= 9ctober 30, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 1 THEAm GUD.D OPENS SEASON IN WILMEllE - The main piece of vi ll ainy in the play falls to Harlan Ware of Evanston. Mr. Ware is a newcomer to the Guild, but has been applauded in many amateur productions in and around hica go for many years. K atherine Will Present Double Bill at Byron C Crush Kirschberg, also of Evanston, Stolp School Next Thursday plays the part of the erring daughter Evening whom Mr. \Varc's villainies lead 1 a:::.tray. Other well known actors from Evanston who will be included in the Drama lover~ of the t'IOrth ~hore will cast are Francis Tilden, Malcolm hail with delight the announcement of Smith, ~~i s. Greta Goff, Charle the opening of the t<J25 -zr, season of Henkle and Alfred Povah. the .i\orth Shore Theatre Guild, which will present a double bill at the Bvron \\"innetka is well repr ese nted with '. Stolp school. in \Vilmcttc. Thur ~daY, ~ uch popular :,tars as 1lrs. ~ferritt November 5. The play~ pre se nted w{ll Lum, Llonl Faxon, \Villiam BoYden, he "IJ!ots and Playwrights," by Edward I r .. and 1:. L. Buchanan. Mi ss Earn~fas ~eY. and "Ifo\\' ]lc Lied to Her ~·stine Pearce of Glencoe and 1frs. Bu ~ba;H l." by Bernard Sha\\', it ,,· a~ Oscar Lee oi llighland Park complete announn·d J>,· Alexander Dean. di - the cast. 1 rector of tht: Cuild. j The producti~n, accordi.ng to Alex- J "Piob and Play\rrighh" ha ~ been 1 andcr J?ean: . dtrcctor. " ·.til open ~he <_tnno~m_red ~e Y ' ra~ timt·:-. it! pa~t years :ea~o n, m .\\ llmsttc on. ~o,·<·t~lher ~.~h lor Lutld production. hut tor one rca - .Lt thy B~ .ron Stolp s~ hoo L,cllH.l \\tll son or another h ;t~ been put off until ~lay 111 \ \ lnn.ttka. on ~oYcmhe~ () and ~he pr('..,ent titJH'. The pia_ , . \\as orig - 1 />. ;~1.1<l th<: ~!.;ok1.e c"c.lwol :. H;ghlan.<~ I lllall y prodttn·d in th e 47 \\ 'ork Shop at I I cl lk Oil :\ (, :(lllhcr ) cl! tlH \~oman . I ILtn·ard uniH·r~it,· and later IJ\· the 1 c!uh, Lah.v l·ore ~t em :\oyember _10 at I P~rfection \\·a..,IJington Squar·e PlaYer ~ . th<' 1 ;arcnt h :rry hall. and the la ~t t\\'0 JH:rtorm- 1 organization <,i the ~l'\~· York 'l'lwatn: I anre..,, ~\·lllri_J han· ah,:ays been r~- ~ Cuild . It is printed II\· Littll·- Brmnl I "nv<'d _lor l·, ,· a~hton. \nil he played lll 1 . ('· l' < ' r, - cJ 1) 1 ·k · . that rlt\ on· :\m·cmher 11 and 12 at 1 · .II 1 , 111 l ' " "" 1 g t · · I' . t> J cl . l' f I 11· · rlttdt·. it in l1i . . voltmH· oi \lodern 1 tilt' \\ Cllllan" clttl>. It ,,.;h gin·n ~ntllt' ; :\meriran J>la-'·"· ,.l·ar.., al!n ;tt !lull ll.,tt . . t· in Chiral!'O \li:-.:- ll· ~il' Hoolh oi Lind en l'r:::-t 1 ; 111 d t II l' Jll' < >1t k '\ lw "; 1 " i t . . t ill n 'llll'; n - apart tlll.:ll t . . j n i 11 t: cl a .~ r o u p o i i r i <- n d .., 1 hn the clvliglttiul -;atin·. 1 tc' attend t!J, · tiH,tl>all game and honw - I 11 l.' llllinl.!, rl'lt-hration at the l ' nin'r..,i t\· 'I . h E C as t o f H 1g xce e nce . Ill tllOh ' · Ia:-t \\'t'l.' 1 1 '1. . 1 ()! .;-l'tH. ·' ~:--s t>.oot 1 1, \\ ·1 1t · 11 t It l' r u rt ; 1i 11 r i . . t · .., nv x t T h Ul· .., - \\ ]J 0 at t c n <It- c1 Ill i 11 <, i.... i or t \\. o year:-;. 1 · cia~ t·\·t·ning at tht· Byron .'tolp -..chool j..., 110 ,,. ..,tuclying ,.t thl.' .