phono~r-..aph· Edt·on AdJuNtlug, J'unln... Repalrlac, Singer Sewtuc Hae·taea " ' ··hln.. 1\larhla·· aad Hoo-wer, Hamlltua B·aeta. and Eureka , va... aaa Cle-aaf"l'll Repalrlac aad 8appUe8 Chicago, for FREE Eye Care Book OPEN TUES. THURS. aDd SAT. EVENINGS 1fi EYES lJRINL r.oRYouR 816-818 CHURCH STREET, EVANSTON Tel. UniY. &54 Between "L" and Poet Office Wilmette SZ& Tel. Graeelaad 48150 Claleago Store, lHO lr-wa-. 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