October 23 1925 Wll.METTE LlFE NO GRAFf IN POLICE RANK~ BOARD AVERS MEN LAUNCH PROGRAM PLAN SAFETY DEVICES Bishop to Preside at Church Rectory Presbyterian Men'· Club Begins Busy FOR GREENLEAF A VENUE of Activities Tonight; Talk,. Corner Stone Rites Season Music, Fun on Program. Appropriate ceremonies at which Sheldon ~- Griswold, suffragan btshop of Chtcago, will officiate,' wil! be held in connection with the laymg of the corner stone of the rectory of the Church oi the Holy Comforter, Kenilworth, Sunday afternoon, October 25, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Douglac; Flood, who started the rectory fund some time ago, will lay the corner stone. Among various north shore pastors who . will be present as guests at the occasion· will be the Rev. John K. Coolidge, of St. Elisabeth's church, .. Gl encoe · R ev. J . J. · , ....~ t e ff ens, o f S· Mat hew's, Evanston; Rev. William J. Weaver, St. Andrew's, Evanston; Rev. Hubert Carleton, St. Augustine's \Viimette; Rev. Edwin G. Hunter, retired, of vVilmette; Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard, of Christ Church, \Vinnetka, and Rev. Alfred Kolkebeck, curate of the Church of The Atonement, Chicago. The new rectory will be of Gothic design and stone construction to be built on the lot adjoining the church. A 50-foot cloister, to be added later. vvill join the rectory with the church building. The fund for the rectorv was started five month o.go and the cornerstone laying ceremonies will also mark the 25th anniyersary of the church. The silver trowel used by tht. fir-st rector of the church in laying the coners.tone of the first church in 1903 will be used. The building is to cost $25,000. The Rev. Leland Hobart Danforth is the rector. Bisho~ Graft Investigating Committee Recommends "Full Support be Given Department" ., $ ' ... ' ) . 4[ ., j Tonight tnarks the opening of the North Shore Line Agrees to Ia· stall Warning Signa at AD season's activities for the Men's club of the Wilmette Presbyterian church. Street Intersections Its initial move is in the form of a Wilmette's Police department wa'i get-together meeting of the organizaInstallation of safety signs at all vindicated of the charge of ·:rregular tion in the church parlors. practices hy the Village board Tuesday Dr. Nathaniel Butler, of the Uni- street intersections along the Chicago, evening of this week when the versity of Chicago, has been secured North Shore and Milwaukee Electric trustees formally approved a report as the principal speaker. There will railway's right-of-way on Greenleaf submitted by the Public Service combe music, jollification, and a Hallow- avenue is under consideration by the mitte of the board, which stated that e'en program and refreshments to Village board as the result of a conf crence held recently. by the PubUc "charges of grafting and fixing," made enliven the evening. several weeks ago by B. B. Udell New officers and committees have Service committee of the board with . of the road. "were not signed and were not otherqeen elected and everything is in officials While it has been definitely decided rea mess or a recor year. n a wise substantiated." d' f d I d warning ·signs will be placed at The report also contained a recomdition to the four general meetings that intersections in question, the board mendation that "full support be given that have been planned, an interesting the has as yet reached no decision as to the police department in seeing that athletic program has been prepared and what type of signs would be the most laws and ordinances are observed. a schedule running through the winter Charges made by Udell prompted an has been arranged f r bowling and advisable. General information regarding rail investigation by the board committee indoor baseball. In the realization that traffic on Greenleaf avenue, as well as which purported to bring about ~ one of the club's big jobs is to get matters pertaining to the sale of com"showdown" relative to repeated asbehind the boys of the community, mutation tickets; the Linden avenue sertions that certain members of the Harol~ White, the well known foot- crossin bell signal, and touching uplocal department were guilty of irball player of 1:\orthwestern university, on the proposed new right-of-way regular practices, particularly in conhas been secured to take charge of that will eventually take the road off nection with speeding and other trafall recreational activities. Greenleaf avenue, was given the board fie cases. Another of the club's enterprises, Tuesday night by Hayes McKinney, The .report, as submitted by the comthe Sunday morning Bible class, will resident of Wilmette and attorney for mittee comprised of Trustees Clarence swing into action for the season Sun- the North Shore line. E. Drayer, John Clark Baker and W. day morning, October 25, at 9 :45 Not a Street Railway vV. DeBerard, follows: o'clock. This is an up-and-doing club The road, Mr. 1tfcKinney pointed "M:r. B. n. Udell submitted informawhich is undertaking to do a practical out, was not a street railway and ca.n, tion to the Public Service committee job in a practical way, · its officers an~ therefore, according to the ruling of at the meeting at the Village hall nounce. the Illinois Commerce Commission, obThursday, September 10, 1925. .serve the skip-stop plan along Green.. He approached the committee in leaf avenue. The method of sale of the spirit of constructive criticism and commutation tickets, he stated, was also governed by the tariff-fixi~g body:. helpfulness. His recommendation~ for This was arranged, he explamed, on improving police efficiency have been e11 the basis of one and one-half cents a given careful thought and found helpful. "Ch~rges of grafting and fixing were Frank Springer, who spent manv mile, with three miles as the minimum not stgned and were not otherwise days of his youth roaming through the of computation which would be four substantiated and were therefore con. forests of Wilmette and occasionally and one-half cents for three miles. Mr. McKinney assured the board sidered only in the nature of reminders weeding onions on the Westerfield Two Evanston women were erious- farm in the general vicinity of the that the road was prepared to insfaU to make all, \Yhether citizens or police act with diligence. ' ly injured in a .collision with another present Guilmette Country club, re- whatever safety devices were deemed "Some reports have come to . this Evanston car at Lake and Hibbard turned to the old home community