Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1925, p. 24

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l4 WILMETTE LIFE October 30, 1925 WILMETTE LIF E ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK by LI.O\' D HOLLISTER, INC. 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. 'rl·h·phen~ .......................... SUIISl' lliP1'10~ Wilmette 1820 t·JUC ..~ ............·2.00 A YEAR All communications mus~ 'jo accompanied by the namt> and address of the writer. Articles for publication ,ghould r·<'ach the editor by Wednesday uoon to insure app0ar·ance in current issue. Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, ohituary, po0tr:r, notices of entertainmenh or ot h<>r affairs where an admittance charge will be rnad<' or· a collection taken, will be charged at n~·gutar adver·tising rates. as mail mattf'r of the second c lass, under the act of 1\l:nch 3. 1879. gn terC'd at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, Wages ~lory of \\'arrior. glory of orator. glory of song-, I 'aid \\'ith a voire fl -yino· ln~ to lw lost on ?-· · an endless sea_:_( .lory uf \'irtue. tt· fight. to ri~~lt the wrong: Nay, hut !'he aim'd not at g-lory. no lover <;f g·lcn·. s he: < ~i\'e her .the g-lory uf g-oing- on, and sti ll to he. "'he wages oi s in is death! if the \\'age~ of Virtue he dust. \\'ouJd s he haYe heart to cndttr(' for the life of the worm and the fly ? ~he de~ires no isle s of the hkst. tl(J quiet sca ts of the jnst, '1\· re:-;t in a g-olden gTo\·~,.·, or tn h:1~k in a sumtner sk\·. C i v <' h e r t h c wag c< o f g-o i n g- on · a Jl d n () t to eli ·. with which he came in contact. It was a terrible thing to be excluded from fellowship in the church body. Times change, and with other change~ that have been \vrought is the separation of the church frotn tnost of the social activities of the people \vho compose it. Many and varied rival institutions have sprung up to attract. The church has ceased to be the meeting house, has become only one of the many places in which people gather for the inspiration that con1es from contact \vith one's fellown1en. Evidence is constantly increasing that there is recognition of the Jo ss that has been sustained in this change in the character of the church, this surrender of claitn upon the attention and loyalty of the people grouped about it. . Everywhere there is a growing tendency to re store the House of God to its old place of influence in the live s of the con11nunity, to tnake it once tnore the n1eeting house 'vhere folk, young and old, delight to gather. not only to \\'Or~ hip and to pray. but to enjoy the companionship of kindred souls. Every advance to\\'anl this end is in the \Yay of progress in the rc . toration of the church to that high place in the life of the cotnn1unity that it once held. THIS AND THAT Until We Find a Title WHAT PRICE LIFE Alt.. the life of a manWhat is t't worth today. . . What is its' price on ~Vest .ilJadzson .)trNf. Or on Wils011, ~VIrcre the coryplzecs meetIs it 'l.vorth more whc" dcclud In a. bulging 7'1?St 1 . How much for a life with saggwg shauhlcrs And caved-i" chest. Docs tlze speculating mmzcycd-11Ulll hold life On a higher plane. Tlzan tlze )'egg ·who !..·ills Par selfish gai11.9 .-'111d tlzc medic- docs lzc ~:icld. As tlzc War-dogs. 1Vho pass the bloadicd dead upan the field r . A11d the man of God 1 tho loud prnclazms Such an o11c the tool (Jf Hellnot'S lzc 1·cas0H with /if C, as 7.C'Cfl .1s the jurist ·who shouts. iuslcad··J[aJut b\· tlzt· Heel..· 1111til :\'Oil nrt drad!" .·lh , tltl' ii[t of a 11Wil Ir"lwt i.,· it h'nrtlr toduy . Ah! So The Brunettes Also Carry Them! "2 ,\rm ed Cirl Bandit . . l~oh Taxi DriHr. Take < -' I 'tHotv" Books it \\'as annotttH'ed that there \vas an ever-increasing detnand for "how" books. t rca t ises on how to do this or that- earpentry, bee culture, home decoration. all the Yarious activities that go to the buildingup of better hotnes and better con1tnunilies. And it is not primarily because the patrons of the library wish to know how to do in the tnost approved manner the thing that is done. but because they are learning- to turn to hooks for help. There is additional sati. faction to he det·ived frorn the fact that once the librarY habit is fonned and acquaintance with its ~~dvantag-es established. the detnand for other hooks than those of the "how" group will also gro\\'. \Vith a volume on chicken raising will go one on travel, perhaps, or a biography of sotneone who has helped to tnakc the world what it is todaY. lt all 1nakes for a bn)ader culture and a tnorc 1.: untc>nted people. A reader is never a tnalcontrnt, because there i always to be had cheering and inspiring con1panionship in ho()ks. 