Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1925, p. 31

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Octobe r 30, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 31 death s innun\crable times. ' ..... \\"t.: ha ,·e d e alin g~ in bl a ck m agic THE RIM OF THE PRAIRIE · ~ ," h i c h n · r y n car 1y 111 a k e ~ tt s b cl i e v e I that anything is poss ible. If 11r. Smith By Bess Streeter Aldrich h a d not stu r k hi s can e through a black Author of "Mother Mason" i ~ ilk air h o le in the side of a coffin T11erc t' s st1'11 a place \\"11ere lif_e 1 :: ,,·it h th e und euatabl e stat e ment unead :: m an do n 't n e ·d to breath e ," a millio n I is wh o lesom e, wh e re r o man ce 1 , do llar check would have g on e to one 1 :: fr agra nt. There are s t ill p eople I 1 l: : ~· < ,i ;:·;,~_ t·d_,, a" l'fl i"..i1; tnt a~ 111 . ·t <II tll(' l>v--t kn<J\\ n r1i mtcrnat io n a l : : \\'10 1 1· A STORY OF POWER 1ve a n d 1 ove 1 1o nes tl y , s·in - , -.~ · t nphuny can he the reitera t ed n o te ~-m()k.., tor thL· exce l! ·nt \\'Ork o i I ce rel y. T hi s is a novel ab o ut th em . " WILD GEESE" , ()L a ,·il)lin. There is some t h in g ep ic ··t· ..,u -ritatin!..!.· c . >rp,c~. l;ttt n ·ally to he ~ - tl 1c s t ory o t. a c 1 . 1g g1'rl 1'11 1an11 II , 1 in 1 he rt·kn tl c:-.s o n\\·ard ~\\' t.:l'\)lllg o f u :-e<l to gai n control of t h e gove r n- :::a small .:\ eb raska communit y. , By Martha Ostenso the li fe, ' a lt l.o ugh the tin1 c CU \ vrcd by mcnt oi R u ~sia, ancl t he n oi the w o rld . I 1 :: $2.00 a t all book se ll e r s , Dodd Mead & Co. _11 e .~tur~· i::-. <_)!Jl~ a il:w n1on t h >. T he ~o . , .CH I ~ec, ~ l r. ~mi th is p lay in g fo r 1 ,1 . .. . . : ··v!Jllg tor .:--\at un· ha" t lit.· deep an d .g 11· ,t,·tkc·-. . . n ttt 11 .. l> la_n we ll-and :: D. Appleton & Company! ~ h a ~tury ot pu\\l' l'. t·ritlliti\t.' (jttalit_v which lll ;trk-, the bc::. t 111 "" * \ l r. ~tnith ne\·tr lo.c--. The lo::.s is , __ 35 West 32nd St. New York . "\\ ild <,t·t'>t._· _ JI ll.' )H!\\er "L ~,atun· u\'<:r JlH ·n, tllv "i t he .:\on\· ·gians irom \\·hoe r ace · · · 1· ·>11 <·llr :-i(k - ot a certain amount of * · tH"'- t'l' (I[ 11lll'" act uvl:r 01~e::, ~<.: 1, .\l a rtha ( htt·n o i.., :-. prung. ·:··-~~-· -~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-"-"- '··· ;lit · 1 (I\\ I ·· ··· <·' \ lltt111:111 11 v1'1..( O\t·r "I lil!,l! ahu\'l' tl!v ~oughing of the -. lccp . o ther s. "-inol un der t ilt· L:T1·:,· v t \ ( ' ' 11i t!Iv L.p i11 thc . . t ·n1 r ·lc11tk::,::-. country ·. t<JIIl' li()ll>v . . he hvard the trzliling Kenilworth Folk Attend .i the · ·()rtli\VV'-t tl!t·n· i::-. lit t ll: thatlcl.tllgur oi the \\jld gt.