Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Oct 1925, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE LIFE October 30, 1925 MOOSE LODGE BEGINS MEMBERSHIP· CAMPAIGN Greater Chicago Unit Recruits North Shore Class in Honor of Dictator Greater Chicago lodge No.' 3, Loyal Order of 1-loose, is putting on an active membership drive on the north ~bore a11d B. F. Provo!, supervisor, is in the field for the purpose of recruiting a class in honor of Dr. William E. Buchler, the newh· elected dictator of Greater Chicago lodge. Dr. Buchler is well known in the north ~hore district and · candidates for this class arc being recruited all m ·cr Cook county. The Loyal Order of Moose maintain aud operate Mooseheart, located 37 Illites west of Chicago, where there are O\'er 1,400 orphan boys and girls who arl' being given a high school education and trade. 1vfooschart is the home for the widows and orphans of the M oosc. The order also maintains J\looseha\'en, 17 miles west of Jacksonville, :t home for the aged memlH'rs and their widows on the cottage plan. M'ooscJ_Ja ven is called a "city of opportU!l ity" tor the old folks for there thev arc gin~n a chance in life and placed on a salary, making them indrpendent. There is no charity aspect about the institution. The Loyal Order of Moose 1naintain an extension ser\'iCl" plan, wiH·rehy the disablrd nwntber is pcn~i.oned. his family cared for and his children educated. Crcater Chicago lodge maintains a !'\Ocial . service department. caring for the sick, it is explained. The order. it is pointed out, is non -sectarian and noa-political. Request has been made ll\· citizens of \Vilmettc arid Superviso.r Provol, aJ.Jnounccs he is now recruiting a class ot more than 100 of \Vilmette's citizens who will hrco111e part of the Dr. \Villiam E. Buehler class in honor of the dictator of Greater Chicago lodge. The Hon. James ]. Davis, . ecreta ry of Labor. is the founder of ~1 ooselwa rt and din·ctor gcn<'ral of th<.· order. END:OF SEASON SALE Frocks, Hats, Coats, especially priced to make· room for resort 1nodels and midwinter merchandise. KATHARINE WALKER SMITH 704 Ch· u rch Street. University 3363 60th ANNIVERSARY More elastic, better.. fitting underwear L( 1 .·nough where many un!nn suit s arc uncomfort aiJI~ s hort . full t·nough whcrt· union 'iuib ::.ometime::- draw . :"'l lllooth fitting \\'here '\Ollll' union -,uih wrinkle in unnt.·e<kcl iulnc:--, - Carter's Cnderwear fits you better as the re::-.ult of rart· and · l:ill in d( ·.-i A"Ili il ~ ;, nd ::-t~· lin g . ).\'~ CARTER'S KNIT UNDERWEAR North Shore Women Aid Children's Home Bazaar ':' hursday, November 5, will be the datr of a large bazaar to be given a.t the lllack. tone hotel in Chicago for the benefit of the St. .M ary's Home for Children, of Chicago, an Episcopal institution. The bazaar will start at iO o'clock in the morning and there will he manv choice and unusual things brougl1t especially from England, France, l Tolland and other European countries for sale at reasonable prices. At 8 o'clock in the evening the floor will he cleared and there will he dancing. The affair will be held in the Crrstal ballroom of the hotel. l\1anv north shore residcr'lts arc expcct<~d to attend. The home cares inr children of all denominations. d c)l'" 1111 t i r r ita t <' t h t · 111 o " t "t ' l l ..,iti,·v -,kin . It i!'\ -,o t'\'l'll -textun·d and t·b-,tir it gives \\'ith t'\Try 111 o n·me 11 t. \\'hat'..., m o r c.:. it wear.., longvr and hold.., it" ::.hapv to the la'\t - prartira!ly no -,hrink ing, no -,t iffne"" nor har . . IJ edge " a it e r· Ia un d e r i 11 '~ . St<·p t()day at tht· undenn·ar counter and ::-ce t lw cliff l' r<~ nc~ · the Carter idea make in iahrir. in cut and in t1ni!'\h . .\lade oi !'\Oft, line iabric skill fully knit on multi - need!~ nwchine:"'l,. Cart l' r\ tmd·: rwear ·· Carter's R.!() US PAT OH. KNIT Underwear FOR ALL THE FAMILY 'l'h ruughuu t uu r entire store. you will find merchandise of the same high standard a:... Carter's Knit Unrler\\·ear. So in shopping here you tnay have absolute confidenrc 111 the quality ( f everything you buy. CHANGE GYM CLASS DATE The women's gymnasium class which nH:eb at the Howard school will hold ih next regular meeting Monday evening, I\ on·mher 2. at 7 :30 o'clock, instc<. i of on Tuesdav, as is usual. The date has been cha;1ged hecausc of the f,ogan-lloward Parent-Teacher association meeting to ht.' held next Tuesday evening. Mr. and 11rs. H. \V. Brashears of · 1241 Ashland avenue, attended the Homecoming celebration at the \Vavland academv at Bea,·er Dam. \Vi.s., 'Ia t wcck-et{d where their daughter, '!\1 i~::-. Loi~. is attending school. --o. "1f r. and .M rs. Charlc~ C. Carnahan of 700 Centra I a ,·enuc wil1 f't1tertain ~ few friends informally at \Vestmorebnd cfuh Saturday n-ight . WILLIAM TAYLOR DRY GOODS 1125.-112 7 Central A venue · '"' Phone 1914 . -1

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