'l'hey removed the bundle racks and put in the ads. Then they returned the bundle racks slightly changed as to form and s tYle. Next they said,"On penalty of paytng a big cash fare or being put off the tratn, sell us your 10 and 25 ride tickets at 20 per cent discount and be quick about it. TI urry up or You'll. lose your place in the line!" 0 \\'ell! ~1aybe our incon1e tax " ·i ll hr lower next year. :\ urth shore organizations, whether churches or clubs, are to be praised for the po~it i ,-e way \vhich they employ in dealing \\·ith certain problems. For example, the problem of ho'v on Hallowe'en to keep boys happy and yet not destructive might have been sidestepped, and the aforesaid boys a llowcd to n1ake themselves nuisances. But in our north shore to\vns the problem is attacked and Hallowe'en parties arranged, thus benefiting not only the boys but also peace-loving property holders. 'ah ." L ATELY fron1 one of the \\'e stern states "B londv and Brunette Display Cun . Intimidall' I felpl e s -; ~fan ... ( .\ ht·ad li n t· taken tr c >Jn ;1 rt-r ent j.., ... 111 tht · l.' hil'\'l'\Hht l ,,t J CHEERFULNESS ·ht -v r til'· Ill y Fril'nd- thc -;un\; not thru his givirw j(.~ to tnt· and ynu: although his face you cannot ..,tT. dnn"t think he\ gone forever: we must !t-arn t!l think that '- Oillt'where IH'\\' the sun i~ -, hittin~· thru the hlut'. Don't gl't down-heart<·d. kl·<·n a ..,lllilv . Thi.., cluucl won't la-..t a long Jon~ whiil' . \" .>u'd I><' ... urpri ... ed if you hut knew, ju. t h1"' tnuch . 1-!ood a . . milt: ran do. Keep ~miling, " hi -. tk. -..ing a ... ung-- th ,· day won't seem one half a-. long and drear). \\' hik your work you plan, look up. ht· hran·, and grin: you can do twt .: e as much ii ' ,)IJ hut tn· to \\ork an(l laugh instead of '>igh . l~t: lllt'tllher riow. the sun is shining, hehinrl tilt· c luwb . Thc·n·'-.. a ~ilvt·r lining to every trial. It'-. rcalh· up to ~· ou. to :-t·t· what cheerfulness can do. < Chatnbers of C'otnmerce 'ttc h of the three towns- \\'ilmd tl·, \\'innetka, Glencoe- there is an active, enterprising chatnber of commerce. These l1rganizations include in their tnctnbership l'racticall_y all the business and professional people in their respective comtnttnities. A.ll of these bodie s are officercd hy nH. ' n of ex perience ancj judgn1ent. · In ~cneral the aims of these three organizations are identical: namely. the fostering of ci\'ic pride and the extending- and -.;trengthcning· of ro-oper.ation between husines~ and residential interests. They recog-nize that these north shore towns are pritnarily residential snbttrhs and that the object of the tn\·ncrs of stores ·a nd offices is not to build up hig business and profes~iona l (·rg-anizations hnt rather to serve adeq nat I y the n ('eels of the to\vnspeople. The chamber~ of comtnerce know very wl'll that this co-operation will do more ~treng-then justifiable civic pride than any other activitY, ho\\'ever ambitious and strenuous it tna y ~he. 'fhev know that a cotnmun it y i ~ a g-~oup of JH..-ople I i \' ing tog-ether to achieve cou1mon purpose~ for thr cotnmon g-ood. I N -A ~IY-AnTT.ITY . \\ 'l' " e komt· ~ ntt, .\my! Little Polly Anna has ht·t·n wi :- hing inr a -.,i-,tt·r for . orne time. FROM AFAR Ju .l! dllt ' tijft'I'IIOOII 'tl't' 'tl't ' l't ' to.l !t'flrt· r to and da11ad, lt·,. din1·d and hw_ (;hcd /O.fft'flta .Inn' (,·,· tal/..·cd (Ill(/ tu!A·crl .. . .. 1-'rolll that Ollt' da\' [ Ita ·;·~· fht' sf;t17 !-'or an t"lt'rnity of dreams . It ·~ · dro~ ·,· Bt · Htl Jpr . Trv This With Your Puns And Coffee! Hardoff writes in to inquire: "'\\'hen l fenry Ford's Synthetic Cow gets into a tion will the Cowslip he out of a job?" Who Said the Male Was the Stronger Sex? Return of the Meeting -House \\·e noted in a r ·ce nt news item where a bride groom fainted aw·ty three timl' s during the ceremony hut after being rc·\"in:d was able to s tart on lti s honeymoon . ~[u st he worse than graduating from a college. I T i~ a rather general practice among- us ,. 1 . ~ I tnodC'rns to deplore the ~ lackening- hold that the church has upon the people of the con1nntnitr. \Ve remetnber. hy hearsay if not by act~ual experience. the ti;ne when~ the church was the center of the social life of the con1n1unity, a tnecting house in every ~en ~e of the \vord. It was confidently expected that every child should, upon arriving- at y('~rs of understanding of the step taken, . eek tnetnbership in the organization which held all those of the adu~t world Smoked Glasses for M en; Soon the Thing! "Milady's Sox to Twinkle with Mock Gems This Year," is the latest word from the fashion experts. SPORT DOPE Having finally picked a winner and cashed in on it. we're going to ride on our reputation this week. Only to whisper in your ear that it is rum~red back 'in our old home state that the U. of M tchigan has a FOOTBALL TEAM. -:-) I -- T. R. C. r· ·

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