r 23, 1 11~:; t l3. I 'J 25 ("ctolw I WI L METTE LIFE Jj RY They Won't Last Long Evanston, Illinois, Special ltnprovetnent Bonds yielding 6% interest free frotn Federal lncotne Tax, $500 and $1,000 denotnf-· nattons. We have for sale only a litnited amount of these bonds. Please call us at once if you are looking for a safe and profitable investn1ent. ties llllllllllllllll llllllll' 1st ses .· 1 i-,, l{uth Holloway, debutante daughtn oi ~I r. and .\1 r:-. l larry l' . llol lu\\ ;t _ \ ,,i Clcncoe, was introduced to !->Ocict\ at a tea giq:tl 1)\· her iatlu:r · :tnd ' J' uther at their home in Glencoe, ~atur.da' . ~t·pteml>t·r 11>. · iro111 4 until i 1)·, Jqr k . After the Holloway rcccpt j, 111 ~I j,, Ruth and the dl'lnttantt'-. I ;t,,: t;11g MISS RUTH HOLLOWAY her were guest. at the ~ up pl r-clant·t· giq·n at Lak e Ftl1l"t i11r ' }.II" B('rtha Alling who made her h o\\' the :-amt· ,t itl'rnoon . hones Wilmette 2600--01, 721 Main St. Wilmette, Ill. 1111111111111111111 ~< !Motors Se~vice, In~ First National Bank of· Wilniette Everything for the Automobile \Yc do not think there i~ a stock of \YIKTER FROXTS or R.\DT:\TOR CO\.ERS this side of Chicago . If YOU want protc.c tion for your r;1diator this ,,·in tcr WOLI'I'· GBII'I'IS : (;t-:'\EH .\1, 1-1.\RD\\.. \RE 'fi~~JII'I'HI~G ORDER XO\\' and \\'C t;t·TTBHR, SPOUTS A~n nOOFI~G HARDWARE .,URN A. "ES ~ STORE .\1' 11 5-7 \VILMETTE AVE. .fa'- ·Opposite V~llage Hall PHONE 158 will ha,·c it for you i a day. l' I...I<:;A~IN<.i, REPAIRIXG Also A~D INSTALLING T. C. Slown A. B. Van Deusen A COMPLETE LINE OF FIREPLACE GRATES, ANDIRONS, FIRE SETS I AND SCREENS