·l"l:. Th t.: ir 111· · "l)itl'tl .. <·!' hr autifit.·.., human natur~·. 't r :- 'lll< 11t' ll. 1)11 th t· 1J, ,,; 1 ~il~.· ~liv Homecoming at IDOlS l'hv -.,trtl!..!.l!lc lor c:i-.tt·ncc is so crud l(lnt·linv "" oi the unin·r . . v .. a 111ag\ minll>vr of K ·n il\\·o r t h iolk l1at men , hl'l'l·lltv IHtlltiJ to all othn l nilircnt "l:l·king thi<J\lgh :-cditu<k an ;<, 1:·n 1·yl·d t() Cl!an1paign las t Saturl~itH.!; th:tiL t lll' ~lll!'lkntiJ_I !.', <h 11J:t1_Jd.' ~ ~·ndk~-- que . t." d ·,,· to ... u : thl· .\I ichi~an-[tlinoi-., game. ,., tlw ~ ·ill ~ ...,. . 11:1 1 111~ . t~raytll\.!, -.!;·. ;1nd ). ! r-.. \ \ ·.F. 'hattuck mCJtorl:d ,ha t 1111 tnr il dt· ,.,i;:d fir irr> ' \\ill dl'THRILLS AND THRILLS '1Ivrv Fri<Lty. n:tu!·ni1J(4 ,·unday. ). f r ... -tr()y the ni)J', tc;qnng· the mea~re ' l;un ·· 11. l'r vn j.., . · ·).!r. and ).[ r:-. Grant i tuit :-> i11 tl w iall. l,t'l'\lill~ ali\t' duri11~ 1 "THE BLACK MAGICIAN" !{id:..r"a'·· · fi,s F ranct·-. \\.eimer 01 tilt· \\i 111n hy tlw -,tnnc~t economy ! l'ktrll'-.,ton, \\-.\·a ., \\ho came t o Does the world belong to 1 · ., t. t ' :_ t!·1 'l(,p c k>- cycle ae,c~in in By R. T. M. Scott the man who can't see a 1 l't·nik·<·rth Friday to \' J, Jt ~lr. and th t· "1·!.11~..-. , E. P. Dutton & Co. \I r-,. lanH·.., 11. l' rcnti'" ni 201 l' u mhcrjoke? Ammiel couldn't l':1Jt-!, (',;tr· ·. ;L on ()f th i. (.'(1t111trv. I ':tlld ~.n·nuv. :tnd T:ltlle P n : nti, .... Tr .. take life seriously. All he !I.t' ;tl1 "'l,vd it-. ·r ud and n· kntlr~ .. l It t;tl ,.._ 1111 't·n vt -.vn·irl· \': .. rk t() kit ,'atur<Ja,· mnr.nine: tc· atten d till' wanted was to sit still and smile at the w o ri d as it 1""\1·r ,· ith·lllt ;1ny uf tht' bc ·autit.· -.; :t lll <~II' Jo· ~ l .. t1 "l h 1\l. i ··l· .Lt~i~ ian" .;:t llll'. :\ lin; l ~1r D ()u:...:al. .\Ibn Dul bu stled by ... and th en it ~-\11i1· !J . ·.11\lrL· t ' \l ' lt ;tt ih lll<·:-t tert .'·· ,t] 111. t n ..,1··~".'· l llt· crL·ator 1,., . . lullll K vi t l!. D (ltt·rb.., Flut·(l. and wouldn't let him ... Head ; 11 , ~ 11: 1... Y< ·a r:- :te,<'. hi-; wife, I oi ":-=.n-rt·t. ~t i' ict· ~Ill!],.. I"""" i\i·· l11.1 <·1111 l( :t ll~·~~n a ·..,o \H'Ilt . I 1 this book about 'l man \J!It·li.t. !J:L<l It~n · d a man \\htl d iv<l )}\ _ I prtt \'.vii lt tJ '.\ 11 t'l·l" ' l ll't . 11vttl. ! ' -------,, t \ . · ~#####~####################' who stumble d ove r hie 1 ,, · · , .: L: I , · 1 , ·L 11 11 : 1. ~· .