October 30, 19LJ 20 WILMETTE LIFE Bazaar in Winnetka Will Aid Sick and Crippled Children On the afternoon of i\ovember 6, (.eorge F . Suker, 1028 Starr road, \ \"innetka, will oprn her ltou~~e for a ~mall ba7aar to he gi\'('11 hy tLe \Yom <lll 's auxilian- of the ~latrrnitv <ttl(! Children's ward of the Post Gradu:tt c l ~0spita l at 2400 Dearborn street. In thi s ward the patient s are tah·n r,· g;1rcllrs~ nf crerd or color. :tn d gi,.,_. n gratis nurse and doctor services, b o th medical and surgic;tl. 'l'llt' prorl'cd~ oi this bazaar an· es pcci.t1 1y in'vn tled to aid the s ick and crippled children. The bazaar will he open t"ront 2 o'rlorl: until 6 and the public is invited. Aftl'r IlOOn tra will he s cn-ed. The assi"t ing hoste ss es are: l~I rs . Fdgar Crill\', ~lr::;. \Valter Neilson and Mrs. DuatH' Peterson of \\'innetka, and ~!,· s. 1-:Ini l Stachlin of Glencoe. ~t rs. Congressman to Address Library Club of Glencoe I lenry R:ggs Rathbone of _Kenil- ~ worth, congressman-at-~arge, a lonner president of the H amdton cit~ b. distinguished as an orator, wtll f!t\·e a talk on "Life at \Vashington," he: fore the Woman's Library Club ot Glencoe, Thursday, November 5. ~.Ir. : Rathbone was sdected a . the Lmcoln 's birthda~· orator before the ' Ilou e of Rcprc :-;c n tativcs last yl'ar. and it is stated thitt his address <klivcred before t1.1 at hocly attracted 1 widespread attentiOn. 1Irs. Gordon A. Ram say 1:1 the ho::. tc:-;s ior Octohc·r. RUB·YS MUSCLE DEVELOPING FOOTWEAR. FOR. CHILDREN VOQTH ~!lORE r>t'\TRO:'\!f a .ncl l l.H:.\Ct l 5110P CON'./ENIEN f ' ' ll :--.=n ourEI><.JE~~\.11.!~ HE RE'S A R UBY PLA Y S HO E FOR A C HILD Smart in appearance; built o n R u b y's correctiv<! last, in a c o mbina tion of non -acuff leathers Sizes 5 to 8, $ 5. 00 Sizes 8 ~2 to 12, $ 6.50 ~frs. V. K. Spicer, 312 Essex road, and her mother. \l r~. Higgin son. arc , motoring hack to J-.::cnil\\'orth irom . their s ummer h~nH~ in ~I as"achus 'tts, and 1~r. Spicet· j._· 111akin~ the jourllt'Y ; 1·y tram. ., Woman's Catholic Club Greets Its New Members One of the large meetings of the autumn season was that given by thl' civics department of the \\'oman':-; Catholic Club of \ Vilmette, Mrs . Joscph ] enks, chairlllan. Friday a fternoon, October 23. at the auditorium of the St. Francis Xavier school, with many new members in attcndanct·. 1'1ie program was of t\\'o-fold intere~t, for Parnell Egan sang a group of :-.ongs and ~1adame Leila Blomfield gave an interesting talk on "Thr ~ma ll est Democracy in the \ Yorld." ~1 rs. \ \'. D. Lear\· . .:\1 r~. <...'. F. Bunte and Mrs. A. 11. Krafthdcr \H' t'(' the hostesses oi tht: afternoon. THE NEW MARMON CLOSED. MODELS NOW ON DISPLA Y Open every night ""FOR FUEL- USE OIL" HEATING OILS MARLAND GASOLINE ALCOH OL FOR RADIATORS LUBRICATING OILS GREASES PHONE Woman's Ideal Club Holds Regular Meeting Friday A regular meeting of the Chicago \\"oman's Ideal club wa held at the Blackstone hotel, · October 30, at 11 o'clock in the morning. ~1rs. Gusta\·e A. Brand began a --cries of five mornings adapted to "The :\merican \\'oman in the Home." The afternoon's program foliO\\Cd the serving of a luncheon at 12 :30 o'clock, the first vicc-prc.:sidcnt prc~iding. until 9:00 P.llf. Lorna Doone Jackson, mezzo-soprano with the San Carlo Opera company, accompanied by Ca ra Verson. a noted pianist of Germany, \\'ere the guc ts of honor and the artists. Herbert R. TaYlor, 631 Ahhotbford wad. 1--::cnih,·orth: spent thret days in Kansas City, Mo .. this Ia t week. Marmon North Shore Sales and Service 1008 Davis St. Greenleaf 1038 Braun Bros. Oil Co. Wilmette and !Vimzetka W IL METTE 290 \VINNETKA 1565 EVANSTON CLEAN COAL CLEANLY DELIVERED is what we offer. Coal free from slate and dirt. deliveries made with every possible care to avoid " mussing up the place." Better hurry up with your order is our advice. Don't order more than you ~ ll need. But this is the proper season to fill coal cellars and you can conscientiously order now what you will require this Fall and Winter. & M. Cct UNlVERSITV 5200 WilMETTE 333 · · . Thfre' s one of our Coal Stations Near You