thi;; most advisable for the Greenleaf ave· committee as a result of the hearing roads hortly before noon Wednesday. week, and, while visiting relatives, nue intersections. He consented to a and publicity giYen the departmef1t The ,,·omen were Mrs. Hannah Ander- found time to attend the luncheon of further conference on this matter be· tween the board and officials of the and. the committee has made inquiries son, 1216 Central avenue, Evanston, the Wilmette Rotary club. who suffered seven fractured ribs and Mr. Springer arrived in Wilmette road. on 1ts own account. Have Specified Speed "It is the recommendation of the internal injuries. She is 78 years of just in time for Rotary meeting-he committ.ee that full support be given age. The other woman is her daugh- beins affiliated with a club in New · In the matter of speed along Greenthe pohce department in seeing that ter, Mrs. David B. Barry, 514 Davis York state. He was en route from leaf avenue, Mr. McKinney declared that the operating crews of the com· laws and ordinances are observed. \Ve street, Evanston, who was driving the Mexico to his home. believe only in this way will the great- car. Mrs. Barry's little son David, Jr., The Rotarians insisted upon a word pany were under strict orders to obest freedom be made possible for our was slightly injured: The other car in- from Mr. Springer and he responded serve certain plainly stipulated regulacitizens and the police be given the Yolved in the collision was that of Leo by giving some inside information con- tions placed in the hands of every such opportunity to become publk servants Doetsch, 2214 Noyes street, Evanston. cerning present conditions in Mexico, employe. The rules for Greenleaf ave~ He was driving his Lincoln touring car after reminiscing a bit about the Wil- nue, he said, were a maximum of fJ in the best sense of the word." west on Lake avenue while Mrs. Barry mette of former days. miles an hour at all intersections, lS was north-bound on Hibbard road. miles an hour between intersection~ "Mexico needs the dictatorship form Mother and Dad Called Mrs. Barry's car was knocked into a of government", Mr. Springer asserted. 9 miles an hour at all other intersecto School Room Today ditch and overturned. Chief Henry "I see no hope for that country under tions in the village and a full stop for P~rents of New Trier high school Brautigam and Sergt. Joseph Steffens the present system of liberal govern- all south bound trains at the Linden fresh'men and sophomores will have an went to the scene of the accident when ment. Only about 2,000,000 of the pop- a venue crossing. excellent opportunity to see how their notified but the injured had already ulation of 16,000,000 can read or write. Mr. McKinney reported splendi4 ch.ildren conduct them::'eves at school, been taken to the Evanston hospital by Education is not encouraged. Sanitary progress in the litigation to secure th· thts !lft~rnoon and evening, when they L. B. Andersen, of Wheding, who was conditions are deplorable, especially in right-of-way over the new route whicll are mvtted to attend the school and passing. Mrs. Anderson's condition is the smaller towns. The peons have will skirt the south limits and approach go to the classes with their children. regarded as very serious because of taken over the great haciendas, but do the Wilmette avenue station over East T.he se~sions. to which they are in- her age. Mrs. Barry was injured.in- not work the soil to at yantage. They Railroad avenue. The -road has been vtted wtll begm at 1 :30 o'clock and will ttrnalty. are pretty generally a roaming thrift- granted a certificate of convenience and continue over regular 40 minute periods less lot. Labor conditions are had, too, necessity in the matter and is now enuntil 8:30 o'clock. · since the manufacturers and other em- deavoring to remove objections of Company to Hold There. will be a special lunch period ployers of labor ha \'e no protection some few property owners. Reunion Next Monday against for puptls and parents and an especialThe investigation by the board was strikes. It is indeed an unforCompany "D", Illinois Reserve Mili- tunate country." ly large menu at the lunch room so prompted by communications citing that the visit?rs may have anything tia, organized during the World War complaints relating to various items from a sandwtch to a full course din- and comprised of Wilmette citizens, referred to in Mr. McKinney's remarks. ner. Parents who attend will have to will hold its annual reunion Monday Start Children's Story obey all traffic rulPs at the North evening, October 23, at 7 o'clock in Hours at Public Library Invite 'Listeners' to ~hore elect~ic station as well as park- the former drill hall, theJ gymnasium of Story hour season has begun at the the Byron C. Stolp school. mg regulatiOns at the school, it is ex. Interpretation Course There has always been a large at- Wilmette Public Library, it was anplained. A large number is expected nounced this week by Miss Winifred A course in interpretation will . be tendance at these reunions as the men to take advantage of the opportunity Bright, children's librarian. There will conducted at the Winnetka branch of to get better acquainted with the endeavor tq keep alive the friendships be two story hours each week, it was the Columbia school of music Wedformed in thpse stirring days. Quite school. a number oft the "Old Boys" have said, one at 4 o'clock Thursday after- nesday afternoons, beginning Novemmoved to other suburbs, but they al- noons for older children in the fourth, ber 4, by Walter Spry, well known IS PRESIDENT PRO-TEM pftlt_ and sixth grades, and one at 10 :30 pianist and instructor. This class is In the absence of Village President ways return for Reunion night. A speaker of prominence has been o'clock Saturday mornings for th\! for advanced players who need to enEarl E. Orner from the meeting of the younger children. The first story hour large their repertoires and those who Village board, 'fuesday, Trustee John secured for the occasion, it is afi.:. will be held in the Children's room at do not wish to enroll as playing mem· nounced. S. C. Bennett is president· Clark Baker assumed the chair in the library Thursday afternoon, Octo- hers may enroll as listeners, it is ex· both tbe board of local improvements of the company and E. P. Fetch, secreplained. ber 29. tary. and the regular board meetings. Women and Child Injured in Lake A venue Car Crash Former Villager Drops in to Talk With Rotary M "D"