WILMETTE L-IF£ October 23, 1925 stitut e for Anna Case, singing a group of Italian folk songs, such as had never been heard in this country before. She, ~orth Shore commuters have been herself, had never seen the songs 48 hours before her appearance was forced to exchange their 10 and 25 rirle scheduled. On this occasion she tickets ior others which cost 20 per Brailowsky and Giannini Set achieved a great triumph. cent more, this week, following tlw rate increase which '. was gra11ted th: Music World Ablaze With Chicago anrl ); orth \V l·~tern_ railroad Their Marvelous Talent t_ __ la st week hv the Intnstatt· lommerre comlnission.- ' Hold<:rs of montl_tl~ Tt \\"ill he of interest to patron~ of tickets ha\'C not yet had to pay the 111concerts at the Xew Trier high ~choo l crca, c. as the 60 ride ticket is das:-;ed ~uditf'Jrium. gi,·en under the au pices as a contract, and must he fulfilled until it runs out. w hie h w iII he t h l' fi r:-;t of the \Vinnetka ~lusic club, .to learn of !\on:mber. On that datl" tl.o"t' \·: hn that the next t\\·o recital:-; of the series buy thtir transportation by the m o t~tlt will he featured hy s uch stars a' Alexwil~ haYs to pay .20 per ct.:'!t mon: tor ander Brailo\\"sk\· and ~f iss Dusolina thetr month!\' ttckets. llll' llltnot" (~iannini. B'raiiow~ky, the young Commtrce co-mmission has rd thl'd t o concede the right of the Federal commission to grant the i ncn· as\.' a tHl i ... taking separate action in the matter. There i:-. much ~pl·rttlation a-. to "h;t: can he doni.' ii the !--tatl' l)od~ rl'ttJ .., \·· to grant thl' increa:-.t·. hut no -..oluti.,!t ha!:- ht.·t·n offt'l"e<l a-. ~Tt. MUSIC CLUB SECURES PHENOMENAL ARTISTS Commuters Feel Rail Rate Boost This Week WANT MORE POLICE Village Manager C. C. Schultz made a request for the addition of two morv policemen to the. local force, a~ th<: meeting of the Vtlla~e board Tuesday evening. The matter was referred to the public service committee for a n.· port at the next meeting of the board . For I I I ~ Quality and Service Call or Phone ~ Genthner's Market }145 Wilmette Avenue ~fi:-.-. babel Clinl'. 30-t Cunmur rP.td,: Kenil\\"ort h. ldt Tuoday to ·" IH'lld t ltL· "'·inter in :\l'w York Cit\·. 1liss Cline " ·ill ~tuch· IJilt:-.ir t hn~: . and will liH· near (~re~·nwic.:h VillagL' at thl~ llote! ln·ing. Cramtrcy Park. Phone 2814 I ttl I Alexander Brailowsky ~l1c uiade l11:r London clchut in Tnne Then:. <t:-. in thi~ cott~ltrv. ~he scored a hig hit, and was cn;n hailed a~ a ~econd Patti. She repeated her triumph 12 daY~ latn in anothl'r Londotl appl·arance: Pre~ =-> rcpnrts frnm both here and a broad ronfi rill eel t ll' , rcpPrts of her ~ucce!-1:-.. COWMBIA I 1 oi t<J2-t. Wilmette Cafe ~~th s~~~:oF MUSIC l>in·ctor · WILMETTE BRANCH 627 11th Street (Boulevard Bldg.) TeaciH'r-. in Charge: \\"in~lo " Dusolina Giannini l{tb .-.iau pianist who has captured mo:-.t. of th e civilized world and Miss Giannini, one of the greatest American soprano:-;, will appear in NoYemher and January re~pectlvely. M r. Brai lowsky \\·as horn in Kiev, Russia. In the summer of 1911 he ·was :--ent to Vienna by \Yealth~ rdati\·es, who rL'<.:Ognized his geniu-.;, to study under the great Lcscheti:'ky. He soon b egan to play. before thL" public in Paris, "·here he created a :-.tir. and· it was not long before he \\"a:-. a i;n·orite of -admir in g audiences all ()\"t"r Europ(". Out of 26 concerts "·hich he t.ravc in Paris it is said that he tll'\"l't" repeated a program once, except ttp()n request. am! that he nen:-r repeated a llttlllher. -.o great \\"as hi:" repertoire. 75c Tabled' Hote Dinner 75c Served from 5 to 8 :30 P . .M. ON WEEK DAYS l f Wina Great Ovation ~n ~eptember 1-t. JC>25, ~1 i:-.