:3, 1925 ·c Octohtr 23 . . 1925 ') Bright. Atttumn Hu~s G'olor Scheme Used sp~a \ . . le .. lette )3 autumn leaves, softly lighted \\·ith. 1 five-branched ca!ldelahr;t, 11 :....11. · d an archway Jonned with can111 ~ ;lel alt:';, da intily twined with ~mi lax, ma<k the Con_gn:gational church a ~ spc>t tli. rhar nnng h~auty, Thur:,d~y C\"l'tlll '.!..: . October b, when ~1t ~s ~f ar i (\ 11 T i It b c cam c t h cl b rid · of J~i rll ; tt ri llamilton Houghton, S<Jil of ' JI \ bad"'!,~~ '!:~f!k'!:~~~i~~ I GOTO SOME CHURCH and do it regularly, each and every Sunday. · You'll then be taking your place as o~e · of the builders of Wilmette's destiny as a community devoted to Christian ideals and fellowship. If you have been lax in this important matter start Next Sunday - and keep· it up. ' The sermon topics, for the most part. are announced on other pages of this issue. Our ministers are _ filled with a Christ inspired enthusiasm for the advancement of civic interest and the richer development of lives; they know how to pass that enthusiasm on to yo'l. You'll find .it Pays to be identified with the institution, that, -more than any other, points the way to deepest personal joy and \Vcll-bcing. UNDA Y SCHOOL 9:30 a. m. ~10RNING WORSHIP 11:00 a.m. Directory of Churches: St. Augustine's Episcopal Church I I 40 Wilmette Avenue R EV. HUBERT CARLETON The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette A venues REV. FRANCIS C. STIFLER Wilmette English Lutheran Church 703 Greenleaf Avenue REV. WILLIAM GUISE The First Methodist Church \ f r. and ~f rs. Earl E. Orner of R23 trk a\·cnuc entcrtainrd Mr. and ~fr" . n P. Garner at dinner at their ·~,, H~ · la<>t 1fon rlay rvenin£! prercclin .~ ' ~~.' Advance · Officers' mcC'ting of the .\ dmc t t<' chapter, Order of Eastern ·""l r. 1fr. Garner is a. nciate ~rand 1 ·' · ron of the state of Tllin oi . : I St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Avenues REV. HERMAN W. MEYER Lake and Wilmette A venues R E\'. GILB ERT ST ANS ELL I· ' The First Presbyt;rian Church Ninth SHeet and Greenleaf Avenue REV. GEORGE P. MAGILL First Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette A ;cnues REV. STEPHEN A. LLOYD . \f t:'. 1 J. n. OJwin of R20 Lak e avrnur "P<'n ding this \veek in P eoria with · r <:.i ter-in-law. -0- - 0- Published by the Interchurch Advertising Committee, Wilmette Church Council Dr. 0. H. Bersch and his fam;Jy have ·nrwrcl from R23 Fifteenth street to ~.:; j Fifteenth street.