- \ rt Jn . . titutv. fin· 1lc1rtlt ~lllt!'t· t"'"h \\ill he re- - - - - - -·-- - - - - - - ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J>rt ·~t' llft · cl i11 tlte c:t . . t s of ··~lot ~ and l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Planni l.!'h ts" and "fTow FfC' LiC'd to lll't: lft; . . J,and." Tht · ra..;h arc ~aid to I)(' c'i an t·xrt·llt·nn· which has come t<· ht· idt·ntifiecl "it h Cuild productions. I Tn tht· fprmn play J. \Villiams \fan· oi \\.innctka. well known for the -high :-tan dard oi his work in cnuntlt·..,, <~uild productions: \frs. l' c c iI Han H·.., < 'ne o i the earl i C';; t and ht.·..,t oi t lte Cuild\ actor~ and ~f alcolm 1·:" t·n. "h() ha.., a firmh· e. tahli"h<'d .r(' putation ,,·ith follm,:er.., oi the Cuild, ,,·i ll hold the :-tage. Tn "Pioh and Plannighb" the' parh Phones: 51Q-511-512-513-514 art' ... o \\'ell diYided that there is in 1 When it comes to underwear rt'alit\· no lt·a dinL!' role. Tcclmiralh·. 1 lw" t·~·n. this . liotwr Ldl:-. to ).f iss we believe we h ave the cham \'irl!inia Fitz - Tlut,!'h \\·ho starred so pions in heav yweight. light hrillianth· in "\fan· the' Third." the weight and featherweight. popularit~· oi \Yhirh Cfl.tbed it to he ' rc ·,·in·d '-Olll<' fiitt'l.'ll or t\\t.'llty timt· . . . divisions. \fi..., ... Fitz - Titwh i.., irom Lake Forest. 1 Our men ' s wear will help Playing oppo:-;itl.' her will he' \f ch-in you make good with your Plulller \\'alllboldt. aJ..,o of Lake mirror, with your friends Fon·..,t, who. it ,,·ill be reml·mhered. p!:lyed ·· Bohhy'_' in the original Cuild and with your business acproduction oi "~fary the Third." Both quaintances. tiH':-e phycr:- \\'ill he seen at an early date in the rn·iyal of the popular "Truth :\bout Blayds" "hicl;.. by rcStore for Men que:-.t, will play ten or fi iteen cngagC'Phone Wilmette 2655 llll'llb in l·:yan~ton, Chicago; Oak Park, llin~d;tle. llighland Park and other COIIlllltl llitil':-. Phones Wilmette 2600-Ql, 721 Main St. Wilmette, Ill. · Motors Serviee, lne. Everything for· the Autotnobile HEATERS I 1 ----L- We have in stock a complete line of Car Heaters Register Type and Francisco Fresh Air Type $6.00 to $31.00 installed C. Slown J. A. B. Van Deusen I I 1 A. S. Van Deusen SELLER OF GOOD MEAT Central Avenue and 12th Street Special Price Sales 1 -~ Mond:ly Nov. 2nd Tuesday Nov. 3rd McNatnee's Fresh Ground burger Steak, lb. . ...... . . Ham- 25c Shoulder Lamb Chops lb. 32c Your clothes washed free if you ring us Electrical Repairing Radio Sets and Supplies Eveready " 8 " Batteries 1\1 usic Master Loud Speakers Base Plugs In stalled Fine Line of Lighting Fixtures E A 5 '-' - WASI-IER Vacuum Elec.trid Wednesday Nov. 4th Sugar Cured Ox Tongue, 3 to 3Vz lbs. each, lb. . . Thursday Nov. 5th Native Pot Roast of Beef, lb. ~ ~upj~ 30C 25c 42 C Adams Electric Shop Fourth Street Phone Wilmette 1040 Friday Nov. 6th Fresh Halibut Steak, lb. Saturday Nov. 7th Fancy Legs of Spring Lamb, lb. ~ · Ridge · Fruit Market 835 RIDGE AVENUE WILMETIE 534 Fresh Fruita ·and Vegetables Received Daily Now Taking Orders for Winter Potatoes Fresh Eggs Always on Hand Received Direct from Poultry Farms 40c Jones' Dairy Farm Sausage, always fresh. Select, received daily. Oysters, Extra Fresh Long Island Ducks.