16 WILMETTE LIFE October 30, 1925 Miss Maty Turck, who spent tl~e greater part of last year in Europe, passing the winter in Evanston, ·Otto H . .Barnett Competition Expect· is where she is the guest of Mrs. Joseph ed to Bring Many Entries Among Hubbell of 1015 Forest avenue. Students at New Trier --oM iss Beverly Bayne, · the motion New Trier High school students are picture star, and her son, Richard, are now bU!>}' preparing for the annual spending a few days as the guests of prize essay contest, which is spon- Mrs. Bernard Brown of 1142 Oakwood sored by Ol:to R. Barnett of Glencoe. avenue. A large number has already entered -othe contest and there is still time to M iss Alice Blakeslee of 504 Fifth enter if work is begun immediately, street, with Miss Meredith Lakrone it is said. of Rogers Park accompanied a party There arc a great many sub jects to oi friends to the Homecoming at the choose from; choice is limited only University of Illinois last week-end. so iar as its content must be con-oce rning- some civic or economic prob11r ~ . K. Kitchell is here from Montlem of present day conditions. The fi(·)d of subjects is made even wider clair, N. ]., as the guest of Mrs. H. -.ince the di ~c u ssion may be upon B. Mulford of 835 Elmwood avenue. -oEuropean as " ·e ll as American quesMr. and Mrs. Garrett J ohn sou have tion s. A s for length of the essay, it mu st be not le ss than 1,500, and returned to their home at 220 Maple not 11IOJT than 2,500 words. Further, avenue from a trip to the west coast. it mu~t he absolutely original with the writer; criticism may he rcL·eivcd hy the \\"ritcr hut no actual aid in r~m1pos ing· tht essay will ],e lll'rlllittcd . A~ ~uitahk re\\"ards for tlH· best c·-.saYs ~ubmitt<:d, !\lr. Barnett olft.:r~ the ·iollO\\ ing: fir~t prize $10; ;-;crnml prize , $5; and ior the third he~t t ' ""'t)", h<~nora],Jl· 111cntiCin. of 914 C t ntral Avenue, BEGIN . ESSAY CONTEST SEE IT! HEAR IT! I The Famous Radiola·2S Super .. hetrodyne No Ground or Antenna Mrs. Corinne C. Sanderson Wilmette, W. C. T. U. TO MEET The \'Vilmcttl' and \\'in netka \Vulll an's Christian Temperance U 11 ion will hold a monthly meeting- with Mrs. Georgl' C. I rughes of 100(, ('t: n tral avenue. \\'ilmNte, ,\1onday, November 2., at 2. o'clock. Interesting reports of tile statr convention held at Champaign recently \\"ill he given and mu sic will ht.: furni:-.hl'd · hv Mrs. A. G. H tllllph I"C'}":-. (If 1·: \'a ns ton 011 ht·r Ira waiian Rllitar. I 1 Anno·unces thv ~1clody \Vay for pupils on the ptano \\'ill begin November 2nd. that Cla~scs Experience has demonstrated that the Radiola 25 meets every demand of the broadcast listener. Distance-getting capabilities, volume and distortionless reproduction. One dial control, easy to separate stations and increased selectivity. Hear it at - oand Mr:-.. \\'hitman· Taylor hayc IIIOv...:d to their 11<:\\" hom<.: at 627 Drexel avc11ue, (~lcncot . ~1r . has teachers for more advanced pupils on tl~-e She piano, violin and cello. al~o WM. G. BEYRER Electric and Radio Shqp We Service All Set~ , 1122 Central Ave. Phone 81 Pre--Holiday Sale: Lamps Shades Vases · Attractive and appropriate as @lFTS 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111UIIII111111111llllllllltllflltlilltlllllllfllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllll l:l lllllllll'lllll1' 1 ' 1111 11 11 11'11 1111111111' EARLY SELECTION of remembrances for the Holidays gives the advantages of leisurely choosing and moderate prices. (I We are showing now, as suitable for Christmas giving, a beautiful and complete stock. of vari-colored lamps. shades, vases and bowls to delight the most crit· ical. We design and manufacture all items in our own studios. Telephone University 7575 Slightly imperfect pot· tery is offered at a decidl'd discount. M an~1 of these pieces woul.i not ordinarily be re garded as a seconds.' ' EVANR!£~~~~p2L!.rfERIES EVANSTON '· I