· 1 ··" 1 I 11 v ... t < ~ r _\: . . t ar 1, \._ 1t :1 t 11 · i, tt. t , t 11 at 1 ~ own sense of hum o r. :1 1 .,,,,1 1. 1 <·t \111~· iia !.!a ' ··· l>irth to h i" 'l\\:r:tl 111 t!t t· l'iliJ.!· ·.-l" {)t \lr. l,r;l\· - : ~ THE BLACK MAGICIAN _, :1. ~ · ;1Lt L <: ;111 · · , \ 11 () )1a d 1t ,n· d , t ' 11 .. l· r L: 1· rl ··1· :t rt 111t 111 , ...r t · v 111 1 " I .\ IIII'Ii.t ;l!l d !tll!L.' t r1 tt1 \\ill ll· ·r. i.., ~·r- lt;t\ l' hvl'\lllll' lltl'llt:tlh lllllJ;tbtll'~"l. !ti . . l Dy .. iJd,· l·tnhi n< d :1 nr! ckci d t·..; to Y<·nt -t·rrdary, at tht· -.i..:llt 1·i it ti' t ' p .. int- . R. T. M. SCOTT :1 i- Jl:t"'if·ll it)r hvr in po\\'vr . · f arry- ··d <.;tar \\ith a rtrl '\'"1 in hv 1111cldk · 1· · <Lilt·. 1 ' 1t·r 1 \\lt ·1 1 \ ! <I t\' . tl1rillitw, 1 .. ,_ ht·" 11 1~t ·'1!1 .. :t i't rin·t <h-111<111 l!<Jlll!.! Itcra 11 _,. lii '11llj 1 . . adn· . ., ntu r c-. of ", e.,, tTllt·l . Jt·iii,ill!..!. !ti, lt·lllll'llt t(l tltl· hi" i-; till· i;tl't tl ·: t1 .11'. (~r.t\-.1111 1 nvt ~nnce · mttll. :\ -.tnry ,,·it h · ,, , l, tk n~··:t tl'. .\ nll'lia vtHillrl'" lt.t-. latt-1\ lHTII p;t\ .11- ' Iii Lt · L:~· ~ lll!l-. 1 pkn~~ (\i Pl'P intt.:r:-lll'f c< l \\'ith 11 l'\t'l\ t h im~ r:ttllt·r t1 ·: tll han· IH·r -..n11. c1i mnnv~· itd' \\llitl l t hnl· 1-. ll""tdi ~ ~ <:r:<·ntal I:lark ~! agic. $2.00. 1 \l:tt k l<·rd :tll, \\']HI h :t . . lll'ell adnj·tt·rl 11:1r_,. v:qdan;ttion . ~E. P. Dutton & Co. New York ! 1 : 1 , 1·i .. ,i. 11 1. 1-:!ttt\\ till' -.1! :11 1<·\'.' arr 1 1... , llli.., _ i .. :'-hat' .\ l r. ~llli.t!t 1Ja, to -. t_art ~f 4 #.Q-~~,.,_,. 4 _,..,_,.##,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. · · 1- ,;11 T n t ;1 t! e . t ·11 . l I h t 1 r .. t r 1 ·a 1 r lu · · 1. . t 11 ~· rl r <'\ '\ ·111 )..!. ~ ·:,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-~;;;;;..; ;,;:;;.;;_.__;;.;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;...;;..~~:;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;. 1 1: i .\ll lt·l! :t·, . d l ': tlv ], · . . chilrlrvn till hi, ir"nt --tt \'" 1'; tl! lt' ()i 11lt·,t· \ \]It, ,o··c tilt' , ;11 . 1 ,('t' . \ \ artin.' tllv 't;tr .... \111\ \\itl1 Jl t oi,ttllt'd \'l't~llg'" 1111 t!Jl' ll,(t'k, t I t ll:t1 t II< \H; 't ·II \\II( I j·il-J..> oololt -1. ,\ ht I 1 \ . ( ' lit ' \ vr I'!111\\ 11 :III\ l 1(1y ' loo o·cl. ;1n Jd 11 ,; 11 ~ \\·i:II . . tHijll'd ,J .. uld- it 11\' will dit· i11-. an :tlll'!'tl'h·. · · ,Lt 1\\ t.llt\·: F rt·lll tk1t \Hlillt till \\t' .trv \\hirlt· d \ 1 1'- :tile! ;1 llrc ·k1·11 -.p;rtt 1 I u c\ i t l1 ;1 L' i 1i ,1 .. lw: 1u t i i ul a 11 d u 11 I ll. t 1 k - 1 II r () \1 ' I! Ill :t 11 '· -.c l'lll'" iII 1·:I l' h < i \\'hi r h · 1 11 1 1, ' .t rt Ii11 t..: c\ i, l:l < ,-. u n -. a r l' 111 : u k .t 11 d \I r. Resident I'll ;( .. ;I \'tltl!..!. \'tl 1t . II 1 \'. J()l 1 1l' 11 I . . . I I I . ·11 1 ' <I~-11 <· 1()\\ > . 