Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1925, p. 27

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the r October 30, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE Z1 IS wm ~1 rs. lC!l t .. I ~ Golfers Will Have Corner 'o f Fourth Oron Exposition at and Linden Sold Chicago April 6-10 By Hill and Stone Clear the fairway for America'<; atest industry that has reached the mportance of a national exposition. \\'ith more than 3,000 manufacturers of golf equipment, ranging from tlit> lawn mowers and green cups to the cluh showers. sticks, bags and halls. the golf indu s try of the Cnitecl States ha s reachc·d t lll' stage where as an in ·1ustrv it ri,·als th<' tremendou s strides hat ~t ha 'l recently made a~ a ~port. The first annua I X a tiona I f;ol f Sho,,· and ountry Cluh exposition has just been announ·cl to he hrlcl at the 1\ merira n Fxpo s it ion Pala ce. (,()(i La kc Shore Dri ,.... Chic ago, :\ pri I (i to 10. nclusi\·c. 1926. The purpc' "t'" a'l announced by the manufacturer .... amateur". and proics -..ional who formed tlw group that tirq ~J>Oil '- <l!'l·d thl' prCJjcct an· a-, fol(l\\'-.: and !lple for 1 Ill - r (A( )r t h .. , I ~ "T() \'IH' <·llr;t~c inrrl'a . . ing pul>lic int n~·~ t i 11 hl'.tt n ~o l i.. .. I o J> n l\ JC Jt. a 11 at 1o 11 a J 111 ark r· t p b c c i()r rnanuiarturer:-. and purrh;t...,ers of -.t;tndard goli mt·rchandi--t · ;utd l'<llllltn· 1 club t·q uipmvnt. . , ··T() ;tcquaint CCIIllltr~ · cluJ, t·'q·tutin·-. and p r <·i t -.-.i(Jll;tJ, " itl1 th\' btv-..t and Ill<"\ vttirit·nt lllt tJJ<,<J-.. ·()I cn1111tn· rlul> CIJ>l'!';tt i<·ll: ;tnd tht · ru·,,·e-,t anci best in ro111ltn· r lul> and l!l'tTlh equipment." ()n tl1v t!i ;ti n tl()or <·i the largc-.t llltildin" 111 lilt· ,,.()rlrl. 111 \\hirh the Cfdi :-.h<·\\ "ill lw held. !· llldi ~- puttint; ~ rt ·t· Jh ;t!Hl dri' ill" ,,, .t-.. will he rn--t;t llt rl ;tJHI in ... pt·t' i<·n ... tag('s built for J·rolt·-..,i<IJl ;tl dri\ ing dt·JlJ<Jthtrations . .\ hllll' tlH· it·aturc J;un\aY-, \\'ill be L:rtl\ll't·d (':--.hil>ih rang111g ·fro m golf !J;t!J, to tractor-,, ,,·ith Lt~hion displays <·i l!.oli ;q>J>ard on li' in~ model-, ior l1oth men and \\' 0111<'11. ~[ (ldv l rlttl> lwthe s .. locker rooms .tlld accounting -..y-..tt·m made necc:; ~ary by thl' 011-ru-..h of ne\\' golf club~ \\ill a] ... f, J,c - h<J\\11 . . \11<1 a dry 10th hnk ~! H ildebrand will build a seven . room Vacant p ro p e r ty a t the southe a s t cor h ouse on the property. ner of Fifth str eet and Lak e a v enue Hill and Stone also sold for Max was sold for E d gar Phillips to an un Livingston his home at 215 Woodbine disclosed purchaser. avenue. The purchaser was Merle B . Snyder, who will take possession of The \\'ilmdtc office of the Hill and the property May 1, ,1926, it was said. Stone real estate company reports this week the sale of the northeast corner t1 of J;ourtl1 street and I.inden avenue, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \Vilmette, for an undisclosed consideration. This corner is impron.·cl with one stor\' brick stores and has a 103 foot fro1;tagc on Linden a\·enue with a depth of 196 feet. Th c property he longecl to the estate of th e late Hich ard E. T. Davi!:-, who purchased it in 1912. Hill and Stone sold the j>ropcrty for Courtncv . Davis . It is under· s tood that tlH.: re are to be furtlH.'r impro\'ement. hy · the new owner, hut Jiot hing definite has been an nounccd. SeH-ral other important sale" were announ eel by th e same oflin· thi..; week. A 50 foot Jot on Laurcl arenue ~ I>L·t\\'ecn Sixth and .'cn:nth . tre<:h was ~ :·I :-.( ld for Dr . E. 0. Smcflherg of Chi~ We have served the peopie of Wil1nette ana the IV orth S hore cago to \\'a lter 11. llildl'l>rancl. ~d -..o oi Chicago. It i:-; undn-..tood that ).1 r . - for NINETEEN years. Space will not permit the names of 1--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' tho ·c in \VlL~IETTE 7 ,!zo 7.C.'Ollld ·be glad to pcrsoHally rec1 .. · -· - - -· om:mend us. We can only install a few , Read the Want Ads ·~ UNDERTAKER more HART OIL BURNERS before the heating sea· son begins. ·:~ I I We 'Zl'Crr thr FIRS'!' on the North Shore to install a Limousine hearse. l Ve specialize on service. HART OIL BURNER CO .. 1514 Sherm an Ave. \ il 1124 Central Avenue, Wilmette Tel. Wilmette 654 1 --------------------------------------------------------------1 nere"s '1 'oo Much ~~Apple Sauce" · ~~~~·~ll~llil'~"""~"'"~"""~""'~ll!!li~lil~~~~·~llll'~lliill~!i~ll~iilii!~'"~~·~lll!li~l!!ii~ll!l~~-t~ ~ EV ANSTON Gree nl eaf 17 52 About Soap Here's the Truth: No 1 natter what you wash, the pu rest soap will wash it best. Pretty names, fancy packages, fancy prices· they mean nothing. It's the soap that counts. It must be pure if clothes are to be washed white with safety. For 83 years women have been \Vashing their nicest things with American Family-good yellow American Family. Nothing more need be said, no h igher compliment ca11 be paid. 742 E lm St. WI N NETKA W in n . 1 146 1 I HOLLAND BULBS Dar\vin Cottage, and Early Tuiips, H·yacinths, Narcissi, Crocuses, etc., of exceptionally fin e quality. Order early w hile assortnze1 zt is conzplete. . · ' I PEONIES Best varieties in str ong clumps. !, 1 f PERENNIALS PHLOX and IRIS in Vigorous, Field-Grown Plants. N ew and choice sorts. Send to-day for our catalogue. FRANKEN BROTHERS, Deerfield, Ill. TEL. DEERFIELD 241 Kllllt'S VISITORS WELCOME · AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP lt:M!MCW.jLW IN*'**·'"*'

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