·~ . . .i .. · " ·. t ·· t . ·· .. - ·: . ' ~ . ~/ tl: '. : : ... . .: ~- ·.; ·~ · .· ··;" ·:: · Ty,·o . : ~· .: · Two·Women ·- 2~6~-b ;·~ · ·=··=· = · ~~==================~==============JW~I~LJM~E~T~T4Ek:L~l~F~E~======~==============~~::~~~~==~==== Hurt When AutontObiles Collide · October 23, 19D LETTER cARRIERs MEET ____ ___ .· \vom<:'N were painfully injured .: ' · las·t Su.nday jn ·- a , pectacular collision ·,·· .. . . :. in.volvi:ti.g~- 'tl'l-ree t motor cars at Eighth .. trcet and Ashland avcnu . Those J'pj_ Jrcd .· )"~·rt· ':\1 iss Sady Robee, 1232 ..._ ·~ .;:__ .. Crc. c m\·ood. . ::i\ciwe. who suffered se,-c.f'c ·lHcit <·. < :en the face. and Miss ~[r~. -\lice E. Smith of 1130 Ashland '1'j'lltc' ri-r;_(· , ' 1.~30 .-\ hJand an'llUe, who a \·e ntte has just returned from Chata·" ;1:".' nit · -a) ,out .t hr no c a ncl fore head. nooga. Tenn. She accompanied her i Th e \\·omrn · " .·t·rc gin·n first aid treat- son, Byron Smith. \vho was on hi s \Yay ben't by: :Dr. E. E. ~f oore. to Hollywood. Fla.. to spend the . Thl' .ra :..T1 ·· dune \Yhen a car driven \\'inter. 1>~ · · :\I r ~·. · \1 ax \\'. Zabel. going north --oon· ' Eighth =- trrC't. struck one driven ~1r. and ~Irs. L. E. Youngquist. 211 h~- Jol'lp. Cora. 2109 Osgoo·d street, Chi- Fourth street, and their children have c~<!f!o.. it'l which thr womrn wer~ ridi·w. JU . t returned · from more than a l or.a" car was knocked a constderahle months' visit at Charlevoix. 'M ich .. . di s tanc~ on th~· wrt. slipp~ry payem~nt,l where they were the guest . of 1\frs. and. c~a s hecl 111to a 1axtcah standmg l l'aplan of Glencoe. at t_ he · rnrb. The taxi belonged to~·Fran.- Trip ;rini . ~f ·r~. Zahrl ancl Cora Dr. S. C. Stanton, 123-t- \Vilmette ~ ·- capecl injury. an·nm·. " ·ho . has heen visiting in Bo. --ton and ?'\en- York will return homr LEAVE FOR YEAR ABROAD Saturday. - 0\h\·:- Fltlr a \frDonald. who make:-. ~r rs. J. E . DaYies of Trenton, N. J ., hrr l~onw \\·ith her :-.i-.ter. Mrs. 0. E. Thalc).!' at h17 Gn' ··nleaf avenue. lrft arrived Thursda~· to spend a few days \(ond<l\·. Ort(JI,er 12. 111 company with with hrr son.]. D. Davies of 258 \Vood rhrcr frjcnd :-.. \f r. and Mrs. Godv Mav- court. while on her way to California. -0flrld and- th<'ir daug-hter. ~fiss Phoel;e, Tuesda\· last members of the Drama of Palos· Park. to motor to New York. Th'rv sailed \ Vednrs<lav for a ,·ear of StudY dtth met for luncheon at the· tra,·el on the Briti!'h Isles and the con- hom~ of 1\.f rs. \Villiam 1f ann. 1121 tinent. Thr~ \\·ill land in Engl~nd. and ( ~ rren " ·ood a Yen ue. 1 - 0"ill take up re~i(fence 111 Sco t land for The Thursday clnh. which merb I ;thopt three months, after which time they e xtwct to spend the \1\' inter months cnry fortnight for luncheon anrl bridge, in the: "ourhcrn part of Franrr and on wa:-. entertained this week hy 11rs. t hC' )fed it err a JH.';Jn. Tlw ~J a vfie lds Charles N. Ree-se of 727 Fore . t ·a\'cnuc. ha,· t';tkl'll . thl'ir car \\'ith then1. and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . · t: xpt-ct to !'pt·nd ;\ 1a r .!.!·e portion of their Auto Repairing ,time tonrin)!. ~ The regular October meeting of Wilmette branch No. 1107, of the National Association of Letter Carriers was held last Saturday at the Village hall The date and place of a joint meeting with the Winnetka branch is being arrang-ed. Alic Fjellman is opening the ALICE BEAUTY SHOP formerly the \Vinnie Shop ~ 1 1 ~ Ridg-e J \ \Te. and Schiller St. Open for Busine ·~· t ~ ; t Jl ...MONDAY, OCT.·. 5TH :~ t t ' · i l S U:t\BURN, if not ren1oved, toughens the skin. I1reckles · and other stg-n of a glorious vacation are not beautiful 1n the \\'inter. Let us gn·e you some skin treatn1ents no\Y before the \vinter season begins. :\f r:-'. Fjc11man ~pccialize..., tn TTOT OIL SCALP ' l :\I r:-. . K.atherine ·cdell. iormerly with the \Yilm ·ttc Beauty Shop. ts with tb, a ncl " ·ill be pleased to welcome her old friends and ntstomer::.. 'l'REAT:\1ENT. invited t > You are g-n·c tts a trial. · SPECL\L: $15.00 for Pennanent \VaYe \vhich look~ just like a n1arccllc, LEO;\OTL \VAVE. :'-. {_r ::; . l ·. T. T r a \' i s , 12 :i F i f t h s t red , ha · tak~n a position as Rector's assistant in rl-liginu~ education at the . St. :\Iatth~·,,- ~ Epi,.copal churcf1 m north E\'"anston:. Guaranteed Work R easonable R ates MRS. CLOVER FJELLMAN,Manager Ross Skelton 41 o Prairie A ve. Wilmette 3555 · / ·. -~ :'