Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Oct 1925, p. 25

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-, ~ O ~c=t=ob=e=r=~=='~l~~==============~==================W==I=L=M==E=T==T=E===L=I=F=E========================================:~ Subscriptions for the A-B-C safety l>ook s for tl1c ~itizcns ~l1ild Safet~ c ampaign have passed the million mark. The books arc part of 12.000, 000 ,,-hirh \\'ill he i:-.sucd beginning in ~m-ctnl>er in a ·ampaign to save 100 chil{l lin·s iu Cook county in 1V2t, _ TIH'y carry a , -i:-. ual edurat ion ; 1 ppt·al ;tncl ron.nnandnH·nh at~tl -,o ng " tc · equip the rluld to handle hllll l' l i in trat'fir. Launch Great Safety C. and N. W. Opens New Drive Among Children Lunch Room for Patrons I I "\\'IH'thn the 12,000,000 arl· -. uh ... cribl' d hy ~ovcmber 1 mak e" 110 dii fcT:cncc in the campaign," !) tate ~ a leadt·r in the lllOn·mcnt, "but it woul<l be ).fi -.s ).Jari o n Chase-, a st udent at the an in :-. piring thing to find th<' \(llllll1Unit,· ri s ing so splendidly to take care l ' 11 i n· r.., i t y o i \\'i s co 11 " i n , s p en t four of ·ih \'0 \111~ . \\·l. an· prarticalh· a<, - day of la -.t \\'l'tk \\'ith her aunt, ).fr s. -.urcd t-he frr s t month\ quota of 1,000,l~ufth K . Port er . .f2R Cmnnor road, ()()() for ~OHm her 11 O\\'. a It hough :-om e Kenilworth. of the subscriptions ,,. ha\·e in hand run o\·er the entire year's i~ ~ ue." The matter will he changed in tlte honk s each mont h . X ew pictures in J,ri!.:ht colors and 11<'\\' n·r s<·.., to th · -..a f l't v ~ong, "Tht· ).f ea n in~ ni Your :\ - B: c· '"ill pre...,t·nt a TH' \\' appeal to th(' child to s tudy the !-afety lt:-.sn ns. :\ llt'\\' · rommandnH·nt of tht' t\\·eh·t· ;tdoptccl for the campaign a)-.() will ap)l('ar nwnthl~·. As an added conYenicnce to its suburl>an patrons, the ~l1icago and ~ortl1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\.estern railroad has just opened a new lunch room in the \\'ashington street concour:-.c of fhc ~hicago pas cngcr tl'.nninal. to he operated l>y Eitel, Inc., 1, \\"tth entrances <m Canal and Clinton "t rev b. It will IH· open week-daYs frcllll 7 :\ . ).f. to 7 P. ).f. A \\'icle c)Joicc oi hi:..!h gradt· bakery . ., pecial tt('" Clll al-.c) he obtained ;1t thi s lunch ro (1nL C hdn-. m a~- I>(' left in tht' mc.rninL: and til<· p:tcka:..!l'" ,,·ill h·· 11l'atl~ \napped- \\hen railed for. A Lesson in Household Efficiency I I Ilectric ~frigeration <,ii~~r=~;;;;:;;;::: F.;O~·;:B~. D ~TRO lT Complete $~50 Urge Ethical Dealing Among Realty Brokers I I(llding that the great problem heior the IHI incss of real t"-tatc i: the l'llf()rcemcnt of the code of ethic" suh- -.cr il>ed to by ev~ry mt';nl~er of a pot:"tituent board ot ihe ~attonal A""OCtation of Real E<>tatc hoards. the a <>. ocia tinn's committee on ethics and "tandard . of practice has ju5t sent out to cYen· member hoard a communication n~ging Yigoroth action in tha~ < ·n iorcement. The communication, signed by All)ert S. Adams, of Atlanta. Ga., chairman of the committee, and hy Herbert t·. ;\ebon, Chicago, executive secre tary nf the asc;oriation, suggests: (1) that even· constituent l'oard of the nation~i l body take measures to insure that everv one of its members is thorough!