~ (~ian - Anna t.hinlund nini appeared in hn ia,·t>rite role oi ,~i Ia before ~tn ;_tndil.'nce at llan;b~trg. Gcrntanv whtch lllrhtdl'd man\· ot Gerlllall\·':-: -,;est music L-rit ic~. After thl' fi na( curtain the cnt irl' audience rro'.\ dcd to the front oi the theatre and gan: her an oYation :-.ttrh as had :-.l'ldom been seen bcfort' in llamburg. She recei,·ed 27 curtain cdls. Follv\\· in~ hl'r appearance at I la111h11rg she :-.ang at Berlin. wht'n· :-.hl' abo achil'\ ed :1 great triumph :t nd tlwn tottrl'd r~er mam·. .:\1~:-." (~iannini "·l' horn in Philadelphia, l'l'llll., and rt·n·iYed lllttch oi her' early training fr(l!lt hn parent", \\ lw \\"l're both mu:-.ical. ~lw ha:-. a great 1 . Ranka with Maaters rangt' oi n.>in·. di"pla~ ing retnarh:ahk Hts American debut \\"a~ made in rcdnring, and i::-, ~aid tn ht· thl' t.:"rl'att'-..t New York in 1024. where his brilliant .-\ida "inCl' De:-.tinn . playing raptiYatrd audiences and proclaimed him to ht· amon~ the great ANNOUNCE HEALTH PARLEY piani!-lt~ . 1 k j, l'tltllil,g to be looked The regular health conicrrnce conupon a-. nnt· oi the ~rtat piani!'>tS of ducted hy the ( ·hica~o 'Ttthl'rrulo-.is the f u t u rc. who wi II a:-!'> ttllll" the place hbtittttl' will he held at the hcaltl1 now occupiL·( ~- the splendid Yeteran.;; center at the rit\" hall. l·:, · an~ton. Oc who domin e thn field tnclaY. tober 27, from Hi until 2 o'clork. Thi:-; l3railo\\·. -y i:; a con~tant tr~l\·eler. He \\"ill be in charge oi the public hl'alth h egan traYcling early, ""hen he Jdt nurse for thi~ L'Otlllllttnity Helen :\1. Ru:-;sia to studv music in Yirnna. He !\orcrus~. then toured i·:uropt and :->ettled in Switzerland during till· \\ ar. A.fter that ltr made Pari:-. hi:- home and continued to tour l·:urnpl'. and ~randinaYia. He came to .-\merica in 102-t. in .Kovc·m ber, and \\"~t:- continua tly on tour, filling many concert appearances. In the summt·r oi }fJ25 hL· toured Uexico, Cuba and South :\ml'rica. He i:- :nO\\" (· o 11 s i d L' r i 11 g a 11 ' · ff r r t 11 go to t I w far :\1 ary E~thn Main School 509 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago I We can only install a few more HART OIL BURNERS before the heating season begins. We also serve on week days from .11 to 2 l' I ; I I I HART OIL BURNER CO. I 514 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Greenleaf I 7 52 742 Elm St. WINNETKA Winn. 1146 I I BUSINESS LUNCH I f Consisting of oup and M eat Orders at I H'ith Coffee, Tea or Milk . r ' l ( J I 45and50 cents t. I· DEPENDABLE GROCERIES Why not telephone your order? /1 North Shore Auditing Bureau Public Accounting and Auditing Financial Statl'menb Cost Accounting Bookkeeping Sc n·icc Tnromv Tax l~eport... ~y:-;tellb I n:-.tallecl Im·est ig-ation~ east. Geta Marvelous Reception Dusolina Ciannini i-. the rare :--ort of person \\"ho achit·n·:-. 3(> ntrtain calls at an appearance. and \\"hat is more. proYokc~ cheer:-. irom the audience before' the act ha:- .. t'JHkd. .\t am· rate, that was \\·hat orrurccl in Berlin i·eccntly, \\"htn she made IH:r dehut in that ci tv in the role of Aida . . inging under the direction oi Bruno \\"alter. It \\·as said to ha \"l' he en one of t I · gTeatest triumphs en:r accordtfl at _;I '-itH!('r on a Rerlin ~tag('. ~fi-. s Ciannini made her dtbut in Kew York, ~larch 1-t. 1023. At a ~hort notic(' -.he \\"a' ra lll'd upon tn sub- Small sets of Books kept l>y the day, week or month 1133 Central 1\ ve. Phone \Vilm ctte 3493 FREE DELIVERY f. Val Quinlan Co. Eight Retail Branches 1153 Wilmette Ave. Phone 3470 Ridge Fruit Market g35 RIDGE AVENUE WILMETTE 534 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Received Daily Now Taking Orders for Winter Potatoes Fresh Eggs Always on Hand Received Direct from Poultry Farms L ..~ l