1:, 11t' 11 \\11. ) ':'--111 11II · \\ 1<1 I lll:t ,(' .. t H' -..\11!'~' ll l<lt'l.' 111.· l.l·1 1 o1 "P.tr\. H . t ·I · . I' . i-- grow im.'. b li nd iro111 lack <1i tht.· t_t·n·-.t tll!.! >Y Lt ,tng u -. 1_nto 11-. c~ nlrit..:IIt ~ l .t s:-. t· .. an d ' ' lw il l a -. n in ·lin g IId t.· JJl' l' a-., \\T gn a l nn~ . taCl'" lw rnl> lc <·l r t ~ f w ay, L' l1 j ( 1y ~ h e r 111 a rt y r< 1 o 111 , ~,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,## · l II:1r li t· t hl' v n Ull!..!. l'"'. an imp \\ hom Ju st l'uh!ishcd ~ ·.~ kl> play .;, aga itht th e oth rr-.. Fur Ju (lith. the tru m pet ing oi th e Lord Grey's Memoirs \\ild ~t·t.·-.l'. tiil' "tl ll ll d t hat " t'l' ll 1-. " t<J 'l lrt· O ul s f(liidiii !J Roo k of the }·ear hllllmv out the he a n ·n >." givL'" t lw ch@:nge for fr ee dom . .\nd thr o ugh Mr. Frederick E. Lewis, assisted by Mrs. h e r fr eed om is found. F . E. Lewis, residing in Wilmette, will direct The hoo k j .., writ tl'n 1 ·11 a ~u ~ tained i i -· - -· - --· - ---· --··!· I I i i 1 1 I 111 1' 1· , 1 I 11 Frederick E. Lewis (I North Shore off Funeral Director - - - - - ---::--- - -- - ~################################' SINCLAIR LEWIS $2.00 TWENTY -FIVE YEARS 1892-- 1916 ARROWSMITH "One of the hest writ ten in America." novels ever -H. L. Mencken. By VISCOUNT GREY OF FALLODON, K. G. 2 volumes, $10.00 at all bookshops FREDRICK A. STOKES Harcourt, Brace 8t Co., New York ;################################# 1/usfGfJublish the first novel In three years by the author of DIP WllWTlE~ OOJMIIE§ ONE INCREASING PURPOSE A.S.M.HUt:H I NSON ...,,Jl~ I funerals in a manner to meet the most exacting requirements. They have had twentyone years of successful professional service in this field. Personally recommended by Mr. Chas. A. Stevens and Mr. M. R. Leahy ot Chicago. They come to the North Shore ready to render the most careful, courteous, conscientious service. All calls will be personally attended to by Mr. Lewis, who is the only funeral director residing in New Trier Township. Very Latest in Modern Limousine Equipment MR. FREDERICK E. LEWIS assisted by MRS. F. E. LEWIS Phone Wilmette 3552 1120 Central Ave. IJTrLE.BROWN ICDMPANV 1'ullli&A,..7Joston WILMETTE

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