\' fa~miliar with the code and with hi..; o'wn re sponsibility under 1t: {2) that even· board. if it has not already done . o. - prm·ide s uitahl(' machinery ior di-.ciplining member~ in case of a breach of rthics: and ( 3) that en·ry hoanl undertake_ to explain to the public in it-. rommtmity what the rode means. A refria'erator with Kel-riaator. aJ. ready lnatalled, requirin· only a ainale electric connection to put lt iD operation. Refriceratea without attention, r.lie·ina you of all the worriea of carin· for an ice box. Call and aee the Kelvin·et, or phone for information. A g-rowing numb ·r of Xorth Shor<· h·a1·n in~- the· ll·H!·HJn of t·lt ·(·trkal ~tliciPnc;.· in cooking. TlH· St'(')"(·i: or th ·ir <klicious foocls with ll·Hs effort is KitchenAid, the attradiYe t·lt·ctrkal housemaid shown in tht · pic·tun· ahovt·. It take::-: up a :--pa('t· :! f<·t·t squarl"', ancl is mountt>d on :1 ::-:turd~-. ~Ht·t· l-top c·abinet which holds all tht· attachm ·nts. \\"ith Kit <: hl'nAid the hou~ewlft· cai1 mix , cut, ma:;h, beat, whip. cn·am, g-rind, strain, chop, frC'cze, slice, chip jC'f', in fact, do all the tedious wo~·k of JH' Ppari n g- tiel ic i ous foods, all oy l'l<·ctricity, at a co::-:t of about one c nt per hour. Kitcht·nAid has been endorsed by such leading mag-azines as Good Hous<·k '{' ping·, ::\lodern Priscilla, Ladies' Hom t> Journal and others. Xorth Shore · housewives whose homt>s art> equipped with KitchenAid !"a\' it gives them more time for n·(·n·ation and takt·s the irritating-, fagg-ing- drudg-ery out of cooking-.. The Kitcht· nAid wav is supplantmg the old, tl'<lious methods of cooking in modern homes all over the country. Housf'wivt·s are quick to learn the les-;on of incn· a~t·d (·conomy and decreased dJ·udg-t: ry that Kitch nAi<l teaches. h .. ust·w i \'t ·H an· f'rudt-nc · Penn\·, noted Domestic :-:t'ienc:<' Authority,· says of KitchenAid, "It g-in-:-; tht' dainty professional touch to hom<.· CO(Jk ing, without the time and labor n't·eessary to attain th:-tt toueh ot h<.·rwise." Among· thf' ~orth Shore homes t·quippt·d with KitchenAid are th')se (If .:\Irs. ni'OI'g't' J. Pope, Glencoe; Mrs. H. \\- . .:\Ions, K nilworth: Mrs. M. A. .:\r u nson, Evanston; Mrs. Philip A. Horn, \\.ilmt'tt e; :\Irs. R. H. Ripley, \\"in n1·tka. "'t·ou can g-et complete information about KitchenAid and a copy of the instructive book, "Aladdin's Magic in tht: Kitchen,·· by mailing the co upon belo·w. --·----------------------u 'I'ht~. Kltelu~nAicl Sales Agency, ~llehlgan Bh·d., Ph. State 147'1 Chicago, Ill. Dept. N2 Please send me, without cost or obligation, a copy of "Aladdin's Magic in the Kitchen," and complete information about KitchenAid. Name ........................... . Address ..........·...··..··..·· · · fOil BURNER and II a REFRIGERATING (9~ Evanston ONCE SERVED-AL· WAYS SERVED It is invariably so, that when EXCEL ICE CREAM is served for the first time, the hostess never orders any other. tbere's a reason" 0 5 08 Davis Street \Ve will !ui·nish a service o! 'lt-g-ance and simply c·harg-e you for the actual values rt'Cl·ived. \Vc are well acq uainted with the undertaking business, :t111l ca.n assure you that none c·an ser·ve you better. Our prices are rig-ht. <1 ig-n ift«:d University 2132 E:X:CEL ICE CREAM CO. WARD & BUCHHOLZ Funeral Directors . KELVINATOR 1/ze Oldest Domestic Electric ~frigeration Incorporated 1566 ELMWOOD AVENUE Lady Assistant Private Ambulance 912 Chitago Ave. Ph. l fniv. 600 EVANSTON Phone Univ. 3087 Phone Wil. 3160 :;lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll·"'

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