10 WILMETTE gi\·cn a bountiful and appetizing s u pper m a large dining room, especially decorated for the occasion. The meal we;ts prepared and served. by the "Milwaukee Rebekahs. LIFE October 30, 1925 ODD FELLOWS STAGE WORK AT MILWAUKEE A. T. Sherman .Lodge Invades Wisconsin Metropolis for Speoal Degree Rites - - - , Have 15 Candidates By A. H . H . Saturday evcninp:, at .~ o'clork. " ~peria l train on the North Shore line carried a larg-e number of members of lwanston, vVilmette. and ~orthhrook l. 0. 0. F. to Milwaukee, where the third degree team of A. T. Sherman Lodge No. 892, Wilmette, conferrcd the work upon fifteen candidates at Iron Links Lodge No. 221. The crowd was increased at Kenilworth, \\'innetka, Hubbard \.Vood:-. Glencoe, Havinia and Highland Park, wherl' the Odd Fctlow~· Special stopped to pick up members from those town . Besides going by train, a number madt· the trip hy auto. in spite oi thl' rainy weather. :\rriving at Nl ilwaukel' ,t!wut 7 u dock, the visitors were met by a delegation from Iron Links lodge and escorted to the lodge hall in a train of special street cars. Here they were La~t Shortly after 8 o'clock the A. T. Sherman lodge team proceeded to confer the third degree on a dass of 15 cat1cli(lates, two of wl1om were fron1 \Vilmette and the remainder from Milwaukee. The work was put on 111 a large dance hall on the second floor of the .building hefore an attendance that filled three rows of seats all around the room. After the conclusion . of the ritualistic work, the staff gave an exhibition of ib drills, forming se,·cral symbols of the order. It is repcrted that their work was gi,·cn considerahlc applaus(' and praise, and the Iron Links men showed their com mendation hy sin_ging an ode \\ ritten to the tunc of "On Wiscon:-.in," especially in honor of the visitors. The degree captain. \\'illiam ]. Schatz, was then called on for a speech, and he responded with an eloquent address that was inspiring and instructive to every Odd Fellow present, showing how the degrees arc all based on parts of the Bible. He was given a hearty ovation. Officer:-; from most of the v arious lodges in attendance gave talks that were well r eceived. After receiving ref r eshments .and being entertained by musical "electiOns by members of the Iron Links lodge, the Illinois delegations departed f_or their respective homes on t.he spec1al train and by auto, at a httle after 1 o'clock, Sunday morning. - HALLOWE'EN Our Stock of these n{)velties is complete and priced. reasonably North Shore Art League Opens Season Thursday The Korth Shore Art League will open the season w ·i th an . exhibition of small sketches and a dinner for mem bers, November 5, at 6:30 o'clock, at Community House, vVinnetka, with a large rcumon of artists and f ricnd s along the north shore anticipated. l{escrvations for the dinner arc to be sent to 'M rs. J. v\·. F. Davies, 652 Lincoln a\·cnue, \\'innetka. Two sk<:tches made hy artists during t h e past y l ' a r m a y he :-. e 11 t i n for t h c o~hihit ion~. RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY C. C. RENNECKAR Opposite St. Joseph School Regular mon tilly meetings will occur from now o n , for which notic<: -> \\·ill be sent out. and ~r rs . . \rt hur E. ~r iller of 1414 Gregory avenut:, hav<' returned to thl'ir home after spending li\'C week:-; 111 Nebraska. ~1 r. Ridge and Lake Aves. Phone Wil. 316 It's Good Business To Buy Quality Clothes! Every business man knows that the quality and · service are the chief considerations in the conduct of their dealings-and we know it applies ·to the j c lothes you wear. Here you will find materials that are quality through and true-at a feature price that makes a better value. IT'S MORE GOOD BUSINESS To have your cleaning, pressing and repairing done by an old and well established firm, where you know · s atisfaction is guaranteed. SCHULTZ & NORD THE NORTH SHORE'S LEADING TAILORS 1152 Central Ave. Wilmette Phone Wilmette 320