WILM E TTE LIFE October 23, 192S "Hey, Lady, ThisAin'tNoSpeedwa)"' T~y The Wilson Bakery "Yo u can' t va m p me," says Pa trolman Joe Bigelow to the fair speeder who is employing her most Nita Naldi-i. h wiles to avoid the inevitahlr "~lip . " Policl' department- star atHl everything. Joe dol'sn't thl' a motor bike, hut. ~·ou'cl better not step on the gas when· he's in the \·icinity. Joe was forma.Jly inducted into sen·ice recently when Captain Brautigam (lrckred a star rin·tcd to his harness. lie's ·the big black Dane you may have sc<:n ambling- ahuut tlw village nt the hrels of a patrolman on the night squad. I I 1 NOW! You can get NEW;LAID QUALITY EGGS at all seasons and at m.oderate price. THE SHELLS OF 1 Chicagoan Injured in Directory Shows Baptist Auto Collision Here Parish Widely Scattered George 0. Fairweather, 1301 East Sixtieth :-t rcet. Chicago. was slightly injured last Sunday l'\"l' lling when his car collided with one driYen i>y A. ] . Stout, 928 Linden an·ntte, liuhhard \\'ood:-. The accident occurred at Forest a\Tnue ~md Sheridan road. Doth cars were damaged and Fairweather :-utTered a spraine<l ri~· ht ankle hut was alile to go to hi.; home. The reYised dirccton· of the \ Vilmctte l3apti~t church distributed this \\'cck contain s : omc· interesting data. It contains a complete list of all members of the church famih·. There arc in all (>32 names . There - arc 222 families. These iamilic:-. are . widely distributed oYer an extensive parish a;; follo\rs : \YilnH.: tte 1-H. Krnih\;Orth 8, \\.innetka 11. H. ;l\ inia. 1. Highland Park 3, Clen\·il'\\' 1. Xorthhrook 1, Evan:--ton 15, Chicago () , non - rc~ident ~!iss ElialJcth Laughlin oi Oregon, 2<). . llt.. "as the guest of ~1 i~s Elizabeth Hannah. of Kenil\\'orth, Friday. Satur( )-, rar 1·:. Chapman oi 1222 \\'iltncttc day. l\1 i:-s Elizabeth l lannah, Mi ss ~1ary Hannah, Alfred McDougal and a ;emte ha~ le it ior Birmingham, Ala .. John Keith motorl'd with 1liss Laugh- \\·here he has acrl'ptcd a po:-ition. Hi : lin w ·. pc.:nd thl' week-end with her at "iic ;ltld children \Yill join him the fir-, t oi the yt: ar. h~· r home in Oregon. -00 -- I SHELL SEALED EGGS Are sealed Air .. tite by an invisible coating so o n after taken from the nest. Odors and bacteria are sealed out; the goodness and nutrition sealed in. Try them today. Ask your grocer for eggs packed in this carton. C. C. l3ran:-cotlll' has just returned irom Virginia with hi:-; hridl'. \\'ho was \ 1i:--:-; Ida Han cock of Laurrl Fork, \'a. TheY will makl· their home at 1222 \\T i·ltiwt te avenue. .\1 r. :wd ~1 r:-> . Far! F . ~\raim han· rt.:turned to th e ir ho111l· at 701 Laurel a\Tlltll' :titer a lt.' Jl da~ motor ttip to \\'i...,rtilhin l\apid.... and .\f a r hfield . \ \· i ~. h~@oVabob TIIAOI I'WIIt ii£C'< PAl' AI'PLil O rOR "IT HI DES THE BOB" Transforms the bob to an enchanting dressy coiffure. .On and off in a moment. Holds securely to the shortest boyish bob. Endorsed by society's most fastidious women. Perfect tnatch guaranteed. Kalos Beauty Shop Ze lda 11. Archambault 1450 Lake Ave. Phone 2591 116.. 122 W. Illinois Street Chicago, Illinois Dear. 2110 Main Office Johnson Creek, Wisconsin